The dress was very beautiful, but the clothes were very beautiful.

A white headdress with a black and white striped skirt, black stockings that were two points above the knee, and black high heels.

Ah, isn't this a maid outfit? Kaya is so good. Why is she suddenly excited? Ahem, "Kaya, you are very beautiful, buy a few more sets."

Kaya was very happy to see Harry's look, "He is attracted to me, I can still attract my brother."

Nami also came out, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, a black short skirt, and a black cape. With her heroic face, she suddenly looked a little domineering. What's going on? Harry suddenly remembered Nami in the scene of Judicial Island, who was also so domineering.

Nochigo was wearing a gray outfit with white in the middle, extending to the knees, with a yellow bow tied around her neck and a gray and white chef's hat on her head. This is a little chef's outfit.

Harry looked at the three beauties, each of them had their own style. Nami was lively and cute, Kaya was well-educated and polite, and Nochigo was gentle and intellectual.

The three of them went to the front desk with their favorite clothes to pay the bill and put them all into the system space.

As soon as I left the store, I saw a group of navy chasing a group of pirates not far away. Among them, there was a man in the navy wearing a cloak, holding a cigarette and a stick-like object in his hand. And one of the pirates being chased was wearing golden armor and holding a large shield gun.

Smoker, there are so many civilians here. Are you sure you want to go to war with our Creek Haze Group?

Smoker frowned when he heard this, and felt helpless. This East China Sea Admiral Creek was covered in explosives. If a fight breaks out, he will be fine, but the marines and civilians will be miserable. For a moment, he hesitated.

Harry saw this scene, and naturally wanted to take care of it. He silently chanted "shave" in his heart, and instantly appeared behind Creek, knocking him out with a knife. Then he used a precise domineering color to stun the little pirate.

Smoker looked at Harry in shock, "The momentum just now was domineering color domineering. Who are you to have such courage at this age?"

Ah, I just want to give a home to all the girls in the world. Ahem, no, no, I'm just a traveler who wants to travel around the sea. After saying that, he glanced at Tashigi.

Tashigi was looking at Harry with admiration, and when he suddenly looked at her, she looked confused. She is worthy of being the confused Tashigi.

Smoker's face darkened when he heard this, but he said seriously, "Thank you this time. If you hadn't taken action, many innocent civilians might have been injured and let them run away. Come to the branch to collect the bounty for these people."

Harry thought that it would take a year for the small garden to be full of magnetism, and he couldn't wait. So he said: No need for the bounty, just give us a record pointer and a permanent pointer from the small garden to the Drum Island.

Smoker was stunned, thinking that this guy seems to know a lot. Okay, follow me to the naval base to get it.

There are seven magnetic forces extending from the Upside Down Mountain. You can choose any one at the beginning, but no matter which island the magnetic force starts from, once you choose it, you can't change it. You can only go along the route one island at a time. In the end, these seven routes will converge at the Sabaody Archipelago. You can choose a new route when you arrive in the New World, and the last island you arrive at is the end of the Grand Line, "Raftel".

Four naval soldiers fell neatly on the left and right sides. When they saw Smoker hammering his left chest with his right hand, he shouted: Colonel Smoker!

Smoker walked into the base without even looking at it. In the base, one team of marines was training swordsmanship, well, the standard naval saber, and the other team was running and marching.

It seems that the marines are trained quite hard, but their bloodline is not good, their physical fitness is too poor, and their upper limit is not high enough.

The world of pirates, including the world of Naruto, all talk about the theory of bloodline in these R-country comics. Ordinary people have no good bloodline, so the upper limit is so high. Otherwise, if hard work is useful, the world of pirates would have been overthrown long ago.

When I came to a three-story building, I felt a sense of majesty and solemnity. Why do I feel this way? Because although it is a three-story building, the house is very high and the heavy door is also very wide. As for why this is the case, it may be that the monsters in the world of pirates are very tall and their body shapes are hard to describe.

In Smoker's office, Smoker rummaged through the drawer and found an unused record pointer.

Then he said to Tashigi: Go to the warehouse and find the permanent pointer from the small garden to the magnetic drum island.

