The two of them were very happy.

He came to Xiluobu Village, disguised as a crew member who was driven off the ship by the fleet, was taken in by this family, and became their housekeeper, wearing a hypocritical mask to make everyone in the village believe in him.

As the smartest man after Ben Beckman, Krabatel would have been a cat-for-prince if he hadn't met the man of destiny in this world.

Soon he arrived at the living room of Ke Ya's house and saw Clo in a suit. At this time, Clo had already put on his extended cat claws. Seeing the two people coming in, he said: Sorry you are in the way, my lady. Then he carried the eight-meter-long cat claws and rushed towards Ke Ya in a silent step.

At this moment, Harry moved. Harry raised his hand slightly and easily grasped Clo's cat's paw, saying, "You are just the leader of the Black Cat Pirates." Then, he squeezed his hand and deformed the cat's paw. Clo didn't even have the Armament Haki. Clo saw this and was horrified. He ran away. But how could he be faster than Harry, who had the physique of the Steel Balloon Plus and the Observation Haki? Harry hit Clo and made him faint with a casual blow.

Kaya's eyes flashed with confusion, shock, sadness, and admiration.

Harry said: This person is Clo, the leader of the Black Cat Pirates. Your parents were killed by his design. He came to your house to seduce the family property. Today, he knew you were leaving and was afraid that the plan would fail, so he had to leave early.

Kaya heard tears in her eyes. It turned out that her parents were killed by him. I still trusted him so much.

Harry said: Sister Kaya, I'm here. I'll be there for you in the future. I'll go out and kill him to avoid polluting your home. After saying that, he walked out of the room and went to the woods to break Clo's neck. Then he used his observation Haki to scan and found that he was dead. Then he returned to Kaya's house.

Kaya had some tear marks on her face at this time, and she looked very beautiful.

"When is Kaya going to leave?" Harry asked, touching Kaya's head.

Ah, do we have our own ship? Hearing this, Harry said with embarrassment, ha, no. Kaya smiled and said, Brother Harry, then let's use the Merry to sail. As for when to leave, let's prepare and leave tomorrow.

The next day, on the Merry, Kaya and Harry were waving goodbye to the people who came to see them off. Kaya looked at Usopp and said, Usopp, wait for your partner and see you later on the sea. As for whether he can sail? It doesn't matter. Luffy could reach Cocosia Village and Barati by following the current. Harry was not panicked at all.

The ship was full of food for sailing for seven days, and there was also food that Harry bought himself that could feed seven people for half a year, which was placed in the system space. The ship also prepared a training room and barbells for the two to practice. Here I have to say that the cargo ship's carrying capacity is about thousands to hundreds of thousands of tons. Of course, the power that can destroy a ship is different from the power that can lift a ship, just like Little Oz swinging a warship and smashing it. And the strength and defense are also different. Just like Little Oz was knocked to the ground by a wave of bears.

So even if you have the steel balloon plus version of Harry, you can't neglect exercise. Otherwise, like Big Mom, you will use up your vitality from beginning to end, and your body will be weak.

Harry said that he could do it, but he couldn't not practice. And as for having children, Harry said that he would wait until he became the strongest and had a stable environment. It shouldn't be difficult to mobilize the domineering and clear it. Now that he has come to the pirate world, Harry said that he must open a harem.

Harry got rid of the immature thoughts in his mind, looked at Kaya next to him and said: Sister Kaya, do you want to become stronger?

Kaya: I do, brother Harry. I have been tortured by my body before. Now that I am healthy, I must work harder to become stronger to help brother Harry.

Harry was moved after hearing this, and said to Kaya: Okay, then I will teach you how to practice Armament Haki and Observation Haki. Of course, the most basic physical exercise is also necessary. Let's go to the practice room.

In the practice room, Harry looked at Kaya and said: Observation Haki, you can feel the enemy's attack, and the more powerful Observation Haki can foresee the future and read people's hearts.

