The fog in the Devil's Triangle has a specific range. One moment, there is no sunlight, but the next moment, it is like entering another world - the world of light.

The White Dragon Horse rushed out of the fog, and everyone on the ship breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, staying in the Devil's Triangle for a long time is very depressing. Moria and the others can stay in it all the time. I have to say that their spirit is very tough. Not to mention Brook, who has been in it for more than 40 years.

On the deck, everyone came out to bask in the sun, which was a long-lost sunshine.

"Bardock, the next stop is the Sabaody Archipelago. Should we go directly to Fishman Island for coating, or stay in the Sabaody Archipelago for a while?"

Robin asked while drinking tea comfortably.

"The Sabaody Archipelago is a bit close to the Navy Headquarters, so we won't stay too long, but coating takes time. Before that, you can move freely." Bardock thought for a while and said.

"I heard that the Sabaody Archipelago has the most fun bubble Ferris wheel in the world. Is it true?" Perona asked with interest.

"Really? Really?" Chopper was immediately tempted.

Even the other young crew members looked at Bardock, Leo, and Mansherry curiously, because only Bardock and the other three had been to the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Ahem." Bardock coughed twice. "The Bubble Ferris Wheel in the Sabaody Archipelago is indeed very famous. Even the mermaids of Fishman Island dream of going ashore to play. And the Ferris Wheel is just one of the projects in the Bubble Amusement Park. If you are interested, you can go and have fun."

Bardock said as if he knew a lot, but in fact he had never been to the amusement park. At the beginning, he was busy improving his strength and didn't have a good time. This time is an opportunity.

"The bubbles in the Sabaody Archipelago are fun, but it's a pity that we only stayed for a short time." Leo said with some regret.

"Yes, there is also a shopping street, where there are goods from all over the world, and basically everything can be bought." Man Shirley added.

At this time, most people became interested and had greater expectations for the trip to the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Although the Sabaody Archipelago is beautiful and fun, it is not completely beautiful there." Bardock had to cool them down, so that they would not suffer losses on the island in ignorance.

"Sabaody Archipelago is one of the few places in the world with human auction venues and human markets, and the slave trade is a legitimate business there.

You can even see Celestial Dragons riding slaves on the streets. They do whatever they want there. With just one word, a beautiful woman will become their unknown 'wife', even if the woman already has a fiancé."

"Humph! Celestial Dragons..."

"Slaves? Hasn't the World Government banned the slave trade?"

"Yes, doesn't the Navy care?"

"Don't be ridiculous, how dare the World Government and the Navy care about Celestial Dragons' affairs, 'justice', it's really funny!"

"In addition to these, because it is the only way to Fishman Island, there are many pirates gathering in Sabaody Archipelago.

There are also many slave traders on the island, who like to catch pirates with bounties and sell them as slaves.

So, after arriving on the island, pirates, the Navy, and slave traders should be careful!"

Bardock said at last.

After speaking, everyone calmed down.

"Speaking of slaves, there is a slave ship over there with many slaves inside." Enelu pointed to the distance and said.

"Oh? That's a coincidence. Chase it! Free the slaves! Feed the slave traders to the fish!" Bardock commanded from the bow.

The White Dragon Horse immediately adjusted its direction and began to chase the slave ship ahead.

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