The mortar was eaten, and the mortar was eaten.

Wapol picked up the blueprint. He didn't quite understand the various parameters, but he could still understand the images. Then he ate all the weapons one by one.

Bardock waited quietly. During this time, he expected Wapol to resist. After all, there were some hot weapons that people thought were powerful among those weapons. But Wapol was very calm and didn't make any small movements. Finally, he took out the finished product from his stomach.

Bardock reached out and picked up the stick. This was the size he designed based on his adult height. He played with it in his giant hand, like a human playing with a chopstick.

Wapol saw the big hand like a city gate and was very glad that he didn't act rashly. Otherwise, even if he hurt the other party, he would not be able to survive.

Bardock weighed it and found it was of acceptable weight. He used all his strength and the stick was bent a little. He was quite satisfied with its strength. After a short while, the bent stick became straight again. Bardock flicked his finger and the sound was clear and complete.

"Everything else is fine. The pattern needs to be changed. Change the hoops at both ends to gold. Do this, this, this..."

After doing this three times, Bardock was finally satisfied. He threw a 50-Beli coin in front of Wapol. The value of a Chopper was not low.

"The money is paid! I hope you know better. You don't want me to come to you again!"

After saying the last sentence, Bardock jumped up, the ground shook, and he flew to the port on his cloud.

Wapol stabilized his body, and when he was sure that Bardock had left, he was furious. He picked up the fifty Beli thrown by Bardock and was about to throw it out, but stopped at the end. He swallowed Bailey, and when he took it out of his stomach, it had become a ring. After putting on the ring, Wapol decided to remember the shame.

Jace and Cro-Malimon were still asleep, and Wapol was furious, "Jace, Cro-Malimon, it's all because you are too useless. From today on, train well for me! And Dalton, that idiot, if he is not still useful, I really want to put him in jail!"

While kicking the two lackeys, Wapol imagined that he was chatting and laughing with the other party under the protection of his men, and his anger was mostly gone.

As for reporting to the World Government and asking the Navy to send out, he didn't dare, because firstly, he didn't look at the other party from beginning to end, and secondly, the other party's last sentence was simply a clear threat.

When it comes to bullying the weak and fearing the strong, he, Wapol, is a professional. Unconsciously, Wapol's chest became more upright.

But Bardock, after getting away from Wapol, turned back into human form, stroked the golden hoop, and felt very satisfied. This golden cudgel doesn't look big, but it is made of many weapons, including several cannons, and its weight is considerable. Bardock waved it from time to time, and it was really heroic.

Unfortunately, his human form was less than two meters at this time, so it was not very convenient to use. It was expected that he would grow to about three meters in height before he could use it as he wished. He turned into an orc again, and this time it was just right. The golden cudgel was full of power.

Back on the ship, Bardock showed everyone the new weapon. Daz Bonis made several serious slashes at the golden cudgel, and the slashes that could cut gold and jade could slightly scratch the stick.

However, the golden cudgel has the characteristic of form memory, so even if it was scratched, it would recover in a few seconds. The question now is, if it is broken, can it recover?

Bardock thought about it and decided to forget it. If someone could cut the golden cudgel with his armed color domineering blessing, he would not be able to see the stick recover.

The White Dragon Horse set sail and began to move towards the next island, which was Alabasta, known as the "Desert Country". It was a superpower in the first half of the Grand Line, with an area of ​​more than 10 million square kilometers.

This can be ranked second on Earth, but in this world, it is just an island country on the Grand Line. The Grand Line is much narrower than the Four Seas. Is this planet bigger than Earth?

"Bardock, you said that Alabasta has historical texts. Is that true?"

Robin was a little nervous. He was looking forward to finding the historical texts, but he was also worried that the World Government would find out that they were looking for the historical texts. If he was not careful, he would implicate his partners, but he must not forget O'Hara's will.

"Yes, and it's about ancient weapons. It's quite boring. I just talked about the whereabouts of the weapons, but I couldn't get them..."

The ancient weapon Pluto is guarded by Teacher Kai in Wano Country. Who can take away the most evil battleship quietly under the eyes of the beasts? Original time and space Croc

Dahl has been fighting for twenty years. If he knew that he had to snatch the ancient weapon from Kaido in the end, I wonder if he would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

"Stop, stop talking. I will refuse spoilers from you and me."

Robin hurriedly stopped Bardock. If she continued, she would lose the desire to explore the ancient history.

"Okay, anyway, you can see it with your own eyes this time. Alabasta itself is nothing to be afraid of. There are 600,000 standing troops, but there are not many strong ones. The only trouble is Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. This person's strength fluctuates. It's better to avoid contact if you can."

Bardock is not worried about fighting with Crocodile, but the natural system has a characteristic that the scene is magnificent and the fighting is very noisy.

Moreover, the 20-year-old Crocodile can tie with the 19-year-old Barrett, but lost to Luffy, a young man. After waiting for a short period of time in the city of Pushing Fort, he instantly became the most dazzling cub in the war on the top. No matter if you are a sea gangster, a navy admiral or the world's number one swordsman, I will stop you and you will never achieve your goal. Just like when he fought with Luffy, he was poisoned by a kind of poison called "movie version".

Fighting with such a person is not only useless, but also very troublesome.

Since Chopper joined, the atmosphere on the ship has become more lively, and the atmosphere of joy is overflowing outside the ship.

He is really a partner who is easy to satisfy. He is happy when there are delicious food for him to eat. He is happy when there are fun things to play with him. Even if Robin teaches him, he is happy. In just a few days, his math progress is faster than Leo.

Leo had no choice but to continue learning multiplication and division. He originally planned to learn only addition and subtraction.

After four days of sailing on the sea, on the fifth day, they finally saw the Saint Ting Island where the Kingdom of Alabasta is located.

Rapeseed Port, an important port city in Alabasta, is rich in perfume. Because it is a port, it is often attacked by pirates.

After Crocodile settled in the Kingdom of Alabasta, this phenomenon has improved. As long as the pirates are not too brainless, they will not provoke the sand crocodile in the desert.

The White Dragon Horse was docked at the port. As expected of a country with 600,000 standing troops, the port's security was very sufficient. It was just that there were too few strong men. Otherwise, the strength of the Kingdom of Alabasta itself would be enough to deter foreign pirates.

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