One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 176: Drake VS Hyena Bellamy II

However, Drake did not stop the attack, although his eyeliner has been blocked, but the dog Bellamy is just below, so the next attack, he only needs to be vertically down.

I saw Drake, a flip in the air, the foot up, the head down, and then a month, suddenly rushed down, the iron axe in his hand waved to the dog underneath Bellamy.

"Boom!" The dust in front of everyone's eyes has not yet spread, and a loud noise rang again.

"Does the dog Bellamy get rid of it? It seems that the navy is stronger than I thought." Rao G looked dignified and said to the multi-Franming brother around him.

Dolfranming’s current expression looks incomparably angry, and the blue veins on the forehead have exploded and become even more horrible. The eyes blocked by the glasses also burst into a burst of red light.

"Yeah! I really looked down on them!" Dolfranming, the tone of this sentence is very dull, but anyone can hear the killing in his words.

"Yes, the hyena Bellamy, Torrepol, Señol Pique, Mahabes, and Delinger have already died in their hands. It seems that this time I have to fight all my strength." "Lao G said again. Although the situation of the hyena Bellamy is still unknown, but Rao G has included him in the list of the dead, you can imagine. They also have a clear expectation of the outcome of this battle.

The dust quickly dissipated, and both the Tianlei and the Dolfranming brothers were not present, and Drake stood on the edge of a large pit. One person in the big pit lay there motionless. At first glance, he knew that he had hung up, because his whole body was split into two halves, and he was already dead and could no longer die.

Drake did not return to the Thunder, it is obvious that the strength of the dog Bellamy is not enough, so that he is addicted. I saw Drake cold eyes swept to the group of many flamenco, Chora, Leica, Guladios, Buffalo, Diamanti, Rao G.

Tianlei saw this situation and smiled. He said to DoFramming: "Dolfranming, your puppy is dead! See if my partner has not played enough! You want to continue to singled out. Going on? Is it still a big group of Europe? No matter what, I am looking forward to it!"

Dolfranming brother wants to have a big fight, but he sees his family members as real family members, how can he come to a big fight! To know the number of people in the present, Tian Lei is twice as big as him, and each one is extraordinary in strength. On the other side, there is no hope of winning.

However, if the heads-up is over, the round will also be killed by the Tianlei group. Although he has his own letter to win the new naval general, the general will be a general, after all, the younger strength is weaker, that is also a general, but can not be quickly fixed. of.

Then I can only fight, but ~~~~~~ More Flamenco couldn't help but glance at him, wearing a armor and a helmet with a cross face on his head. Tall, wavy hair. A person with a **** logo on his shoulder. It’s true that this person is Leica, but Leica has followed many flamenco for many years. Naturally, I understand what it means to be the eyes of Dolfranming.

I saw that Karma was dissolved in the stone bricks on the ground and disappeared. Seeing the action of Leica, Dolfranming couldn't help but laugh: "Huo! Huo! Huo! Huo!"

I have seen the anime of Thunder naturally know the ability of the Leica stone, is the best person to block and break the enemy. However, in the face of a team of powerful Tianlei, he will also be in great danger.

However, Leica has dissolved into the ground, and now it is too late to block. Tianlei immediately said to the companions on the side: "This Leica is a stone stone capable person, very troublesome, you three trio, don't be separated, Luo you alone, mainly with your Forced to support. As far as Dolfranming is handed over to me, I can't help but run."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Next is the time for my performance." At this moment, there was a sharp voice coming from the ground. The Tianlei group had the thunder that everyone had known. The sound is not to be left alone.

Although they didn't see the person talking, but the voice came from the ground, but I thought it was Leica, and then thought about his tall figure and rough look. Listening to this baby-like voice can't help but laugh.

The first thing I laughed was Bartol Romeo. He had already laughed and rolled on the ground. He smiled and said: "Hey, I can’t, laugh at me! This guy is really, too fucking. It’s teasing, this sound is not in line with his body!”

And Deborah, who is a little hooligan like Bartol Romeo, is the same. The stop of laughter can't stop, and at the same time he said: "Boss, you are sure to talk now, that is, the big man who just stood in front of us. Not a little girl?"

Leica himself is very mindful about this. It was ridiculed by the people of Tianlei. It was naturally very With his anger, the ground also violently moved, and everyone shook with it. stand up.

The next scene is all the people who are shocked by the Tianlei group, including the ones that are prepared in the heart. I saw that the thunder and the four walked, the high-rise buildings on the street, all of them surged up, and soon there was a lot of normal ground.

A few breaths of time are two or three meters above the ground, but still have no meaning to stop, and continue to increase, the speed of increase is getting faster and faster.

Just two or three meters of time, the ground is full of ten meters high, then Tianlei a group of talents to see, this is a person's head! A head made entirely of stone is so huge that it is so huge. If the whole body emerges from the ground, there must not be a height of a hundred meters.

Sure enough, it quickly confirmed the idea of ​​the Tianlei group. Leica stood out from the ground a little bit, and it was really a height of 100 meters. Tianlei is also shocked now, although it has been seen in previous lives, but from the TV and the scene, it is completely two concepts!

You can imagine that a 100-meter tall building is moving, moving, what kind of situation will be, you will know. After the shock, Tianlei shouted at other partners: "You are careful! Don't separate, let them break through!" After the Thunder, each of the flamenco rushed over, because Tianlei knows, more A group of Flamenco, only he can quickly get the strength of his partner.

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