Armament Haki, mobilize the power in the body, can cover the body with a layer of armor-like things to strengthen the defense, and the stronger Armament Haki can be attached to the weapon externally, and the internal damage.

As for the Domineering Haki, it is one in a million, and it is born and cannot be acquired later. A glare can eliminate people with weak will and make them unconscious. Of course, this is just the ordinary Domineering Haki. The high-level Domineering Haki can affect the essence and entangle the body to cause damage.

The best way to practice Haki is to fight. This is the way Haki works.


After that, he began to teach Kaya how to practice. There was a suspended mechanical iron ball in the practice room that swung slowly. Dodging it could help you practice your observation Haki. Although it wouldn't hurt to hit it, it would hurt a lot, which would stimulate you to dodge.

After Harry finished teaching, he picked up a barbell and started doing squats, deadlifts, and crunches.

Half a day later, Harry was soaked through, and his white shirt showed his muscular body, his monkey back, wasp waist, and eight abdominal muscles. At this time, Kaya was also soaked through, revealing her half-hidden body. The two smiled at each other, and both blushed.

Three days later, Cocosia Village.

This was originally a peaceful and quiet village, where a group of simple villagers lived. But it became full of lifeless air due to the arrival of the Dragon Pirates.

The "Dragon Pirates" is a group of pirates composed of fishmen who left the rule of Jinbei, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The captain, Dragon, is a sawtooth shark man who dreams of dominating the East China Sea, establishing the East China Sea Empire, enslaving humans, and being evil. Dragon is extremely mean, cruel, fickle, and has strong racial discrimination. He believes that fishmen have nobler blood and stronger power.

When he was young, Dragon also yearned for humans, but because of the persecution of fishmen by humans, he began to hate humans. After leaving the Sun Pirates, he led his men to attack villages in the East China Sea area, established the Dragon Empire in the Cocoa West Village where Nami lived, and began his rule. He colluded with Colonel Mouse to bully the villagers, and even wanted to rob Nami of the 100 million Baileys she had saved for 8 years to buy the village. Later, he was defeated by Luffy who sought justice for Nami, and broke the sawtooth nose that Dragon was proud of, and was finally taken away by the navy.

After Harry and Kaya landed on the island, they put the Merry into the system space. Seeing this, Ke Ya said in surprise: "Brother Harry, what is this? Where is the boat? Why is it gone?" Hearing this, Harry released the boat that had just been stored in the system space. Here it is. Then he put it away again and said: "This is my ability to have a storage space, so I don't have to worry about losing the boat."

"It's amazing, Brother Harry is so powerful. Not only is he strong, but he is also very capable," Ke Ya said excitedly.

Harry and Ke Ya walked between the villages, and two fishmen came towards them and shouted, "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you before? Have you ever met Bailey? Do you know whose territory this is?"

Hearing the words of the fishmen, Harry frowned and said: "You are so noisy, and you killed the two fishmen casually. You are really used to being domineering. If they don't die, these villagers will be oppressed more.

A girl with orange hair and wearing a bikini with a vest line in the distance saw this scene and thought it was not good. She stepped forward and said, "Aren't you afraid of revenge after you two killed Aaron's gang? That's a pirate with a bounty of 20 million Baileys."

Hearing this, Harry smiled and said: Ah la la, there is a pirate group here, just in time to destroy it.

Harry looked at Nami and felt that she looked even prettier than in the anime.

"You? Don't mess around. The Dragon Pirates are not ordinary pirates. The power of fishmen is ten times that of humans. It's not just a 20 million bounty." Nami looked at Harry and said hurriedly.

Harry didn't say anything, just shook his head slightly. Nami has been oppressed by the Dragon Pirates for many years. During this period, she also resisted and hired pirate hunters, but it was useless. So she can only hope to save up 100 million Baileys to buy the whole village. Harry said that he understood, so he didn't say anything, but just used his observation Haki to sense it and walked towards Arlong Paradise.

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