Smoker looked at Harry and asked: Are you interested in joining the navy? With your strength, you are more than enough to be a colonel in the headquarters. If you catch a few pirates and test them, it is very likely that you will be a major general or even a vice admiral.

Harry looked at Smoker and said playfully: There are too many restrictions in the navy. Sometimes you still do not want to do things.

You have to obey your superiors. Do you think I will join?

Smoker was silent for a long time.

He performed very well in the Marine Training Camp, but because he offended his superiors and always went against them, he was sent to this place where no one lives. In the East China Sea, the natural fruit is invincible, and he also neglected to exercise.

Look at Harry: I hope you don't become a pirate.

Harry thought about it and said meaningfully: I hope so too, unless I am forced to be called this.

Soon Tashigi took back the pointer of the Drum Island and gave it to Harry.

At this time, Harry recognized and looked at Tashigi. She was wearing a black cheongsam with a slit to the thigh, a blue plush coat, dark blue short hair, red glasses, and a knife at her waist.

"Ms. Tashigi, are you willing to go on an adventure with me?"

Tashigi was a little surprised and didn't understand why this strong and handsome guy would invite her. She is now a marine, and she can't leave her post easily, and she likes this job and has her own justice in her heart.

Tashigi refused: Mr. Harry, I am a marine now, I have to fight to maintain peace in the sea and to protect civilians. So I refuse.

"Ah, I was rejected? But Miss Tashigi can join us anytime you want."

Naminochi and Gao Keya looked at each other and rolled their eyes at Harry.

Zhongnu thought: "This little bastard, is it not enough for us? He has not eaten the meat in his mouth and he is thinking about the pot."

After leaving the naval base

Harry remembered the two good and sharp swords that Zoro bought in Rogue Town, and of course he would not snatch them from the Ghost Totsu. Harry still respected Zoro very much. As a fitness enthusiast, he admired Zoro the most when watching anime. Only Zoro's strengthening made sense to him. He would lift a barbell and practice swordsmanship whenever he wanted.

But if Xuezou was destroyed on Judicial Island. Harry still felt very sorry and decided to buy Xuezou and use him to pretend to be a 13 in the future. Influenced by the movies in his hometown, he also yearns for the scenes of swords and swords, and the scene of a sword flashing and freezing the nineteen continents. This is the romance of men. Who didn't get a wooden stick when he was a child and dreamed of helping the weak and doing stupid things like chopping grass with a wooden stick?

Although he doesn't know any sword skills, he has high-level armed color domineering entanglement, intermediate domineering color domineering entanglement, and terrifying strength. If the sword is not sharp and the horse is too thin, what can you use to fight me. Directly break all methods with one force, plus domineering and sharpness, it's cool to play.

After asking the naval weapon shop on duty at the door where it is, several people took a walk to see the customs and customs of Rogue Town.

When they arrived at the weapon shop, the boss greeted them with a warm face (with a face full of profiteers' smiles), and said to the distinguished guests that we have the best knives in the town. Our knife shop is a time-honored brand. Since three hundred years ago...blah blah blah, the swordsman chooses the knife, and the knife also chooses the swordsman.

Harry looked around, what a rag, boss, you talk nicely, why don't you have a good knife. The boss looked embarrassed. Harry walked to a wooden barrel and saw the demon sword Sandai Kitetsu, saying that this sword was good. The boss was very anxious and said: This is a demon sword. The previous two owners said it was good. Oh no, they are all dead. You can't use it.

Harry heard it and directly threw the knife into the air. Well, I used my observation color to sense it. There is no danger. I stretched out my arm directly, but it was embarrassing that the blade cut my arm, and then it fell to the ground...

Harry smiled awkwardly: Pick it up and throw it again, and it cuts my hand again... After trying more than ten times, just when Harry was about to give up, he finally avoided his arm and fell down. "Boss, do you see anything?"

The owner of the weapon shop:... Customer, customer, this knife is not suitable for you. The boss's voice was a little trembling. What kind of monster is this? This is a demon sword, and it didn't even break the skin.

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