The old man was very young, and the old man was very young.

"What? Seventeen years old? Mastering the top three colors of domineering?!"

This time, Garp was really shocked!

With such talent and strength, even the current three admirals, Sakaski, Kuzan and others have never reached such strength at the age of seventeen!

"Are you sure it's seventeen?" Garp confirmed again.

"Yes, that guy said it himself, and the ID shows that he is indeed seventeen years old."

Zhan Guo nodded solemnly.

After seeing the introduction in the report, even he, who was quite knowledgeable, was extremely shocked.

A person who can cultivate such terrifying strength and master the top three colors of domineering at the age of seventeen!

Definitely a genius among geniuses!

With such talent, plus his age of only seventeen, if he is well trained in the future, he can definitely become the backbone of the navy!

He is a real existence that can hold up the sky!

Even the Five Emperors Chen Chuan who has been making a lot of noise recently and has been in the limelight in the war on the top is no more than this.

"Young people nowadays are like monsters..." Garp said with emotion.

First it was Chen Chuan, and now there is Field.

The two are of similar age, and even the strength they show is almost the same, which is really surprising.

"Garp, you say..."

"Could this kid be the Five Emperors Chen Chuan pretending to be?"

Suddenly, Zhan Guo thought of a possibility and asked Garp.

The two are of similar age, both have top-level three-color domineering, and have not shown the ability of the devil fruit. Such similar behavior can't help but remind Zhan Guo of an idea.

Could it be that guy named Chen Chuan, pretending to be here?

Want to take this opportunity to sneak into the Navy's headquarters!

Hearing this, Garp frowned slightly. "It shouldn't be possible. That kid shouldn't be so brave."

"Besides, why would he sneak into our Navy? Now the government has ordered to catch him all over the world."

"He ran up by himself, wouldn't he be walking into a trap?"

Garp's words made Zhan Guo nod lightly: "That's true, but, Garp, the name Field reminds me of a guy many years ago..."

"Are you talking about the Red Earl, Barrorick Redfield?"

Garp pondered for a moment and spoke after hearing this.

"Yes, that guy, a person who makes my scalp tingle when I think of him now..."

Zhan Guo sighed slightly.

Hearing Zhan Guo's words, Garp's eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of reminiscence.

‘The Lone Red’, the Red Count, Barrorick Dreifeld, was once a powerful pirate who lived in the same era as Roger, Whitebeard, Garp, Golden Lion, Sengoku and others!

Extremely powerful! A super strong man who can be on par with Roger and Whitebeard alone!

“That guy seems to have been captured by you, right?” Sengoku suddenly interrupted Garp’s thoughts.

Hearing this, Garp waved his hand lightly.

"When I arrived, that guy had already completely lost his fighting power. In the battle with Cyborg, he and Cyborg seemed to have fought to a draw, and both were exhausted."

Zhan Guo nodded, then sighed and continued: "Although he was captured and imprisoned in the sixth floor of Impel Down for so many years, some time ago, after Chen Chuan made a big fuss in Impel Down."

"The entire sixth floor was completely destroyed. I don't know how many pirates died in that riot. I heard from the jailers inside that the Red Earl seemed to be dead, but his body was not found."

Hearing this, Garp also nodded lightly.

If that kind of guy escapes, it will definitely be a huge trouble.

"Compared to these, Zhan Guo, who do you think is better in the battle between Kuzan and Sakaski..."


At the same time, Punk Hazard Island.

Two tall and upright figures stood thousands of meters apart, looking at each other from afar!

The cold sea breeze blew past, bringing with it waves of desolation.

At this moment, there was no one else on the island.

The two people standing on the island,

both wearing navy justice cloaks, with murderous expressions on their faces, staring at each other seriously.

"Kuzan, the government has agreed to let me be the new admiral of the navy, why are you still fighting with me."

Akainu's body was emitting a fiery breath of fire, and his body, which had been fully recovered, was

His body burst out with a strong fighting spirit again, and he questioned the man in front of him with a resolute face.

On the other side, Admiral Aokiji of the Navy.

After recovering from his injuries, he showed a hint of indifference on his face after hearing Akainu's words.

"Sakaski, the O'Hara incident made me puzzled by the justice you believe in. I don't understand what is absolute and what is evil. You and I have different ideas!"

"I will not give you the position of marshal!"

Aokiji changed his previous laziness and said to Sakaski in front of him in a cold voice.

During the O'Hara incident, Akainu ordered the bombardment of the refugee ship, which made Aokiji remember it vividly. Whenever he thinks of it, the screams of the refugees seem to still ring in his ears!

He, who was originally at odds with Akainu, would never agree to Akainu taking the position of the Navy Marshal!

With his absolute justice concept, if he is allowed to ascend to the position of Admiral of the Navy, who knows how many wars will happen and how many people will be sacrificed!

Seeing Aokiji change his abnormal attitude, he is extremely determined.

Akainu's face can't help but show a hint of coldness. Since the other party wants to stop him, he can only take action...

The hot magma rolled and flowed, permeating Akainu's whole body, and the aura around him suddenly rose at the same time. Under the terrifying burning of the magma, the temperature around him increased a lot in an instant!

The magma dripped down, and the earth was also burned with small holes!

On the other side, seeing Akainu's ability activated, the momentum was amazing!

Aokiji was not to be outdone, and a cold and icy breath rushed straight to his forehead. As the cold air rose, the temperature around him also dropped sharply in an instant.

Magma and ice covered both sides of the island!

The power was so great that it even changed the surrounding temperature and ecological changes!

After a brief period of magma energy condensation, Akainu did not hold back at all. Akainu's magma was churning endlessly. The next second, Akainu's right arm turned into a terrifying magma fist several meters tall!

"Big fire!" With a low roar, the magma fist rushed towards Aokiji with great force!

Seeing this scene, Aokiji's eyes were cold!

The extremely cold icy breath suddenly appeared on his body, and the cold air also condensed on Aokiji's arm.

In the blink of an eye, a giant ice bird with a body made of ice crystals and a length of tens of meters suddenly appeared in the air.

"Exploding Pheasant Mouth!" A low shout was heard.

The ice bird cried loudly, spread its wings and flew up, bringing up waves of ice crystals, and went straight to Akainu's terrifying magma fist.


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