The enemy was defeated, and the enemy was defeated.


Chen Chuan shouted,

He used this terrifying blow that was enough to destroy the world!

Night-Gai: The most powerful physical skill in the Naruto plane.

At the last moment of the Fourth Ninja World War, facing Uchiha Madara in the Six Paths Sage Mode, which no one could do anything about.

The last swan song of Might Guy!

With the blessing of the eighth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninja, the 'Death Gate', Might Guy used a move of Night-Gai with all his vitality.

He even directly smashed half of Madara's body in the Six Paths Sage Mode, and severely injured him!

Some people say that if Kai's kick at that time had been more accurate,

if it had been aimed at Madara's head...

then Naruto would have most likely ended there!

Although Kai was defeated in the end, his superb physical skills were also recognized by Uchiha Madara.

It is no exaggeration to call him the best physical skill in the Naruto world!

And now, Chen Chuan, who has integrated the panel of Uchiha Madara, controls the complete Susanoo, and the terrifying red aura of the eighth gate, the 'Death Gate', is all over his body, and he has used the powerful physical skill of 'Night Kai'!

If the real Uchiha Madara saw this, what would he think?

The corners of his mouth slightly outlined an arc, and his own aura was still constantly improving.

Chen Chuan controlled Susanoo, and the dark red dragon head above his head roared fiercely.

As Chen Chuan jumped high, the dragon head roared, and everything turned into powder wherever the terrifying energy passed!

All the grass, trees and boulders along the way seemed so fragile at this moment!

Huh, huh——

Energy whistled, the wind howled!

The aura of the entire Onigashima was completely buried and covered.

At this moment, whether it was Rayleigh or Flame Disaster Jin,

they all stopped their actions at the same time and fixed their eyes on the air!

This attack,

will determine the final direction of the battle of Onigashima!

On the other side,

along with Chen Chuan's "Night Kai" attack, Kaido and Big Mom's strongest combined attack skills had already condensed out, and they were blasted towards Chen Chuan!

The terrifying energy was equally terrifying!

After all, it was a joint attack of two Four Emperors, entangled with the energy of the domineering color domineering.

No one in the entire pirate world dared to confront that terrifying power head-on!

And now, time is fleeting!

The two attacks finally collided completely in mid-air!


Crack! Crack! Crack!——

The imagined huge explosion did not sound,

The surrounding sounds first fell into a dead silence, and then, in the eyes of everyone with horror.

At the center of the collision,

A series of crisp cracking sounds began to resound in the sky.

"The sky... seems to be broken?!"

"What exactly is this breath..."

"Is this the contest between the top emperors... This is a terrifying force that can destroy the world!"


Everyone looked at what was happening in front of them with horror!

At the center of the explosion, the air was surging, and the sky was constantly shattered like a mirror, and then quickly reassembled!

Then, a black light column that was enough to tear everything apart began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and gradually began to spread to the surroundings!

Wherever the black light column passed,

Trees and gravel were sucked into it.

They were completely crushed into powder!

"Retreat quickly!"

Seeing the aftermath energy approaching.

Rayleigh, who was the first to react, narrowed his eyes, shouted at Hawkeye and others beside him, and quickly retreated to the back!

Seeing this scene,

Hawkeye, Crocodile, Fujitora and others were shocked,

all retreated quickly!

"咈咈咈咈咈~, what a crazy bunch of guys..."

"This island is over..." Doflamingo, squatting on a member of the Beasts Pirates, looked at everything in front of him, and a crazy look appeared on his face.

Then he also retreated to the back.

At the same time,

On the other side, Flame Disaster Jin and Katakuri, each led the remaining members of the pirate group to retreat to the back.

While retreating,

the two of them kept their eyes on the explosive energy, and their faces were full of worry!

"Kaido..." "MAM..."

Although I really want to help,

but with their

The power of the two, even if they came forward to help Kaido and Big Mom, would not bring any effect, on the contrary, it would become a burden to them.

At this moment, all they can do is pray...

Pray that Kaido and Big Mom can survive this battle...

The terrifying black light column is still spreading around, starting from the center of the offensive, and a crack that reaches the deepest part of the island begins to spread continuously.

The scattered energy,

as if to completely blow up the island!

The sea water surged,

The entire ghost island began to burst out with a continuous sound of shattering!

And some members of the Twin Emperors Pirates who retreated slowly were directly sucked into the black light column, completely crushed into powder, or sucked into the deep sea vortex and completely disappeared.

However, this is just the beginning...

At this moment, Chen Chuan, who is in the center of the battle, has a cold expression and a trace of seriousness on his eyebrows.

Although Kaido and Big Mom had used "Baguo" to attack him once before,

But that time, the two of them were more likely to be beaten into the ruins.

They didn't hit him directly,

And now, he was hit by Kaido and Big Mom's full force attack head-on.

Even with the full form of Susanoo protecting his body, Chen Chuan felt a little pain on his body.

The terrifying energy coming towards him seemed to tear him apart!

"The Four Emperors are really strong..."

"But... that's it!" He whispered softly.

Chen Chuan no longer held back,

He completely burst out all the energy in his body, Susanoo became more and more solid, and with the blessing of the eighth gate of the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu, the 'Death Gate', the power has reached its limit!


The next second! The 'Hegemony' that had been competing with it before was completely shattered at this moment!

The energy dissipated,

At the same time, Chen Chuan's attack was already here!

Facing this fatal terrorist attack, Kaido and Big Mom had no other means.

At this moment, they suddenly looked at each other. There was no fear or panic on their weather-beaten faces, only deep regret....

"Hey, Roger!"

"Why did you say those words..."

"The little devils who have made a name for themselves all over the world, we have to deal with these annoying guys."

"Did you hear me... Roger..."

"Tell me to die again!"

"ONE · PLECE, it really exists..."


The next day, the world news reported:

The two emperors were defeated!

The Four Emperors Kaido and BIG·MAM withdrew from the stage of history!

The new emperor ascended the throne, and the Pirate King may be born?


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