One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 179: Kebi Dafa

When Dolfranming was shocked, Krabi and Leica, two fists of extremely different sizes, collided. Like the contrast of the size of the fist, the power of stone and space is as great as it is. But on the contrary, how the stone is the opponent of space, when Leica's huge fist and the fragile Kby's fist.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" In the moment when the double fists touched, Leica's huge stone fist began to withstand the power of the earthquake, and began to crack. And the secret ability of Kebi's other hand, the chain formed has also been entangled, the bird cage of Dolfranming.

Kebi Gao sighed: "Accumulate!" I saw the dark energy of Kebi, and instantly rushed over, covering the bird cage of Dolfranming, and the bird cage of Fleminger turned black. The entire bird cage was swallowed up.

"Oh! DoFranming brother, it seems that you and your people are like this! It seems that I don't want to shoot it!" Tian Lei said with great defiance.

After getting the bird cage of Dolfranming, Krabi once again whispered: "Dark water!" A powerful suction was immediately produced, and the center of suction was aimed at the huge stone giant of Leica.

Leica, among the giant stone giants, suddenly felt that he was locked by a suction, and was sucked out by the suction of a giant stone giant. However, this sucking is too strong, and it is so strong that Leica can't resist.

Fear arises in his heart little by little, until the moment he is about to be sucked out of the giant stone giant, the fear in Leica's heart has risen to the extreme. He was mad, he no longer cares about this **** suction, and immediately started a crazy attack, he raised two huge fists and slammed to Leica.

A punch, a punch and a fist, he is constantly slamming, but he is facing, but he has the secret ability and the shock ability, and each of his punches is easily One by one crushed.

Guladious, Buffalo, and Diamanti saw the danger of Leica, and the three looked at each other. Diamanti immediately slammed on the ground and blasted to Kirby. Guladios and Bafa also had a tacit understanding of the three high-level attacks on Noci, Bartole Romeo and Chennai.

Seeing this scene, Nokiga, Bartol Romeo, and Chennai laughed. Bartol Romeo said quite disdainfully: "You are too small to see us! Your opponent is us, want to help Others, have we agreed?” At the same time as speaking, Bartol Romeo’s fingers with his hands have been knotted, a huge barrier house with a radius of 100 meters, completely breaking Guradius, Buffalo, Dia Three men and others, Mutual support may be.

Bartol Romeo made this move very fast, and it was successfully sent before Diamanti rushed out of the 100 meters. And this move is very sudden, and Diamanti, who is advancing at a rapid speed, simply can't react.

"Touch!" Diamanti slammed into the barrier, but Diamanti was also a very rich man in combat experience. He immediately took the ability to wrap his iron clothes around his body. , to protect himself.

However, he was also blocked, and Guladious and Buffalo once again looked at each other. The dark road seems to be this, not only can't save Leica, even the three of them are dangerous. Unless it is to kill this Bartol Romeo, otherwise the three of them will not go out.

Bartol Romeo said with one hand and a rogue-like look: "Look! I said we want to promise."

And this scene, Tianlei and Dolfranming brother are seen, Tianlei is also very happy road: "DoFranming brother, look! I said that you are a little hooligan! Look at your men It’s really worse than one!”

Dolfranming is now mad at the extreme, and he no longer wants to care for his beloved, family-like partners. The only thing he wants now is to kill the thunder, and the mummy in his heart will disappear.

I saw that Dolfranming would extend the palm of his hand backwards, just like the pre-action of Luffy's ability to use the "rubber fruit." After that, Fleminger spewed dozens of nearly transparent thin wires from the palm of his hand, and then twisted the wires together to form a thick wire column like a hair.

And try to make this string post as far as possible, then slam forward. At the same time as the smashing out, Dofranmingo shouted: "Super hit whip!"

This trick is super-hitting whip, Tian Lei has been used in the anime of previous life, the print is quite deep. Because this move is not only powerful, it can even cut a tall building into two halves in an instant. Moreover, the scope of this move is extremely wide. Even in the pastimes, even the "Dres Rosa", which is located several kilometers away, can be easily reached.

Although Tianlei is still a disdainful color for Dolfranming, he is not at all daring. Tianlei first made the iron block in the whole body, and the armed color domineering also broke out at the same time. The last move was a defensive move: "The fisherman's empty hand punch - Tang Caowa Zhengquan." This is a trick to use the positive punch style produces a full 360° shock wave. It is very much like the returning people of the Japanese in the shadow of fire, but one uses Chakra, and the other uses the shock wave formed by power.

Just for a moment. Dolfranming's super-struck whip, the slap in the thunder of this move.

On the same day, Ray really and Dolfranming’s powerful blow, when it came into contact, Tian Lei felt extremely powerful from this shot. Although the thunder was blocked and did not suffer any damage, it was still letting this powerful blow out.

At this time, the attack of Bartol Romeo began, knowing that Bartol Romeo and Nocico have been all together for a long time. When Bartol Romeo used the barrier house to stop Guladious, Buffalo, and Diamanti.

Noki Gao also launched an attack, and she has developed a lot of moves for her ice flame ability. Just listen to him and drink a low voice: "Freeze the earth." I saw the Nooch high in the middle, the ground in the barrier was frozen in an instant. Freezing nature can't just be the ground, and the people on the ground, Guladious, Buffalo, Diamanti also frozen into ice sculptures in a flash.

When Noki's ability to develop, the first thing that Tianlei thought was the green, although the ability of Noki is ice flame, but the appearance is closer to the ice, so Tianlei is holding a green trick to Noki High. Starting. Sure enough, it took a long time for Noki Gao to develop the greens.

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