The thought in his heart became more and more real.

Chen Chuan felt that there seemed to be a huge mystery shrouding him.

The secret of this mystery is very likely unknown even to the navy!

"In any case, it is necessary to go to the navy."

"All this has an end after all."

"Since the Five Elders and the Knights of God have been dispatched to the World Government, it is time for the guy hiding behind the scenes to show up..."

While murmuring, Chen Chuan quickly determined the next target.

After pacifying Grandma New, he took her back to the previous site.

And Chen Chuan also arranged for Lao Sha and Buggy to stay and take care of it.

After all, Chen Chuan and his team were going to the Navy Headquarters next.

Bringing New Granny along would be a burden.

So let Crocodile stay to protect her.

After everything was settled, Chen Chuan led Rayleigh, Hawkeye and his party to the coast of Daughter Island quickly.

With a thought, he summoned the SSS-class super battleship.

Chen Chuan was the first to board the battleship, followed by the others.

Accompanied by a rapid energy rushing into the sky.

The SSS-class battleship was running at full speed, moving rapidly towards Marinford!

Looking at the endless sea, Chen Chuan's eyes were like torches, "This time, I must put an end to all this..."


On the other side, the Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

Steel Bone Sora, Sengoku, Garp, and Crane Granny were meeting in a secret room.

Discussing the real purpose of the Red Count's raid on Marinford and hunting for Devil Fruit ability users.

"Brother Steel Bone, the Red Earl is an extremely dangerous person. If he continues to be allowed to roam free, I don't know how many people will die in this sea area!" Zhan Guo's eyes were cold.

He knew the cruelty of the Red Earl.

As early as the old times, that guy relied on the strange fruit ability to constantly suck the blood of others.

It caused a turmoil in the society at that time.

The government also issued a bounty of up to 1.5 billion for him!

Don't think that the bounty of 1.5 billion is low. You must know that it was the old times, and it was far less empty and powerless than the bounty now.

The amount of money in that era was made by them!

An absolute evil person!

If it weren't for the Red Earl's personality of being a loner and not forming alliances with others, I believe the bounty would be more than 1.5 billion.

"Humph! That bastard, after so many years, looks younger and younger." Garp snorted coldly and said.

"Not only that, but his strength has also become stronger." Grandma Crane said in the same serious tone.

Hearing what Zhan Guo and the others said.

Cyborg, who was sitting above, also sighed in his heart.

The old rival has now returned again, and he is powerful and has brought a lot of helpers with him.

This situation is really not good!

Although they are well aware of the danger of the Red Earl, even for their navy, it is not so easy to find the hiding place of the Red Earl in a short time.

Unless it is the CP spy organization that is also lurking around the world.

Their intelligence is extremely accurate and rich.

Maybe they can find a trace of the Red Earl.

But the CP organization belongs to another department, and even though Cyborg is the commander-in-chief of the navy, army and air force, he does not have the right to dispatch them.

Only the Five Elders can do that.

He sighed deeply.

After again instructing Zhan Guo and Garp to keep an eye on the situation in Marinford,

Cyborg prepared to return to the Red Earth Continent.

Too many things have happened recently, and he needs to find out everything as soon as possible.

And at this moment,



Accompanied by an extreme roar and alarm.

Ganggukong, Sengoku, Garp and others frowned, "What's going on? Is Marinford attacked again?!"

"Assholes! What do these guys think of the Navy Headquarters!!"

Several people were furious and hurriedly got up and went out.

At the same time, in the outer sea area of ​​the Navy Headquarters Marinford.

The roaring alarms were endless. At this moment, a large number of navy soldiers had gathered in the center of the square.

They held weapons and looked nervously in front of them.

Because, there was a super battleship there!

"Hey, who are those guys? How dare they run to our navy?

Headquarters is causing trouble!"

"I don't know, without a pirate flag, it doesn't look like a pirate!"

"Look, someone came out of the battleship!"

"Wait, that guy, it seems to be...Five Emperors Chen Chuan..."

"What!! Five Emperors, Chen Chuan? ! ! "

"Didn't the Marshal lead the generals to encircle them? How come he is here? !"

"Look at him intact, could it be that the Marshal and his men..."

"It's over! Five Emperors Chen Chuan must be here for revenge! He came directly to our Navy headquarters. "

"We are doomed now. Even the marshals and generals have been defeated. Who else can stop them..."

After seeing the appearance of Chen Chuan and his group clearly.

The ordinary navy below had lost all their fighting spirit at this moment.

After the vast majority of the naval elites were defeated and seriously injured by Chen Chuan before.

At this moment, the navy headquarters, the ones who have fighting power are generally some ordinary navy with weak strength.

At this moment, after knowing the arrival of Chen Chuan.

They were all trembling with fear, and they couldn't even hold the knife in their hands.

There is no way, Chen Chuan has been too popular recently!

First, he defeated the two emperors, and then severely damaged their naval elites!

Now, they are coming to their naval headquarters in a mighty force.

This sense of oppression makes them tremble!

And now, with the super battleship landing at the port of Marinford.

Chen Chuan led Rayleigh and his party, jumped off the battleship, and came to the front of the general navy.

Looking at the thousands of ordinary navy in front of him, Chen Chuan did not take action directly.

This time, he did not come to kill.

He had only one purpose, to find the whereabouts of the empress!



At this time, accompanied by several whistling sounds.

Ganggu Kong, Zhan Guo, Garp and other senior naval officers also came here.

All looked at Chen Chuan and his party as if they were facing a great enemy.

They were also very nervous about Chen Chuan's sudden arrival.

After all, with Chen Chuan's current strength, even if they rushed up, they could not do anything to the other party.

Instead, it would bring unimaginable disasters to the navy!

Looking at Chen Chuan in front of him,

Ganggu Kong took the lead and asked: "Chen Chuan, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone." Chen Chuan replied.

"I said that the disappearance of the Pirate Empress was not caused by our navy! "Steelbone Kong said.

"I know."

"Then you..."

"Although it has nothing to do with your navy, I found signs that are suspected to be your CP organization. How do you explain this? !" Chen Chuan said coldly.

Although the navy and the CP spy organization belong to two departments.

But as the commander of the three armed forces of the navy, army and air force, Steelbone Kong can't be ignorant of everything.

If he wants to find the whereabouts of the empress, he has to search from Steelbone Kong.

Hearing this, Steelbone Kong paused.

After hearing about the CP organization, an ugly look appeared on his face.

Those guys come and go without a trace, and they are not under his control.

He doesn't know much.

Seeing the embarrassment on Steelbone Kong's face, Chen Chuan asked: "Where are the two Five Elders?"

"They have returned to the Red Earth Continent. "Steel Bone said.

After the encirclement and suppression failed, the two Five Elders escaped from Chen Chuan's hands and did not come to the navy, but fled directly back to the Red Earth Continent.

And from their anxious expressions.

Steel Bone seemed to have discovered something.

"Let's go, take me to the Red Earth Continent." Chen Chuan said lightly.

"What? ! You want to go to the Red Earth Continent?"

Hearing this, Steel Bone Kong's face changed and he spoke directly.

With Chen Chuan's terrifying power, if he was allowed to reach the Red Earth Continent, that would be terrible.

What if he started killing people there, who could do anything to him!

Just when Steel Bone Kong was about to refuse.

But he saw the strong murderous intent that suddenly burst out from Chen Chuan's red pupils.

The domineering aura of the king gushed out!

After stunning the surrounding navy, Chen Chuan slowly emerged in the air.

"I'm not discussing this with you. ”

“Now, you have two options: One: Lead the way. Two: Let the entire Navy Headquarters be buried with you!”


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