The battle was won, and the battle was over.

Kaido in the form of a dragon man rushed straight, and he knocked Chen Chuan down heavily with one stick.

The terrifying impact force spread, and it shook the entire ghost island a little!

The huge movement that broke out on Chen Chuan's side also made Rayleigh and others who were fighting on the other side couldn't help but shift their sights.

Rayleigh narrowed his eyes slightly,

and took a deep look at the direction where Chen Chuan fell.

After seeing that it was Chen Chuan who was shot down, his pupils shrank, and he became a little worried.

Suffering such a heavy blow head-on, coupled with the joint attack of two Four Emperors at the same time,

Can Chen Chuan really handle it...


"Damn it, facing the joint attack of two Four Emperors, even if the leader is strong, it may be difficult..."

"There are too many of these guys."

"No! I have to help the leader!"

Hawkeye, Lao Sha and others saw Chen Chuan being shot into the deep pit, and they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

As the emperors of the sea, Kaido and Big Mom have reached the peak of this world!

What's more, now they are both attacking at the same time!

Besiege Chen Chuan together!

"Hahaha! You ignorant fellow dared to challenge Lord Kaido!"

"Even if he is one of the Five Emperors, it is useless in front of the absolute strength of Lord Kaido and Lord BIG·MAM!"

"Today, you will pay the price for your arrogance!"

"The majesty of the emperor should not be provoked!!"


At the same time,

After knocking Chen Chuan away, Kaido in the form of a dragon suddenly landed in front of BIG·MAM, panting slightly. It was obvious that the previous fight with Chen Chuan, who had opened the Eight Gates, also made him very uncomfortable.

And now, Kaido and BIG·MAM stood side by side, and both focused their eyes on the direction where Chen Chuan fell.

Both of them fought Chen Chuan in their strongest form!

At the same time, on the other side.

While Rayleigh and others were distracted, Katakuri, Jin and others were inspired by the battle situation on Kaido's side, and their fighting spirit soared to the limit!

They all burst out in their strongest forms and attacked Rayleigh and his party, although Rayleigh and his party were relatively strong individually.

Even Rayleigh, Hawkeye, Fujitora and others were as powerful as the admirals of the navy, but fortunately, the Twin Emperors Pirates had a large number of people and their cadres were also very capable.

The battle did not show a one-sided trend!

On the other side, at the center of the battle.

In the deep pit that was previously smashed by Chen Chuan, in the eyes of Kaido and BIG·MAM who were watching closely, there was a trace of red and blue light flashing...

Then, an extremely terrifying and domineering aura slowly came from the deepest part!

The gravel and rubble were constantly falling off, and the terrifying aura of power began to spread around.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and the thunder shadow passed by!

The sea surface around was also jumping constantly, and everyone seemed to feel that the ghost island under their feet was shaking uncontrollably!

"This..." Feeling the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, Kaido and BIG·MAM were stunned!

After looking at each other,

A strong sense of uneasiness emerged in the hearts of the two...

Especially Kaido, his face was extremely ugly!

He remembered that when he fought with Chen Chuan last time, Chen Chuan showed such a huge movement and aura.

Then he directly summoned a terrifying blue giant, holding a huge battle blade, and slashed it with one knife!

He almost cut him in half!

And now, seeing this blue-red light again, Kaido couldn't help but have a shadow in his heart.

"Be careful, that not that simple!"

Kaido's dragon eyes were condensed, and the voice just fell.

The next second! An extremely terrifying breath of terror gradually came from the crack, and the breath continued to flow, and the blue light became brighter and thicker!

Until it completely illuminated the entire ghost island!

The ghost island, which was already dark and mixed with blood-red, was completely exposed to this blue-red light at this moment!

Until it shone on everyone's face!

"This...this aura!"

"It's the boss! The boss, it turns out, won't end so easily!"

"This aura seems to be even stronger than the last time the leader defeated Kaido!"

