One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 160: Devil pirates fight

On the one hand, Zefa, Binz, and Ai Yin were idle, and Ain asked Zefa: "Teacher, are we watching?"

Zefa said faintly: "I was here to try this strength of our future marshal. Now someone has tried for me and saved my strength. I am too happy to have it!"

Binz also smiled and said: "Ai Yin is in charge of him! The teacher let us watch the drama, we will watch the play! What is urgent, if he can't, the teacher will not help later."

All because of the power of Francis, pure physical strength coupled with the domineering power of the body, the power of Francis's punch is much stronger than it seems.

After the black sister was shocked, he quickly recovered the calm of the past, and snorted. The black sister’s right fist was on a small tornado compressed by a huge tornado. The rotation speed became faster again, and Tianlei had already made every effort.

"Do you only have this strength?"

Looking at the hard-working expression of the black sister, Tian Lei asked with a smile.

The black sister also naturally heard it, and Tian Lei’s intention was that Tian Lei did not use all his strength.

"Damn." This sentence of Tianlei, for the black sister who has always been very self-satisfied, is simply a complete humiliation, the face of the blue violent violent, black sister wants to fly the thunder to prove their strength.

Strength can be strength, not by anger, it can be improved instantly, even if the black sister is so angry, it can only block the iron fist of Tianlei.

"If that's the case, I will let you know what is absolute strength."

The momentum of Tianlei’s body broke out, and even the domineering color is the same. Tianlei no longer intends to keep his hand for the black sister. To beat her to the service, the Tianlei will enter the strongest moment. status.

"No, you don't hurry up."

At the moment when Tianlei entered the strongest state, the black sister felt that an unrivaled powerful force on Tianlei’s iron fist passed over. If Tianlei used this force to attack himself, he would not be dead and he would be disabled. Under the cold prison, he shouted out loud.

"Hahaha, black sister, if you guys shouted out earlier, the naval's strongest genius, and the youngest general will have died."

With a burst of laughter, a huge fist went straight to the back of Francis.


You don't have to watch the sound, the black sister knows who the comer is. The demon pirate captain Pajin is also one of the strongest pirates under the four emperors.

But Tian Lei, no matter who he is, and what he does, as long as he shot himself, then he must die. Cold drink: "Death." After a space move, it immediately appeared behind Parkin, and the iron fist went to Pakin, who had not lost his strength.

However, Parkin’s reaction was not slow. He turned back and slammed into the thunder. At the same time, he sipped coldly: "Hey, the general of the navy, I am going to smash you a corpse today."

"Boom." Only listened to the iron fist of the loud thunder, they greeted Parkin. This boxing thunder is full of self-confidence, but I did not expect that this Parkin is really hard to resist. Although Parkin is already pale, his hands are shaking all the time, but the block is blocked.

Then Parkin did not fight, but quickly retreated and merged with the black sister.

The devil murdered Wang Mopa, the captain of the black girl pirate group, and the heroine black sister. At this moment, the two strongest pirates under the four emperors stood opposite the Tianlei.

"Two sea thieves, you really can see me." Desperate sneer, Tian Lei looked at the three people in front of him said. Then I curiously asked: "I am wondering, how can you both walk together? Also came here together, the goal is not me?" After the day, Lei also glanced at the side of the show. Law trio.

The black sister saw that Parkin retreated to her side and could not help but move to one side, and then said: "Although my purpose is the same, it is to defeat a naval general to improve our reputation! The position of the four emperors. But this devil murderer Parkin is not my group, I am not anxious to kill him!"

When Parkin heard the words of the black sister, he smiled coldly and said: "Unfortunately, you can't kill me, huh, huh!" Parkin's black sister did not object, it seems that they are not twice.

Tianlei is always seen, this Parkin has been in the middle of a long time to come, looking for business. And still grab the business of this person's head, not right, it is the robbing method, I am the whole one.

Parkin turned to the black sister: "Black sister, we have been fighting for a lifetime, how about cooperation?"

The black sister was quite awkward and yelled at Parkin: "To the old mother, the old mother is not the four emperors, the old lady is not willing to cooperate with listen to the words of the black sister, Tianlei for this black sister Even more admired, this black sister is the most special one among the pirates. Whenever she goes there, she will be treated like a hero. It is because she is like a grandson of the past life. Although she is doing illegal, she is It is indeed helping those who have difficulties.

Such a special pirate, Tian Lei would not want to know.

Thunder is facing Parkin Road: "Call out your three powerful partners! Otherwise I am afraid, they have no chance to play, and your captain has already hung up."

It’s a naval general, I know so much to us! Thunder can not help but think, nonsense, as a navy, the most dozens of pirates, but all are journalists.

As soon as Parkin waved, three figures came in the distance. Parkin turned to the black sister. "This is not to blame me. The fate of this navy general, we have to fix it."

The black sisters looked at them coldly, and their eyes were full of contempt. Through the fight, they knew that the strength of Tianlei was a true general, not what they thought, the pseudo-general that was exaggerated by the Navy.

"Hey, the blue dragon general, today our four pirates group join forces you will die." Looking at Tianlei's disdainful smile, the three people came and shouted at Tianlei.

"Yes, there are four strong thieves in our pirate group. It is also a dead scene for you to bury you together." Nodded, Parkin seems to have determined that he can kill the thunder.

"Oh? To kill me? Just a few of you?" Tianlei once again disdainfully smiled, facing the fear of these people. "You are just a loser under the Four Emperors. It is so blunt, I am looking at it. Several of you can block my blow."

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