The truth is, the truth is, the truth is.

"A Celestial Dragon?! Red Hair actually..."

"Hey, hey, hey, this news is too explosive, the most mysterious of the Four Emperors, Red Hair Shanks, his true identity is actually a Celestial Dragon?!!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, a Celestial Dragon... I used to be one too..."

"Shanks!! (Screaming!) Is that bastard's identity so powerful?!"


The words of Shanks revealing his identity startled everyone.

Feeling shocked!

They didn't expect that Shanks' identity was so mysterious....

The world's nobles - Celestial Dragons!

On the other side, not only Lao Sha, Ming Ge and others were shocked.

Observe the expressions of the Red Hair Pirates' cadres carefully.

Except for the vice-captain Ben Beckman, even the core cadres such as Lagilu and Jesus Bu showed an incredible expression on their faces!

Obviously, even they didn't know that Shanks' true identity was a Celestial Dragon!


"This is actually..."

"How is it possible, Boss, his true identity is actually a Celestial Dragon..."

For a moment, everyone was shocked by Shanks' self-exposure.

Of course, there are a few exceptions.

Chen Chuan, Pluto Rayleigh, Ben Beckman and Enel.

Chen Chuan was based on intelligence in his previous life, as well as Shanks' various "Face Fruit" famous scenes.

Many Haimi had already deduced that Shanks' true identity was likely related to the Celestial Dragons.

Now, he heard Red Hair say it in person.

Chen Chuan was not surprised much.

As for Rayleigh, his face was calm, and his deep eyes seemed to be recalling something.

As for Ben Beckman, it was because of his unusual relationship with Red Hair.

He joined the Red Hair Pirates partly because of this.

As for... Enelu, who looked confused.

It was because he had no idea what Celestial Dragons meant.

The only thing he knew was what Chen Chuan had said before, so he hadn't realized it yet.

The news that Red Hair Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, was a Celestial Dragon was explosive!

And now,

After a slight glance at everyone's expressions.

When he saw that Chen Chuan was still calm, as if he had expected this.

Sighed slightly.

Shanks looked at Pluto Rayleigh on the side, "Mr. Rayleigh, you should still remember the battle in the Valley of the Gods back then..."

Seeing Shanks looking at him, Rayleigh sighed heavily.

My thoughts seemed to have returned to the epic battle thirty-nine years ago.

Battle of the Island of Gods!

After a moment of contemplation, Rayleigh slowly spoke of the past.

"The Island of Gods, where many noble Celestial Dragons once lived, were no different from ordinary Celestial Dragons, arrogant and domineering, and did not take the lives of civilians seriously."

"And one night thirty-nine years ago, the Rocks Pirates, led by Captain Rocks, attacked there."

"Rocks was so powerful that he even approached the World Government and hit the Celestial Dragons' lair!"

"Until the end, Garp, who was still a vice admiral at the time, and Roger, who had not yet become the Pirate King, joined forces to stop Rocks and eventually defeated him completely!"

"After that battle, Garp was hailed as a naval hero, and Roger's reputation was completely known throughout the world." Rayleigh's eyes suddenly brightened as he spoke.

A slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The scene of conquering the world with Roger at the beginning seemed to be still vivid.

"In that battle, the Celestial Dragons on the Island of God suffered heavy casualties and were almost killed."

"After that, in order to prevent such a tragedy from happening again."

"The Celestial Dragons all over the world collectively migrated to the Red Earth Continent."

"Afterwards, when counting the spoils, Roger and I found a baby in a treasure chest..." As he said that, Rayleigh slowly shifted his gaze to Shanks.

"Baby..." Everyone seemed to have guessed something.

"Next to the baby, there was a note with Shanks written on it... Fegalan Saint Shanks!"

Rayleigh looked at Shanks deeply.

His eyes were full of emotion.

Perhaps he had brought up Shanks since he was a baby.

In his heart

In the past, Shanks had already treated Shanks as his own son.

"Mr. Rayleigh, that baby is me."

Shanks smiled and suddenly spoke.

Although he had asked Roger and Rayleigh about his life experience more than once when he was a child.

But no one had ever told him.

Until he left Roger's pirate group and Roger surrendered himself.

Shanks gradually emerged on this sea and gradually became the youngest of the Four Emperors.

Until then, the Celestial Dragons found him...

and told him his true identity.

Although Shanks didn't believe it at first, thinking that it was a means for the World Government to win him over.

But in the face of a series of evidence, he had to admit.

His Celestial Dragon identity.

At that moment, Shanks was confused and desperate.

When he learned his identity, he even began to doubt himself.

He was angry that the blood of the Celestial Dragons flowed in his body.

The Celestial Dragons are in power, killing innocent people indiscriminately, and forcibly collecting Heavenly Gold. Civilians in all countries of the world are living in dire straits.

Red Hair once dreamed of overthrowing the World Government and the rule of the Celestial Dragons!

But when he learned his true identity.

Everything will change.

Although the World Government promised to restore his Celestial Dragon identity at any time, Red Hair never thought of doing so.

He didn't want to become the person he hated the most!

However, the pressure from his identity.

The World Government always put pressure on him step by step and bound him.

Just like this time...

After a few words, looking at Chen Chuan in front of him, Shanks continued to speak.

"I'm not telling you this to show how noble I am. I just want to tell you that I have no choice but to be your enemy. After this, I don't owe the World Government anything."

"In the future, whether you want to overthrow the World Government or the Celestial Dragons."

"I won't stop you in any way."

"Of course, maybe my obstruction won't work."

After saying that, Shanks showed a kind smile on his face.

He had fought with Chen Chuan before, and he had seen it.

Even if he played all his cards, he would never be Chen Chuan's opponent, not to mention that everyone under his command was extremely powerful!

With a sigh, Shanks turned around and prepared to leave.

On the outskirts of the sea area of ​​the Giant Island, there was a sudden burst of violent roars and whistles!

The people of the World Government... are here!


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