The world government, the holy land of Mary Joa.

In a luxurious room with luxurious decoration and golden light.

The world's highest power, the Five Elders!

Sitting here at the moment, each of them has a gloomy face!

The Celestial Dragons were killed in their jurisdiction. As the nobles of the world, they will not give up!

The murderer must be given the most severe punishment!

"Bulu Bulu Bulu..."

Just as several people were sitting upright, suddenly, a rapid telephone bug sounded.

"It should be from the navy. It seems that the murderer has been caught."

Saint Jegarcia, one of the Five Elders, smiled coldly.

In his opinion,

Anyone who dares to challenge the World Government, no matter who it is, will be punished most severely!

His words naturally received the unanimous agreement of the other four.

"For so many years, no one has ever dared to commit such atrocities!"

"Come on, let's see what this murderer looks like."


After grabbing the gorgeous Den Den Mushi that was constantly jumping on the table, Saint Jagarcia said: "This is the Five Elders."

"Moses Moses, this is Sengoku..."


After gradually hearing the report from Sengoku.

The face of Saint Jagarcia, one of the Five Elders, gradually became extremely gloomy!

Until finally, he clenched his right fist and raised it high.


With a punch, the precious table under his hand was smashed to pieces!

Broken wood chips were blown everywhere!


After roaring, he hung up the Den Den Mushi.

The other four of the Five Elders were also attracted by Saint Jagarcia's actions.

Looking at the other party's gloomy and angry face, an old man holding a famous sword among the Five Elders asked.

"What's wrong? Why are you so angry?"

"Did those guys from the Revolutionary Army start a rebellion again?"

Another bearded Five Elder asked coldly.

"Asshole! The navy is a bunch of trash. There are so many people, but they can't even find one person!" Saint Garcia was full of anger, and then he said heavily to several people.

"Sakaski and Borsalino failed, and the murderer who killed Saint Charlos escaped!"

"Not only that, even Sakaski was seriously injured and is still lying in the medical department."

Saint Garcia's words exploded in the crowd like a bomb.

Shocking people's hearts, it set off a huge wave!

"What? Someone escaped?" Hearing this, the faces of several Five Elders were suddenly shocked.

They really didn't expect that,

At the same time as issuing the order to kill the demons!

Two admirals of the Navy Headquarters acted together, but they still failed!

That was the admiral of the Navy, the highest combat power of the Navy Headquarters!

The few people looked at each other, and their faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

Although the Navy Headquarters is just a subordinate department under the control of their World Government.

But there are many strong people in it!

Apart from Garp who has always been self-willed, there are Kong, Sengoku, Zephyr, Akainu, etc.

These guys are all powerful!

With their strength, even if you look at the entire pirate world, they are at the top!

And now, two of them acted together, but they failed?

Among them, Sakaski was seriously injured?

What's going on?

Is the strength of that guy really so terrifying? !

Even the Four Emperors of the New World may not be able to achieve such a record...

Who exactly is this guy named Chen Chuan...

Saint Jagarcia closed his eyes and thought, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the other side,

Several Five Elders said coldly with gloomy faces.

"How could this happen? What does the Navy do for a living!"

"A bunch of bastards who can't even catch one person. Are their generals just a bunch of posing?"

Several Five Elders looked grim.

At this point, there is no way out.

"Since the person has escaped, it's useless to say these now."

"Humph! The guy who dared to challenge the authority of the World Government, I will make him live in the shadows for the rest of his life and accept endless pursuit!"

After a long silence,

Saint Jagarcia finally snorted coldly!

After discussing with each other for a long time, the Five Elders quickly reached a consensus.

Then, Saint Jagarcia picked up the Den Den Mushi and called the Navy Headquarters again.


The next day, early in the morning.

Soon, follow the instructions above.

A piece of news quickly spread to every corner of the world.

After the Seagull courier passed through the sky, countless newspapers fell from the sky!

Whether it was pirates, navy, civilians, or even the fishmen hidden in the deepest part of the sea.

At this moment, they all received the latest explosive news!

Under the operation of the news king Morgans, only one photo was published in the newspaper this time!

It was a handsome man in purple clothes with a cold expression.

The red eyes seemed to have no emotion, and the famous sword hanging on his waist, the blade was surging, and it revealed a weird pattern!

It was chilling!

Wanted felon! The new world overlord!

The king of assassins with a reward of 3 billion, Chen Chuan!

A series of major headlines, full of gimmicks, successfully attracted everyone's attention.

And when everyone saw the series of small words noted below.

Everyone's eyes were completely stunned.

[In the Sabaody Archipelago, the Celestial Dragon Saint Charlos was killed, Saint Rozward and his daughter Princess Xia Lulia were destroyed!

One against ten thousand! The Demon Slayer Order was launched, and one person fought two admirals and seriously injured Akainu!

After almost killing Akainu, he fought against Kizaru with a low HP, and then left in style!

Therefore, the World Government offered a reward of 3 billion Baileys!

The whole world is looking for Chen Chuan, regardless of life or death! ! ! ]

Looking at the contents marked with red exclamation marks in the newspaper.

Everyone was shocked by the above report.

"Is it true? Someone dared to kill the Celestial Dragons?"

"One man fought against two generals, and seriously injured one of them?"

"A bounty of 3 billion, second only to the Four Emperors of the New World?"

"The world pattern will be changed, the fifth man on the sea, the king of assassins!"


Continuous shocking sounds and discussions sounded all over the world at the same time.

Everyone in the world was shocked by Chen Chuan!

At the same time, they also knew about Chen Chuan, a strong man!

Dressrosa Kingdom.

In a deep house, as the real ruler of the kingdom.

Doflamingo, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, looked at the newspaper in his hand at this moment, and a sinister look appeared on his gloomy face.


"It's so interesting, what will this world become? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Chen Chuan... It would be great if I could take him into the family!"


At the same time.

The Pirate Queen, the world's greatest swordsman Hawkeye, Blackbeard Teach, the Four Emperors of the New World and many other powerful people.

While Chen Chuan became famous all over the world, they were also making their own plans.


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