One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 136: Battle of the top twenty two

Tianlei was shot and flew out, but the attack of the three majors followed. The red dog sang aloud: "White beard, pick me up a meteor volcano!" said the red dog hit his strongest In the move, I saw a large amount of lava flowing quickly on his double fists, and made a large number of huge lava fists. Then he went out into the sky and went to the big lava fist in the sky, which turned into a fire and rain meteor. Constantly falling to the white beard.

Looking at the lava stone in the sky, I smashed myself to the ground to destroy the earth, and the white beard’s face was not right. Immediately in the hands of a slashing knife, the waist was slightly low, and then smashed into the air, a strong shock wave from the white beard's moon knife. However, the white beard did not stop, but then continued to wave three shocks before he stopped.

But not he stopped himself, but was interrupted. Because the generals Huang Qi was not idle at this time, the one leg was independent, the other leg was the ability to quickly gather light, and then the white beard smashed past, and the attack speed of Huang Qi’s speed of light was too fast. . After the attack was still in the red dog, the attack was first appeared in front of the white beard.

At this time, most of the white beard's attention was still on the red dog's meteor volcano. When he found the jaundice attack, it was already late. He also attacked the meteor volcano in the air, and the attack of the jaundice was already On his chest. He simply couldn’t stop it, and he was hit again by Huang Wei.

The white beard was not soft by his feet. Before that, he was shot once by the speed of light of Huang Wei, and then it was a fierce blow of Tian Lei. His injury has not been injured, and once again he was shot, it is a wounded injury.

However, it is not only Huang Qi and Red Dog that launched the attack. The generals did not watch the drama. They also sang a low voice: "Frozen the earth." At the same time as the low drink, the green scorpion has already shot, with the green scorpion as the center. The distance of 100 meters turned into an ice field in an instant. His last attack, but his move, the attack speed is not slow, and also attacked the white beard before the first shot of the red dog.

That is, the moment after the white beard was shot by the speed of the yellow scorpion, it was frozen by his frozen land into a large ice sculpture.

However, the white beard is not solved by the green scorpion. The frozen white beard immediately launched the shocking fruit ability, "squeaking and rubbing!" The vertical ice on the white beard began to break.

However, the first attack launched by the Red Dog finally arrived. The dense lava stone covered the white beard with a body of 500 meters.


When the lava meteorites were at high altitude, the navy of Marin vando, and the people watching the battle of the century before the video phone bugs, did not feel much. However, when these lava stones are getting closer and closer to the ground, the roar of the lava shale and the rapid friction of the air also resounded. They suddenly felt a boundless pressure, and even the pirates who were running away could not stop and looked up at the sky with the Navy.

When they saw the overwhelming temperament and the huge lava boulder that went straight to the white beard, they couldn’t help but take a deep breath, and the white beards were close to the navy, afraid of being This big move of the red dog was affected, and immediately spread his legs and ran to the distance.

At this time, the thunder that was being shot, also stood up from a pile of gravel, watching the combination of the three majors attack, could not help but take a deep breath. The three majors of the move combination is all over the world! How many people can stop and avoid?

"Boom!" The first lava stone fell to the ground with a white beard less than ten meters, and the ground was pulled out of a huge pit. A burst of violent and hot waves instantly reached the foot of the white beard. With the shock wave, the gravel that is ejected by the lava stone, such as a sharp sword, generally flies out.

Almost at the same time, two lava stones were damaged, and they broke down again and exploded around the white beard.

These three lava stone damages, like the signal, followed by the lava stone, unscrupulously smashed to the white beard, and then swallowed the white beard that had not yet come out of the ice.

In this wild dog attack, there are also Huang Qi and Qing Lan. In the face of such attacks, they are also the highest in the navy, and they have to temporarily avoid the edge. Qi Qi a shave, disappeared in place, appeared in the distance, waiting for the result of the attack of the red dog.

In the lava boulder like a raindrop, several lava boulders smashed straight toward the white beard, and the ice of the white beard immediately shattered when the millennium was shot. Looking at the lava boulder that is already close at hand, the white beard shouted, and the slashing knife in his hand was released, his hands were lifted, and then both hands pulled to the next side.

The empty celebrity of the white beard has been twisted. This distorted space is like a shield. It blocks all the lava stones that are straight to him. But every lava has a boulder in it. On the twisted space, the white beard spit out a blood, and the three wounds on his body also flowed like a column.

The lava rain stopped after a minute, but within this minute, the white beard did not know how many lava boulder attacks were taken. When he appeared in front of the world, his invincible momentum was long gone.

At this time, his face was pale, his body was crumbling, and there were two **** marks on his lips. He was unusually conspicuous. His chest had already been stained red by blood. He knew that he had flowed out of the three wounds in his chest. This appearance of him is something that individuals can see, and it is already the end of power.

It’s time for Thunder to tangled, and now that one space has moved, I’m sure I can take the white-bearded head. However, it is a bit of a danger, the villain. When it is not attacked, the head of the white beard is taken away by others, and the huge reward of destroying the four emperors and the world's number one is gone!

Tianlei hesitated again and again, Tianlei still did not block the temptation of rewards, to know that this reward to destroy the four emperors and the world's first is absolutely small, even if you do not need anything now, when it can be used for partners!

So in the end, Tianlei still shot, after all, this white beard is definitely dead, who is not destroyed, so I am going to destroy it!

A space move of Tianlei came to the front of the white beard, and a space was broken and hit the belly of the white beard. Now the white beard is barely standing, where can also shoot out the attack of the thunder. After being hit by Tianlei, he spurted a spurt of blood and used the last force to take the step back.

Then I screamed: "The big secret treasure - ONEPIECE is there!" After that, standing and dying, the strongest generation of the generation ended.

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