The old man was buried in the river, and the old man was buried in the river.

The Grand Line, the White Earth Island of Baldigo.

This is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

The whereabouts of the Revolutionary Army are extremely secretive. Even after more than ten years, the World Government's exclusive intelligence agency CP cannot find it.

And now, on the island, in a house.

The leader of the revolutionaries, Monkey D. Dragon, is carefully checking the map on the table.

On the map, there are densely packed red signs and various routes!

And next to the map, there is a latest report about Chen Chuan.

"Dragon, are you sure that the World Government is going to take action?" Ivankov, one of the cadres of the Revolutionary Army, looked at Long with a serious face and asked.

He had also heard about the recent series of huge events caused by Chen Chuan. He also knew that Chen Chuan had already reached a peak in terms of strength and status! And he was definitely the biggest enemy in the fight for the great treasure ‘ONE·PLECE’! And now, this morning. Their leader Monkey D. Dragon suddenly told them that the World Government had taken action! Facing the anti-Tianlong people, the extremely evil people against the World Government! The World Government had already issued a final ultimatum to Chen Chuan! While raising Chen Chuan’s bounty again, the World Government had also joined forces with the Navy and high-level government fighters. They were preparing to implement a heavy elimination plan against Chen Chuan and his party! In this way, the Revolutionary Army naturally could not sit idly by. After smelling a hint of a storm, Monkey D. Dragon gathered a group of Revolutionary Army cadres here. Prepare to deal with the next incident! Now, after having made a plan in mind.

Long glanced at several Revolutionary Army cadres below him.

Below him was the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo, followed by the Commander of the ‘Eastern’ Army, Belo Beti, the Commander of the ‘Western’ Army, Mori, the Commander of the ‘Northern’ Army, Karas, etc.....

The core members of the Revolutionary Army are all here at this moment!

Seeing this, Monkey D. Long, who was in the first seat, put the newspaper in his hand on the table.

He said with a heavy face: "Everyone knows more or less about Chen Chuan. He is a person who is desperate about this world government and rebels against it."

"When we were in Dressrosa Kingdom before, we invited him to join the Revolutionary Army. Although he refused, we can see it."

"The Dressrosa Kingdom was redeemed because of his arrival!"

"And this is also our ultimate goal!"

"Overthrow the World Government and the rule of the Celestial Dragons. Our goal is to make the people of the world happy and liberated!"

"And now, Chen Chuan and his team are powerful. Resisting the World Government can bring happiness to ordinary people!"

"There is no doubt that this person is the best ally we need!"

At the end,

Long took the map that he had studied for a long time and placed it in front of everyone.

"We got the news from the dark layer earlier that the World Government has joined forces with the Navy to take action against Chen Chuan and his party."

"If we want to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons of the World Government faster, we need a stronger force!"

"This time, our Revolutionary Army needs to be dispatched urgently to rescue Chen Chuan!"

"This rescue will be set at the next destination of Chen Chuan and his party." As he said, Monkey D. Dragon pointed his pen to a red mark intersection on the map!

"Now, we need to go to the next island."

"The jurisdiction of the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks, the country of giants - Elbaf!"


At the same time,

When the storm was about to come and the forces of all parties were ready to move.

The protagonist of the incident,

Chen Chuan and his party were riding on an SSS-class battleship,

heading towards their next destination.

The strong men of the old era gradually withdrew, and the buds of the new era continued to advance!

Before heading to his next destination, the territory of Red Hair Shanks, Chen Chuan also went to Wano Country by the way.


Chen Chuan also got a piece of red historical text.

While destroying the remaining forces of Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido, Chen Chuan also completely liberated the ordinary people of Wano Country.

They had been enslaved for twenty years,

At that moment, they cried with joy!

Countless people knelt down,

Bowing to Chen Chuan.

It was this man who brought them hope of life and salvation of life!

And now, on the SSS-class battleship.

