The world government is a huge organization formed by more than 170 countries in various seas around the world. Among these more than 170 countries, 50 powerful countries will be selected every four years as representatives to attend the quadrennial world conference. The Kingdom of Ilucia is a powerful country in the West Sea that can participate in the world conference. King Xiuenda Lucas is a very capable person.

After a period of sailing, Bardock and his four companions finally arrived at the port of the Kingdom of Ilucia.

"Captain, is your home in this country?"

"Yes, it is in this country, in this port city. Come with me."

"Wait a minute, Bardock, I will disguise myself."

Robin called Bardock and hurried back to the cabin.

"Well, all right. Leo, Mansherry, you guys come up."

Bardock patted his shoulders and motioned the two friends to come up to his shoulders.

"Captain, is it okay? Our appearance will cause a lot of trouble."

"It doesn't matter. There are not many people in the West Sea that I can be afraid of. And you will show up sooner or later, and now is the right time."

One punch to open the door, to avoid a hundred punches. Bardock's idea is exactly this. Although he doesn't want to be famous now, he doesn't want to be provoked often. If someone comes up because of Leo and Mansherry, he will just become the chicken that he kills to scare the monkeys.

Robin came out soon. From Bardock's perspective, there are some changes but not much, but most people in the pirate world are face-blind. For example, Leo was surprised by Robin's disguise.

"Robin, I will become stronger as soon as possible. Then you can appear in front of everyone openly without hiding anything."

"Okay, I understand, Bardock."

Robin was touched. It felt good to have someone to rely on.

"Let's go home."

Bardock led a few people to the original body's home.

"Is that the dwarfs? Do dwarfs really exist?"

"Look, they're looking over here. They're not dolls, they're real dwarfs."

"Look, he's making faces at me, so cute."

"That dwarf girl is the cutest, she's quiet and gentle, like a princess."

"Princess? Have you seen a princess, you?"

"Who said I haven't? The last time the princess went out, the wind blew open the curtains, and I saw her from a distance."



"That boy looks like Bardock. Didn't his family encounter a shipwreck?"

"That's right, he's so lucky to be able to come back alive."

"Now there's something interesting to watch."

The onlookers watched the excitement and quickly dispersed. Only a few people exchanged glances, two continued to follow Bardock, and the others left quickly.

In this city, there is a very special house. It is grand and luxurious. It is one of the best in the rich area, but it is located in the slum, which is a dilapidated and dirty place.

It is said that the poor and homeless here should disturb the residents inside, but they don’t. Not only that, the poor also keep a large area around the house clean and sanitary. It’s just because the underground king of this city, the brutal Oliver, lives here.

Oliver was once a poor man, but he was brave, skillful, and good at fighting. He soon became a leader in the local gang Night Wolf Gang.

Later, the foreign gang Fang Gang invaded, and the two sides fought. Oliver made many military exploits, his status continued to rise, and he soon became a high-level. But the high-level is his limit, and the seats above are already full.

Once, the Fang Gang somehow got the place where the high-level Night Wolf Gang held a secret meeting, and almost wiped out the high-level Night Wolf Gang. Only Oliver, who was leading the battle outside, escaped. He quickly rose to power, led by example, beat back the Fang Gang, and killed the leader of the Fang Gang. After that, the Fang Gang did not invade again for many years, and Oliver began to recuperate, eliminate dissidents, and promote his own people to power. It didn't take long for him to completely control the Night Wolves.

His house was built in the slums, and the headquarters of the Night Wolves was also located here. On the one hand, it was to remind him of his origins, which meant returning home in glory; on the other hand, it was also to prevent sneak attacks.

Usually, he gave some insignificant benefits to the surrounding poor people. They were Oliver's eyes. No one could sneak in silently, let alone surround this place, not to mention that he had planted his own people among the poor.

Oliver was smoking a cigar in the luxurious study at this moment. He was not a person who coveted comfort, but

When he was alone, he liked to smoke cigars, which helped him think.

"Knock, knock."

There was a knock on the door, and Oliver recalled his thoughts, "Come in."

"Boss, the subordinates reported that the son of the merchant who went to sea more than half a year ago is back. He is the one who mortgaged the company and borrowed a lot of money. It is said that they encountered a shipwreck."

"Then send someone to collect the debt. It is only natural to pay back debts."

Oliver no longer remembers this incident. This kind of thing happens every now and then, and most of them end in tragedy.

"Boss, the boy also brought back two dwarfs. The Viscount sent someone to send them over."

"Dwarfs are rare. In this case, forget it. Anyway, the mortgaged company can make money. Do it cleanly for me!"

Oliver waved his hand after speaking.

"Yes, boss."

The subordinates bowed and retreated, not daring to disturb Oliver again.

Bardock stopped in front of a villa in the rich area. This was the home of his original body. The house was still the same house, but the people were no longer the same people. He found the key from a hidden place and opened the door. Everything was just as he remembered, except that it had been uninhabited for more than half a year. The furniture was covered with dust and the house smelled musty.

"Bardock, let's clean up."

Robin's words made Bardock take his attention back. Yes, the original body relied on him to cross over and continue his life. How could other people have such good luck? Moreover, if he really opened the door and saw that the parents of the original body were both there, that would be uncomfortable. Bardock still didn't know whether he was reincarnated or reborn.

"Well, okay. I'll go buy some necessities. You guys can just walk around."

Several people cleaned up, especially with the help of Robin, the house was cleaned up quickly. The furniture was dusted, the floor was cleaned, the quilt was taken out to dry, and the sheets and quilt covers were replaced with new ones.

"Today, to thank you for your help, I decided to use my unique skills to prepare a sumptuous meal."

"Oh, a feast! A feast! I want seafood, Captain."

"A feast! A feast! I want dessert, Captain."

"Then I'll have salad and grilled meat."

"No problem, leave it to me, please come in, guests."

Just as Bardock and his friends were enjoying the food, the Night Wolves' actions began to unfold.

"Have you seen this photo? Our target is him."

The men who reported to Oliver cautiously during the day now looked superior, "This boy is dealt with cleanly, and the two little people must be brought back. As for the remaining girls, bring them back if you can, otherwise get rid of them. They live in the rich area, so we must do it cleanly! Do you understand?"


"Wait until midnight to start the action. Now it's time to eat and rest, but you can't drink and leave here. Disband!"


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