The enemy was killed, and the enemy was killed.

The Fifth Emperor Chen Chuan is here with his men!!

As soon as these words came out, the Black Charcoal Snake stayed where he was, listening to everything in front of him in disbelief.

"What did you say?!!"

While roaring, the snake threw the charming woman in his arms out, ran to the person who reported it, grabbed his collar, and asked loudly.

Isn't the Fifth Emperor Chen Chuan on Ghost Island? !

Why did he run to his own Wano Country...

While puzzled, after confirming from his subordinates that the person coming was the newly promoted Fifth Emperor Chen Chuan, the Black Charcoal Snake's face immediately became flustered.

After all, Chen Chuan is a powerful existence who can even defeat the Four Emperors Kaido!

And now, the other party suddenly came to Wano Country, what is the reason...

After a brief panic, Kurozumi Orochi thought that he had not offended the Five Emperors Chen Chuan in any way, so he was not so scared.

Later, I will give him more benefits.

Pirates... Isn't it all about treasure!

And Kurozumi Orochi has a lot of money. He has the entire Wano Country as a treasury behind him, and the least lacking is treasure.

Thinking of this, Kurozumi Orochi calmed down his panic and tidied his clothes.

Then he walked towards the outside of the room.

On the other side, Chen Chuan and his party quickly arrived at the central area of ​​Wano Country. Except for showing some tricks when they just entered the city, Chen Chuan and his party were extremely low-key.

But having said that, the sudden appearance of a group of people still attracted the attention of many people.

Looking at the crowd of onlookers around, Rayleigh behind Chen Chuan had a slightly condensed look. Rayleigh also found something wrong on the way he had just walked.

"Chen Chuan, why are these people laughing all the time..."

Hearing Rayleigh's words, Chen Chuan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He naturally knew what the situation was with these civilians who always kept smiling.

These guys are all failed experiments of artificial devil fruits!

Because of the side effects of the fruit, after being forced to eat artificial devil fruits, these poor civilians not only did not get the power of the devil fruit, but became landlubbers one by one!

Not only that, they couldn't even control their smiles!

Whether eating, sleeping, or even when their loved ones died,

They could only maintain one expression, that is, laughing and laughing wildly!

Imagine that when your loved ones were killed in the street, you could only turn into a sarcastic laugh under the extreme grief and tears. In that situation, just thinking about it makes people collapse and angry!

Chen Chuan was silent.

At this time, Doflamingo behind Rayleigh pondered for a moment, and then introduced to Rayleigh and others that these people became like this because they ate the artificial devil fruit researched by Kaido.

After understanding the cause and effect of the matter, even with Rayleigh's calm personality.

At this moment, a trace of anger flashed across his face. "These bastards, aren't they playing with and trampling on human lives!!"

Although the words came from the mouth of a big pirate, the fact is indeed so!

The people of Wano Country are under the dark rule of Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido.

It can be said that

They live in dire straits every day!

And because it is located in the territory of the Four Emperors of the New World, and Wano Country has been closed for many years, the World Government has also abandoned this country long ago.

Until now,

It has become the miserable scene it is today!

Fujitora, who is not good at speaking, can't hold back the sword on his waist at this moment!

With the sound of clanging,

Fujitora wished he could go to the palace right now and kill the hateful Kurozumi Orochi!

He was kindhearted, especially to the ordinary citizens of the world!

He was called merciful justice!

And now,

After learning about the tragic experience of the residents of Wano Country.

Fujitora's anger had already reached its peak!

At the same time, while the group was thinking,

Suddenly, not far from Chen Chuan and others,

Kurozumi Orochi led a group of men and slowly came to Chen Chuan and his group.

As soon as Kurozumi Orochi appeared, the surrounding civilians immediately showed a look of horror. Obviously, they were very afraid of the person in front of them!

As soon as they met, Kurozumi Orochi had a hypocritical expression on his face.

"The legendary Five Emperors, finally today.

It's a pleasure to meet you!"

While praising Chen Chuan, Kurozumi Orochi introduced himself to Chen Chuan, "I am Kurozumi Orochi, the general of this country, and welcome to Wano Country. "

After the introduction, the black charcoal snake said that he would hold a state banquet for Chen Chuan and his party,

while he was still trying to get close to Chen Chuan and others.

And from time to time, he casually told Chen Chuan that he had prepared drinks, food, and some beauties for Chen Chuan and others, hoping to win them over.

Hearing this, Chen Chuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes were sharp, and he didn't say anything.

As for Rayleigh, Fujitora and others around him, the coldness in their eyes had already reached the extreme!

As long as Chen Chuan gave an order, they killed the snake in front of them!

At the same time, just as Chen Chuan's eyes flashed and he was about to make a move, a little girl among the surrounding civilians suddenly stood up and walked straight towards Chen Chuan.

The little hand grabbed tightly Chen Chuan's trouser legs.

The little girl was about three or four years old, very thin, and looked a little malnourished, only as tall as Chen Chuan's calves.

Her parents, who were kneeling tightly beside her, were even more anxious after seeing the little girl's actions, and their faces showed extreme panic and fear!

"No... don't..." The little girl's mother was about to get up, but was pulled back by the man next to her.

In this country, the consequences of offending the black charcoal snake are no less serious than offending the Celestial Dragons! !


The black charcoal snake is the Celestial Dragon of this country!

Even worse than that!

At this time, the little girl's actions also attracted the attention of Chen Chuan, the black charcoal snake and others.

The little girl tightly grabbed Chen Chuan's trouser legs and said timidly, "Big brother, are you a bad person too?"

"Mom said that people who stay with the big bad guy over there are all bad people! "

While saying this, the little girl pointed at the black charcoal snake beside her, which made the black charcoal snake very angry. He immediately ordered to capture the little girl and her parents and publicly execute them!

The person behind her moved violently, and the little girl's body immediately shook in shock!

She quickly hid behind Chen Chuan's calf.

Seeing this scene, Chen Chuan couldn't help but smile warmly, floated down slightly, and gently picked up the little girl beside him. Then he gave a cold order to Rayleigh, Fujitora and others behind him!

"Take action, and don't spare anyone!"

The cold words fell lightly.

Accompanied by the fear and screams of the black charcoal snake and others behind him, Chen Chuan covered the little girl's ears and eyes, and slowly left.


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