After leaving Fishman Island, Chen Chuan and his party stood on the battleship and made plans for the next step.

To enter the New World, the first step is to find an island as the base of the organization.

At this time, Doflamingo, who has always had a low sense of presence since Chen Chuan defeated Kaido, suddenly spoke from the back.


"When we get to the New World, of course we'll go to my territory, Boss, go to my Dressrosa, there, you'll be the new king!"

After hearing Doflamingo's words, Chen Chuan nodded lightly.

After all, in the New World, Mingge's intelligence network is more complete.

Hawkeye has always been a loner.

In comparison, Dressrosa is indeed better.

In addition, Dressrosa is under the cruel control of Doflamingo, the underground emperor, and the residents of the country are also living in dire straits.

Now with the arrival of Chen Chuan, it is time for the suffering of the people to end...

Soon, the battleship left Fishman Island and rushed to the sea surface. While raising waves, the battleship floated on the sea surface, which also symbolized that Chen Chuan and others had truly arrived in the new world!

The new world was divided by the four emperors!

And now, with the arrival of Chen Chuan, it will surely cause another shock!

Standing on the battleship, everyone drove towards the location of Dressrosa.


Half a day passed in a flash. Under the rapid running of the battleship under their feet, Chen Chuan and his party were unimpeded and soon arrived at the outskirts of the sea area of ​​Dressrosa.

Dressrosa, the kingdom of toys.

Under the control of Doflamingo, many unknown dark transactions are being run.

In this regard, as Chen Chuan and his party entered the palace, under Chen Chuan's order.

Although Doflamingo was reluctant in his heart, he finally called on his men to restore those humans who had been turned into toys.

With the arrival of Chen Chuan, the whole country seemed to have undergone a huge reform!

As for King Riku, who was originally forced to step down, after learning the true identity of Chen Chuan and abolishing Doflamingo's dark rule as soon as he came to power.

He didn't say anything more and handed the country over to Chen Chuan with confidence.

And now, with Chen Chuan's arrival in the new world.

As time passed, a latest report about Chen Chuan spread throughout the world again.

The day before Chen Chuan entered the new world!

On a small island in the waters near the Sabaody Archipelago.

An unprecedented battle about the Five Emperors Chen Chuan took place.

The Four Emperors of the New World, the Admiral of the Beasts Pirates, Kaido, descended on the Sabaody Archipelago and fought a fierce battle with the newly promoted Fifth Emperor Chen Chuan!

The battle between the two emperors was earth-shattering!

The scope was so large that it affected all the nearby sea areas within a thousand meters!

The island where the two of them fought was also affected until it finally sank into the sea completely!

And in this news report.

It was also published for the first time about the battle form of the Four Emperors Kaido, which turned out to be a thousand-meter-long ferocious blue dragon!

Not only that, the Fifth Emperor Chen Chuan even summoned a light blue giant that was a hundred meters high!

The powerful means of both sides once again shocked the world!

It was too terrifying, it was completely the power to destroy the world!

And the final battle result once again shocked the world!

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking!

The Four Emperors Kaido, defeated!

The Fifth Emperor Chen Chuan reached the top, and the bounty amount was increased again!

The bounty reached 5 billion, and he was praised as the strongest man in the world after the death of the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

The strongest man in the new world! The most evil man!

This report once again made Chen Chuan's name resound throughout the world.

The continuous major reports also made the name Chen Chuan completely imprinted in the deepest minds of countless people!

At the same time, the holy land Marijoa.

In a luxurious and luxurious room, several five elders were sitting on chairs, discussing countermeasures.

"Chen Chuan, the most evil man, has improved so fast! Even the strongest creature in the new world, Kaido, was defeated by him!" The bearded five elders looked extremely gloomy.

It started from the first time Chen Chuan killed the Celestial Dragon in the Sabaody Archipelago.

It's probably been less than a month.

The strength and identity of that guy have achieved a qualitative leap!

Until now,

Even those guys in the New World were defeated by him!

The growth rate of that guy is really too terrifying!

Even they felt a chill deep in their hearts.

"Defeated the old Four Emperors Kaido? Since the death of Whitebeard, that guy has become the new 'Whitebeard'..."

"I'm afraid he doesn't want to be Whitebeard..." Saint Geralcia said coldly.

Chen Chuan's attitude towards their world government is not as easy-going as Whitebeard.

Dare to openly declare it to the world in the war on the top.

The guy who declared war on their world government has ambitions that are not just to play some family games in the New World...

What's more, that guy is still very young.

In time, I'm afraid he will become the next Rocks!

When the Five Elders heard this, their faces condensed.

Thinking of Chen Chuan, I couldn't help but feel a sense of worry in my heart!

After a short silence,

The bearded Five Elders said in a deep voice: "Lord Yimu has already given the order, and the plan over there has been almost prepared, as long as the prophesied devil fruit can be obtained."

"Everything in the world will be restarted again, and the wait of a hundred years will be fulfilled!"

"As for the kid named Chen Chuan, when necessary, we can order the guy in the new world to assist us and besiege him together!"

"After all, it is what he should do with such blood."

A series of words, and everyone nodded lightly.

"Yes, the wait of hundreds of years will finally be completed in this era."

"Under the leadership of Lord Yimu, the world will finally enter a new era."

"It's time to let the guys outside see who is in charge of this world..."


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