Time flies, and the submarine transformation of the White Dragon Horse is finally completed on this day.

A lot of things happened during this period: for example, treating the jade scales for Bonnie; treating the terminal illness for Hiluluk; Chopper helping Hiluluk study "cherry blossoms"; Wapol secretly returned once and found that Bardock and the others were still wandering on the sea...

At this time, the shape of the White Dragon Horse was very different. Unlike the submarine shape of the Polar Diver, the White Dragon Horse absorbed the shipbuilding technology of the Drum Kingdom and was a deformable ship with two regular modes: flying mode and diving mode.

The flying mode is consistent with the usual sea sailing shape, but the lines are smoother, the shape is more beautiful, and the speed is faster.

In diving mode, the hull deforms quickly, and the whole is like a shuttle. It is waterproof and has strong defense capabilities. The power relies on the electric-driven turbine. Even in the sea, the speed is not slow at all.

There is only one thing that Enelu is not satisfied with. The White Dragon Horse is no longer the color of the rich gold. His idea of ​​​​gilding the hull was opposed by everyone.

On the White Dragon Horse, a group of people gathered again.

"The transformation of the White Dragon Horse is completed, and the test is successful. Now, we will conduct a real deep-sea dive. Does anyone want to stay on the shore?" Bardock asked.

"Is it finally done! Great!"

"Captain, what are you talking about? How can I be left out of this kind of thing?"

"What is the seabed like? To be honest, I have never seen the scenery under the sea."

"Since I ate the devil fruit, I have never dived again."


No one wants to stay on the shore.

"In that case, everyone remember this location." Bardock pointed to a spot on the ship's blueprint, "This is the safety cabin. If there is a safety problem underwater, then everyone should move here as soon as possible.

This cabin can ensure everyone's safety. Luo, please pay attention. If an accident occurs, you may need to rescue others."

There are sea kings living on the seabed, and the Grand Line has all kinds of extreme weather. With a large group of devil fruit ability users on board, a safety cabin is indispensable.

Luo heard Bardock's arrangement and nodded in agreement. His "room" can achieve space transfer, and can take people directly to the safety cabin at a critical moment.

Bardock handed him such an important matter, which means that he has been integrated into the team. Luo is quite satisfied with this team.

"Now, everyone is familiar with the hull, and when the ship sails to the open sea, we will officially start diving."

Bardock finally said.

Everyone dispersed. The layout of the ship did not change much. The White Dragon Horse was big enough, and everyone had their own room. It was just because of the renovation that some special cabins were added, where small robots were on duty to ensure that there would be no problems.

When the White Dragon Horse arrived at the open sea, everyone gathered in the cabin again.

"Dive!" Bardock ordered. Enelu instantly increased the power, and the White Dragon Horse began to dive.

There were already batteries of the same type as the small robots on the ship, which could absorb the power released by Enelu and store energy, and other people could also operate the White Dragon Horse.

However, this time, Enelu was still the driver.

"Wow, is this the underwater scenery?"

"So beautiful! The school of fish is so spectacular!"

"Look! Is that a sea king?"


Through the pictures captured by the lens, everyone saw the scenery of the seabed on the screen. For most of them who are landlubbers, this scene is unforgettable.

The White Dragon Horse sailed and dived at the same time, and Bardock nodded with satisfaction, "Next, test the limit of diving."

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