The enemy was in a hurry to get out of the water.

"Damn it! They ran away!"

"Damn pirates, how dare they... how dare they..."

"Okay, save people first."

The White Dragon Horse was too fast, and even the most advanced naval warships could not catch up with the White Dragon Horse. They could only rescue the injured navy and the navy that had fallen into the water on the sinking warship.

To be honest, when they heard that they were not going to continue the pursuit, but stop to rescue, many navy officers breathed a sigh of relief.

Look at that warship, look at those wounded, how much salary is it? What's the point of playing with your life? Let the generals deal with this kind of enemy!

Akainu's ship arrived late. When he learned that Bardock and his men had broken through, he didn't say much. The magma dripping from his body showed his inner restlessness.

Not long after, Sengoku's Den Den Mushi called.

"Sakaski, they ran away, didn't they?"

"Just lost them temporarily. I believe they will definitely go to Fishman Island. Marshal Sengoku, I apply to go to Fishman Island to capture them..."

"Enough! Sakaski! Come back first!"

Sengoku quickly hung up the Den Den Mushi.

There was a reason why Sengoku disagreed with Akainu. The Ryugu Kingdom on Fishman Island was a member of the World Government. It was not a trivial matter for the admiral of the navy to enter. Moreover, in the deep sea below 10,000 meters, Akainu's magma fruit ability was greatly affected.

If he had to send someone to Fishman Island to hunt down Bardock and his men, Sengoku would choose Garp or Aokiji, but both of them were not at the Navy Headquarters at this time.

After thinking about it, Sengoku first called Morgans, the "big news", and warned him not to report the Sabaody Archipelago indiscriminately.

The admiral of the navy cannot have any stain, and the failure of the expedition must not be spread to the sea. How to cover up the Sabaody Archipelago with the Spring and Autumn style is Morgans' business, and he is very familiar with this kind of thing.

Morgans was so angry that he jumped up and down, and it was a pity that this big news that could attract the attention of the world. In other words, he was a little slow and did not have time to make the rice cooked, and was warned by Sengoku's phone call. However, he was a little firmer. There is always big news about Bardock, and he should pay special attention to it.

Sengoku called Jinbei the second time, asking him to fulfill his duties as a Shichibukai and capture Bardock and his gang on Fishman Island.

Aladdin answered the Den Den Mushi, and he said that Jinbei was not there for the time being and would make a decision after Jinbei came back.

Sengoku broke a table because of this. Pirates are really unreliable.

Next, Sengoku made many other arrangements, and he was very busy.

Jinbei was not in Fishman Island, he came to Sabaody Archipelago.

However, he came at an inopportune time, the White Dragon Horse had already left, and Akainu followed.

However, Jinbei was lucky, he met Rayleigh who came secretly.

Rayleigh knew that Bardock had made an appointment with Jinbei, so he pointed out the direction where the White Dragon Horse left.

Looking at Jinbei's figure going away, Rayleigh was very touched. Bardock was the most cautious pirate he had ever seen. He had to bring the best guide to Fishman Island. He was completely different from Roger.

Jinbei was very fast in the sea, and with the help of fish, he quickly found Bardock and his friends.

In fact, after Bardock and his friends got rid of the navy, they did not go far away, but wandered in the distance of Sabaody Archipelago.

They were worrying about how to notify Jinbei? Jinbei came, and everything went smoothly as if with the help of God.

The coating is complete, the personnel are all present, the guide is in place, no need to say, dive.

Luffy and his crew are really very casual. They know that more than 70% of the ships are destroyed on the way to Fishman Island, but they still dive directly in the mangroves. With so many tree roots, they are not afraid of breaking the coating of the ship.

Moreover, their journey was extremely dangerous. They only relied on their status as the protagonist to reach Fishman Island safely.

Under Jinbei's guidance, the White Dragon Horse began to dive at a sea surface.

Then, there was no danger all the way until they saw Fishman Island under the glory of the Sun Tree Eve.

"Wow, is this Fishman Island?"

"It's so beautiful, like a dream."

"Incredible, there is still light in the 10,000-meter deep sea."


Jinbei was very satisfied with everyone's performance, "Everyone, welcome to Fishman Island."

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