In this bustling and lively place, everyone enjoys shopping. They not only pick out what they like, but also communicate and share their discoveries with each other. Laughter and bargaining are intertwined to form a unique symphony. Unconsciously, time has passed quietly, but everyone's hands are already full of their favorite specialties. These treasures will become a witness to the beautiful memories of their journey, and can also be given as gifts to relatives and friends. With a full harvest, they continue to embark on a new journey, looking forward to more unknown surprises waiting for them to explore. Before walking to Island No. 50, Harry suddenly thought that coating is a very important thing. If you let someone you don't know coat it, what if... The submarine membrane was punctured, which was fine for him, but it was not easy for those powerless crew members.

So he said to everyone, let's go back to Island 13, where there is a reliable coating engineer, Silver Baz Rayleigh.

Island 13, "Shaqi's Blackmail BAR".

Nami asked, "This place is shabby, will anyone live here?"

Harry said, "This is a lawless area, there must be many thugs, bounty hunters and human traffickers fighting here, it's normal to be shabby."

Arriving at the door, the sign above reads "OPEN".

Pushing the door open, the "ding-ling" bell sounded to announce the arrival of guests.

"Welcome, what would you like to order?" The proprietress with short black hair and a cigarette in her mouth greeted the guests.

"Mrs. Xia Qi, is Mr. Rayleigh here? We want him to help us coat the ship. We heard that Mr. Rayleigh's coating is of very good quality."

Xia Qi was stunned when she heard this, and looked at Harry meaningfully. "You actually know Rayleigh's name? How did you know it?"

"Well, the name of the great Pluto Hilbaz Rayleigh is well-known to everyone. I naturally have my channels, don't worry, Mrs. Xia Qi, we just want to meet the legendary pirate and ask him to help coat the film. Don't the best coating craftsman take the coating job?"

"Hehe, you guys don't look like it. You don't look like you're here to seek revenge. Well, of course I'll take it, but Rayleigh is not in the bar. If you want coating, you may have to wait for a while."

"Where is Rayleigh now? Let me guess, is he in the casino?"

"It's incredible that you even know this. I'm really getting more and more interested in you."

"Mrs. Xia Qi, you have a man, this is not good." Harry joked.

"That old man, I wonder if he's still okay now? He leaves me alone every night." Xia Qi teased.

"Ahem, what are you talking about, old woman? How can you slander me like this in front of outsiders?" Just then, a steady voice came from outside the house.

Xia Qi: "Oh, it's true that the devil is here. Harry, the little devil Rayleigh, isn't he here? Ask him to help you with the coating."

Harry immediately looked at Rayleigh.

Rayleigh looked at the man in front of him and felt a sense of pressure. He couldn't help but said, "Young man, are you the one who wants to come to me, the old man, to coat you? Then let's go outside to coat you."

Arriving at the seaside, Harry put the nameless ship into the sea. Rayleigh was also very surprised when he saw this scene. Could it be the ability of the devil fruit?

Rayleigh took a look at the size of the ship and said, "It will take about three days."

Harry also took out 10 million Baileys for Rayleigh after hearing this.

"The extra money will be used as gambling money. I'm really sorry to bother you, a legendary pirate."

Rayleigh was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"What an interesting kid. You must be very strong, but you didn't become a pirate. Are you interested in a fight?"

Harry: "Of course I'm happy to fight with a legendary pirate."

Soon, the two came to a deserted place.

Rayleigh first wrapped his whole body with Armament Haki. He attacked Harry. Harry sensed the power of this punch and covered his fist with Armament Haki and hit back.

Rayleigh was surprised to find that Harry's Armament Haki was not inferior to his own! So he decided not to hold back his strength and went all out to fight Harry.

As time went on, the battle between the two sides became more and more intense. However, at this moment, Rayleigh suddenly realized a problem-although he had tried his best, his physical strength was rapidly depleted; on the other hand, Harry

, he was still full of vigor and courage!

Faced with such a predicament, Rayleigh did not hesitate to display his domineering aura, and wrapped it around his fist, launching a fierce attack on Harry. In an instant, the two powerful forces collided with each other, and the entire sky seemed to be torn apart, and a huge crack appeared.

At the same time, the two of them were flashing with dazzling lightning, as if they were in a world of thunder and lightning. This thrilling scene shocked everyone.

After the two of them fought a punch, they each stepped back a few steps. Rayleigh was secretly surprised: "I didn't expect this person to be so strong!" He stared at Harry in front of him and felt that the power surging in the other's body was not inferior to his own.

Not only that, after a brief confrontation just now, Rayleigh realized that the strength of their domineering aura was almost the same. Facing such a strong enemy, Rayleigh did not dare to be negligent. He immediately reached out and pulled out the sword beside him, ready to perform more powerful moves.

Rayleigh held the hilt of the sword, his eyes focused and sharp, like a hawk locking onto its prey. In an instant, his whole body's momentum suddenly changed, just like a peerless sword unsheathed, with its sharp edge exposed. Then, a sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth, like a dragon out of the sea, followed Rayleigh's sword and rushed forward with a sound of breaking wind.

However, Harry was prepared. Seeing Rayleigh use the divine avoidance, he did not show weakness and increased his own armed color and overlord color domineering output. A layer of rich black and red aura emerged from his body, and continued to thicken and condense into a solid shield to resist the attack.

Harry successfully resisted Rayleigh's sharp sword moves with his deep domineering reserves, but he did not stop there. On the contrary, while defending, he also launched a counterattack-waving his fist and hitting Rayleigh hard... Rayleigh had no time to withdraw and dodge, so he could only punch Harry.

However, Rayleigh's domineering energy was insufficient and he could only take a few steps back. Feeling the powerful destructive force in his body, Rayleigh was exhausted and finally lost to Harry after a hard fight. This peak duel came to an end.

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