After saying goodbye to the Red Hair Pirates, Chen Chuan and his party boarded the Perfume Serpent, led by the Empress. Soon they arrived at the outskirts of a nearby island. Nine Snake Island, also known as Amazon Lily! As the world's number one beauty, the base camp of the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock. The legendary Daughter Island is extremely mysterious. Few outsiders have set foot there! It is said that the Nine Snake Island is full of beautiful young women. Each of them has a beautiful face and a graceful figure! It is also an island that is regarded as a holy place by countless LSPS! It is a place they dream of going to! And now, it is getting closer and closer to the island in front of it.

Sailing outside the Daughter Island.

Chen Chuan and his party on the boat are also quietly looking at the Daughter Island.

Huge vegetation covers the entire island, and under the dense jungle.

People can't see a trace of light.

It looks particularly deep and quiet!

At the same time.

On the coast of the island, near the boat parking area.

Hundreds of young female warriors from Nine Snake Island with good figures, fully armed, holding spears and swords.

Came here early.

Welcome their emperor-the empress to return!

"Dear, let's go, let's go back to our bedroom."

On the deck, looking at Chen Chuan with a stern expression beside him.

The empress's pretty face was shy.

Pulling Chen Chuan's arm, she jumped off the boat in three or two steps.

Boarded the Daughter Island.

Behind him, Sanda Sonya, Marigold and Pluto Rayleigh.

Also got off the boat together.

As for Lao Sha, Barrett, Buggy and others who were further behind, they were all confused.

They were left on the ship directly.

The Perfume Serpent continued to sail along the periphery of the island.

Because men are strictly prohibited from landing on the Daughter Island!

So Lao Sha and the other three were taken to the other side of the island.

They settled in a more remote corner of the coast.

As the empress of Nine Snake Island.

Boa Hancock's sweetheart, naturally, can enter the island.

As for Pluto Rayleigh on the side.

He had done a great favor to their Nine Snake Island and was also allowed to enter the island.

In the surprised eyes of the elite female warriors of the Daughter Island on both sides.

The empress held Chen Chuan's arms tightly in her arms.

The group headed towards the depths of the palace on the island.

Looking at the backs of Chen Chuan and the empress.

The many female warriors behind them couldn't help but talk about it.

"Hey! Am I seeing right? Snake Princess is hugging a man's arm?!"

"Snake Princess, doesn't she hate men the most?"

"How could it be? Was Snake Princess cursed by that good-looking man?!"

"Do you feel that Snake Princess seems to have changed a little this time?"

"Before... she never smiled!"


At the same time.

In another corner of the world, the headquarters of the World Government.

Holy Land · Marijoa!

In an extremely luxurious room of rich gold.

Five old men with stern faces and extraordinary momentum are sitting on the tables and chairs.

Staring at the report in front of them with a serious face!

And they are

The highest power in the world-the Five Elders!

"How is it, have you thought about it?"

"How to deal with this guy named Chen Chuan..."

One of them is wearing a black suit.

White curly hair and a big beard.

One of the Five Elders, who wears a flat hat and has a scar on his left face.

Saint Jacarusia said in a low voice.

They had already known the result of the war on the top from the Navy Marshal Sengoku.

But what they didn't expect was.

Facing the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy actually failed!

Not only did Roger's offspring escape.

Even the CP organization members they arranged to investigate.

CP 'Zero' also died tragically on the battlefield!

Killed in two moves by that kid named Chen Chuan!

This war.

What they didn't expect the most was not the Four Emperors Whitebeard.

But the extremely evil man named Chen Chuan!

Openly declared war on the World Government!

Fighting two admirals of the Navy Headquarters with his own strength!

And directly seriously injured one person!

Defeated the world's number one swordsman, and instantly killed the leader of the CP organization codenamed 'Zero'!

All kinds of explosive events.

And it completely made this guy named Chen Chuan

famous all over the world!

Hearing Saint Jacalusia's words.

On the other side

A thin old man in a white loose-fitting robe, holding a famous sword in his arms.

A trace of sharpness flashed in his eyes.

A murderous look on his face!

"It's that guy named Chen Chuan again!"

"First he killed the Charlos family, and now he has stirred up such a storm in the war at the top."

"Such an extremely evil person has repeatedly humiliated the face of my government. He must be publicly executed!"

Stern words, coldly fell!

A thin Five Elders holding a famous sword.

Obviously, he is a fierce fighter!

Facing Chen Chuan repeatedly, he slapped the face of their world government.

As the highest power in the world!

As one of the Five Elders, he must not tolerate it, and must bring Chen Chuan to justice!

"Just a young brat who doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is!"

"He thought that he had reached the top of the world by defeating a mere admiral of the navy."

"Little did he know that in the eyes of our world government, he was just a jumping clown!"

Another one, Saint Jegarcia of the Five Elders.

A trace of contempt flashed across his face, and he said with disdain and viciousness.

As a world government that has been established for 800 years!

Their strength is far from being as simple as it seems!

The distant era begins!

Since the establishment of their world government,

Countless strong men have emerged on this sea!

There have also been many arrogant strong men like Rocks and Roger who attempted to challenge the majesty of the world government!

However, after experiencing the baptism of several eras.

Their world government still stands proudly!

And those extremely evil people fell one after another in the long river of history!

And now, this extremely evil brat named Chen Chuan.

It will definitely be the same!

In the future,

It will definitely fall under the majesty of their world government.

It will fall apart!

It will fall in the long river of time!

After another deep discussion.

Several Five Elders quickly reached an agreement.

They will increase the bounty on Chen Chuan and list him as the most evil enemy of the world government!

At the same time, they will also send the top strongmen and killers from all over the world under the world government!

To issue a hunting order for Chen Chuan!

They want to let the world know.

If you go against the world government,

then you will live in exile from now on!

After issuing several orders to the lower departments.

Put down the Den Den Mushi in your hand.

Estimate the time.

After a moment, one of the Five Elders showed a rare calmness on his face!

A touch of respect flashed in his eyes!

"Okay, let's put Chen Chuan's matter aside for now."


"Get ready and follow me to see Lord Yim!"


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