Chen Chuan sat in a luxurious room, which was filled with a lot of fine wine and food.

Rayleigh, Hawkeye, Fujitora and others were drinking to celebrate the victory of the previous victory over the Twin Emperors Pirates.

As for Mingo and Enelu on the side, they seemed a little more withdrawn.

Doflamingo went up to drink with Crocodile, and as expected, he was rejected and verbally abused by the latter.

Even on the same ship, they still bickered from time to time,

They were unhappy with each other!

In this regard, Chen Chuan could only shrug his shoulders and express his helplessness.

After all, they were all great pirates who dominated every corner of the world, and they were usually arrogant.

No one indulged anyone.

Only when facing Chen Chuan could they put away their pride.

Chen Chuan's strength has obviously convinced them completely.

And now, when everyone is gathering together.

Old Sand Crocodile on the side took a step forward and took out a thick stack of posters from his arms.

And on it,

There is the latest report on everyone's bounty!

Seeing this, Chen Chuan raised his eyebrows.

Although he has reached the current strength and status, Chen Chuan no longer cares about these false names.

But as a former Haimi in his previous life, he is still very interested in the wanted bounty order.

After all, in some aspects.

These are also linked to his strength!

The greater the fame and reputation, the faster Chen Chuan's system integration progress will be improved!

The stronger the strength will be!

And now, as Old Sand took out the bounty orders one by one.

Everyone also shifted their attention.

"Boss, in the previous battle on Ghost Island, all the bounties of our members have been greatly increased, and at the same time, the reputation of our 'Qiyingge' has completely spread throughout the world." Lao Sha looked a little excited.

For pirates, the bounty order also indirectly indicates the prestige of this person!

As the bounty increases, their status also increases.

After that, Lao Sha read out the bounties one by one.

[Former member of One Piece, current member of Qiyingge, great pirate clown Buggy, bounty: 150 million Baileys! ]

Baki: Me? Me? Zundu fake du O.o?

Buggy was a little confused,

I didn't expect that he, the great god Buggy, would have a bounty of hundreds of millions after his fame!

Sure enough, his great god Buggy's reputation,

is the strongest! ! !

Wow! ! ! !

The corners of Buggy's mouth were almost grinning to the back of his ears.

After giving the boy a blank look, Crocodile continued to announce the next one.

[Former one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Don Quixote Doflamingo, bounty: 1 billion berries! ]

[Former one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile, bounty: 1 billion berries! ]

Seeing this, Doflamingo came to Crocodile and said, "Hey, hey, hey, hey~ Our bounties are the same, do you want to conquer the world with me?"

Ignoring Crocodile,

Crocodile continued to announce the next one.

[Former member of Roger's Pirates, descendant of the devil, world destroyer, Douglas Barrett, bounty: 3.53 billion berries! ]

"3.5 billion? How much was Roger's at the beginning?" Barrett raised his head slightly, with a hint of pride on his face.

[Former world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk! Bounty: 4.05 billion berries! 】

"4 billion? This guy's bounty is really high..." Ming Ge was also a little shocked.

And now, Lao Sha continued to announce.

Because Enelu and Fujitora did not do any large-scale events, nor did they show their strength.

This made their bounties a little low, a little out of place.

Fujitora 100 million Baileys, Enelu 300 million Baileys.

Such a bounty,

is obviously not in line with their strength.

This made them both very depressed!

As for Pluto Rayleigh, no bounty order was issued.

After all, for this legendary pirate, the right wrist of Pirate King Roger, the bounty order seemed a little redundant.

Soon, it came to Chen Chuan's bounty order!

When Lao Sha saw the number on it, his pupils shrank and he swallowed unconsciously.

"The boss is the boss, it's really scary!"

After that,

Lao Sha loudly announced the bounty in his hand.

[Four Emperors Chen Chuan, leader of the Seven Shadow Pavilion, extremely evil, known as the most favorable contender for the next Pirate King, bounty: 5.55 billion Baileys! ]


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