The situation is not good, but the truth is that the scientist has a backup plan.

Judge is a cold-blooded character, as can be seen from the fact that he transformed his child.

In order to make Germa great again, he can sacrifice many things, including family affection.

Moreover, although he is arrogant at ordinary times, he is sincere when facing an absolute disadvantage.

At this time, the situation is quite unfavorable to Judge. He actually has the means to summon clone soldiers. How could scientists not have a backup plan?

But Judge did not act rashly. He had already recognized that Enel was the user of the Thunder Fruit. Facing thunder and lightning, no matter how many clone soldiers came, it would be useless.

Submission is his best choice now.

"Please don't hurt them anymore. We can talk it out." Judge said again.

These children are his trump cards, and he doesn't want to lose any of them.

"Mr. Judge, then please tell me, what's the matter with his discharge?"

After saying this, Enel couldn't help but shocked Niji again.

The lightning shocked Niji and made him tremble all over, but it didn't cause much damage to him.

"It's the bloodline factor transformation. I have transformed several children with bloodline factors, and Niji has been given the ability to discharge electricity by me." Judge answered Enel's question obediently.

"Bloodline factor?"

Obviously, this word touched Enel's blind spot in knowledge.

"Bloodline factor is also called "life design" and exists in all organisms. According to bloodline factor, not only can clone soldiers be created, but also human bodies can be transformed. Of course, transformation in the embryonic period is the easiest to succeed."

Judge paused and continued, "These children of mine are all masterpieces transformed by me using bloodline factor technology."

Enel did not comment on the word masterpiece, but Bardock was a little bit recognized. Compared with Caesar's inferior artificial devil fruit, Judge's results were already quite successful.

"Mr. Judge, do you know why we are looking for you?" Bardock asked.

Judge shook his head. He also wanted to know why.

Bardock said, "It's the bloodline factor technology! My partner has a research that requires mastering the bloodline factor technology. I heard that you used to be in a research team with Vegapunk. I can't contact Vegapunk, so I can only come to you."

"Asshole! Are you saying that I'm not as good as Vegapunk?" Judge was very angry that Bardock regarded him as a backup if Vegapunk couldn't be found.

"It doesn't matter. Bloodline factor technology, what does Mr. Judge say?" Bardock asked directly.

"Everything in Germa is based on bloodline factor technology. I won't give it to you easily." Although Judge didn't say it firmly, his refusal was obvious.

Bardock pointed at the three brothers who were knocked down, "Are these enough?"


Bardock pointed at Judge and Reiju, "What about you?"

Judge paused, and said, "It's still not enough."

"Well... How about this, I'll trade one of Vegapunk's secrets?" Bardock said patiently.

"What secret?" Judge asked with great curiosity.

"The secret of why Vegapunk is more powerful than all of you combined."

When Bardock said this, Judge was angry at first, then calmed down, "You're not saying it's because Vegapunk is a parahuman-type Brain-Brain Fruit user, are you?"

"Of course not, although the Brain-Brain Fruit has some effects, it's not the decisive factor. How about it? Trade?"

"Okay, as long as your answer satisfies me, I'll give you the information on the bloodline factor technology."

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