The enemy was in trouble.

Bardock kept his word and learned of Bagge's address from Wolfe, and then he controlled the White Dragon Horse to attack from the air.

When they descended from the sky and arrived directly in front of Bagge, Bagge was having a party with his brothers.

Most pirates are like this, either at a party or on the way to a party.

"Who are you bastards? Do you want to die?" Bagge stood up and glared at Bardock and the others.

When he saw the White Dragon Horse clearly, even though it was covered with wax at this time, this flying treasure ship still aroused Bagge's greed.

"It turned out that they sent the ship to me! Guys! Surround them!"

After saying that, he took the lead to surround the White Dragon Horse. I have to say, he is very brave.

Bag is a "dissolving man" who ate the drunken fruit, which can turn himself into liquid freely, and ordinary attacks are ineffective against him. This is his confidence.

In the North Sea, with such ability, as long as you don't provoke those very few people, you can almost walk sideways.

Bag is still safe and sound, and his luck is still good.

In addition, he can also emit "heart-melting light" from his eyes to make people enter a drunken state, thereby manipulating others. If the ability cannot be removed within 24 hours, the drunk person will "die of drunkenness".

The powerful ability makes Bag arrogant, but unfortunately, he will face sanctions this time.

Bardock didn't want to waste time here, nor did he want Luo to deal with the other party. He just released the domineering aura casually, and the pirate minions lost consciousness, leaving only Bag standing trembling.

"What tricks did you play? Why did they all fall down?" Bag shouted fiercely.

"How boring!"

A flash of lightning passed by, and Bagg only heard three words at the end, and then he felt a pain in his neck, and then he knew nothing.

"Take Bagg with you, take the spoils, and then notify the navy to clean up the mess." Bardock arranged.

"Okay, Captain."

Everyone did their job and soon returned to the ship.

Bagg and his crew were like most pirates, living a life of luxury, so they had no savings, and they didn't have any surprises. The White Dragon Horse returned home soon.

When Wolf saw Bagg handcuffed with seastone handcuffs, he was still a little shocked: it was too fast, only a few hours before and after, including the time for rushing on the way.

Wolfg had a complicated attitude towards his son Bagg. He knew that Bagg had learned bad things, but he always wanted to correct him, and even became a pirate for him for a while.

It was not until he found that Bagg was hopeless that Wolfg gave up on him and planned to develop a submarine to deal with Bagg.

Why did Vegapunk join the scientific research department of the World Government? Because there is enough money and a large number of people.

Wolfe was doing research alone, with a shortage of funds and no assistants. The research on submarines has only recently matured, but it will take a lot of time and money to produce a finished product.

Fortunately, Bardock has money, and spending money can save a lot of time. I believe it won't take long to transform the White Dragon Horse.

"Ro, it's your turn!" Bardock patted Law on the shoulder and said.

Law didn't waste any words, "room! Scalpel!"

He activated the power of the surgery fruit and slapped Bagg's chest with his palm.

A cube wrapped around the heart was knocked out. Law's heart moved, and the fruit power was activated again. The heart in the distance had appeared in his palm like teleportation, and the heart in the cube was still beating regularly.

On the other hand, Bagg's heart fell into Law's hand, still safe and sound.

This is the magic of the superhuman devil fruit.


The onlookers all exclaimed.

Bardock took the heart and gently applied force, and Bagg fell to the ground in pain, screaming in pain.

"As you can see, Mr. Wolfe, with this heart, if you don't want Bagg to do evil, he will have to follow your instructions. Although it is not from his heart, at least he will not hurt others.

As for the seastone handcuffs, they are my gift to you. If you can use the power of the devil fruit, it will be easy for him to deal with you.

How about it, Mr. Wolfe, are you satisfied?"

Bardock threw the heart to Wolfe, who caught it in a hurry and accidentally squeezed it hard. Bagg screamed again and rolled on the ground.

"Captain Bardock, the deal is done. I will go to sort out the information now, please let Luo come to help me." Wolfe already knew that Badak and Luo Luo had boarded the ship, and he could not stop it. He could only take advantage of now.

Tell him something.

Bardock nodded in agreement.

Wolfe took Law into the room, and he had a lot to tell him.

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