"Is this our king..."

"He is really powerful!"

"This is just the beginning!"



Feeling this familiar but increasingly powerful aura, Rayleigh, Lao Sha and others showed excitement on their faces.

In their perception, Chen Chuan's aura seemed to be stronger than any time before!

And this...

is Chen Chuan's true strength!

"Damn, that kid..."

"Lingling! Don't take it lightly, just use that move!"

Kaido's face was extremely solemn. After a low shout and a glance at BIG·MAM beside him, the two of them waved their weapons in tacit understanding at the same time, and accumulated power at the same time!

The terrifying dark red domineering aura,

condensed and rotated around the two of them at a very fast speed, and gradually became terrifying and solidified!

In just a moment,

the domineering aura has turned into a substantial energy wave, gathering and entwining around the two of them!

Thunder suddenly appeared in the air!

This will be their full-strength attack!

"Old woman, this time we must not give that guy any chance to breathe! "Kaido roared!

"It's rare to see you with this expression, kid!"

The terrifying energy continued to gather on their weapons, and the dark red energy illuminated half of Onigashima!

Everyone unconsciously stopped what they were doing and looked at them with horror.

"The Four Emperors... are furious!"

"A combined attack from two top masters... this power is too terrifying!"

"With such power, even the dead world's strongest man, Whitebeard, might not be able to withstand it!"

"Strange, why is the water level higher?"

"No! It's... this island... is sinking! ! "


Someone noticed that Kaido and Big Mom's joint attack actually made the entire Onigashima sink!!

It was so terrifying!!


The roar continued,

After a short period of convergence, Kaido and BIG·MAM used a joint attack skill with the thunderous wrath!


Accompanied by the two people's common roar,

A terrifying energy ball as big as a hill slammed into the crack where Chen Chuan fell!

The energy that was enough to destroy everything destroyed all obstacles along the way!

Flowers, grass, trees, wood, stones...

At this moment, they were as brittle as paper scraps, and anyone who touched them would die!

Feeling such a terrifying energy, even the usually steady Rayleigh, Hawkeye and others could no longer sit still at this moment!

They all shouted unconsciously,

"Chen Chuan!" "Leader! ..."



The attack came suddenly,

When the dust settled, the terrifying energy directly tore the entire crack apart completely. With this blow, Onigashima became even more shaky, as if it was about to be completely shattered!

Looking at the increasingly weak blue-red light,

Kaido and Big Mom both breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, "Success? "

The combined force of the two men,

Even if Chen Chuan was strong, he couldn't take it...

Just as the two men relaxed, a huge blue-red battle blade that was capable of destroying everything, a hundred meters high, suddenly flashed by!

The next second! "Puff——"

Two streams of hot blood slashed through the sky!

The blade flashed, and Kaido and Big Mom didn't even have time to react, and their bodies were directly cut off by a single blow!

One blow blasted thousands of meters away!

Then they fell heavily into the ten thousand meter deep ruins!

Blood gushed out,

The breath of the two men also completely fell to the bottom at this moment, until they completely disappeared...

"Four Emperors, were...knocked away? !"

"Hey...what is that thing..."

"Hehe...hehe, is this really something a human can do?"

"That a monster! ”


As Kaido and BIG·MAM were slashed away by a sword,

the next second, a blue giant holding a long sword, 100 meters tall, wearing blue armor and a layer of red energy coat on the outside, appeared in front of everyone.

And at the center of the giant's eyebrows,

his hands were folded across his chest, his long and unruly hair was blown up in the wind, and his eyebrows were full of contempt and indifference.

Susanoo was fully fired, and the last gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu was mixed on the surface, under the blessing of the ‘Death Gate’.

Chen Chuan was looking down from above, as if overlooking everyone!

Looking at the people of the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates below, Chen Chuan said coldly: "The look of lingering on but refusing to admit defeat is really... ugly!"


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