One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 189: World shock

"Ah!~~~~~" Dofranminge made a sound, the screams of heartbreaking.

The people present, as well as the people in front of the screen, could not help but be shocked. Because at this time, the rest of the limbs of the Fleming brother were given, and the multi-Franming brother became a man! In order to prevent this guy's abnormal line ability and restore his limbs, Thunder also gave his limbs a powder.

Looking at Dolfranming, the broken limbs, the blood is getting more and more. His miserableness has made all those who saw this scene understand that the navy’s new general is definitely not a good guy.

And still one, than the absolute justice of the Navy's current Marshal Red Dog, but also the right navy, because no one can take the Tianlong people. Even the absolute righteous Navy's current Marshal Red Dog is the same, not only can't the Tianlong people, but also the Tianlong people's life.

But now the new Navy's new Blue Dragon general has given a Tianlong person a limb, and now it seems that there is no intention to put more Fleminger, although he is just a Tianlong person who lost the Tianlong person. But this is also unique, except for the two Tianlong people killed by Tianlei.

When all the people were shaking, Tianlei turned his head and said to Luo and Drake: "The day before, the dragon, the seven Wuhai, the multi-Franming brother! It is the person who killed your benefactor and father, now this guy I will hand it over to you."

"????!!!!" Luo and Drake heard this, it is a bit of a reaction!

Tianlei smiled: "Why don't you?"

Luo and Drake also laughed, and immediately said: "Boss, then I am not welcome." The two men smirked and went to Dofranco, then moved a space, he, Drake and The multi-Franming brother who has been abolished has disappeared into the eyes of all.

Seeing the three left, all the people in front of the screen could not help but squeeze a cold sweat for Dolfranming. Both of them took him away, but they all had a hatred of heaven and earth. His end, all people can imagine it, the absolute tragedy!

I don't know why, all the ordinary people in front of the screen have a dark feeling in my heart. There is one more in their hearts, and the germination is growing in secret, that is, they have not discovered it themselves.

After killing all the high-ranking cadres of the Fleminger and winning the multi-Franmingo, this time the Dresdosa kingdom event also came to an end.

Soon the king of the Kingdom of Dres Rosa, Liku Dolder III, Princess Rebecca, the king of the country's strongest, Cyrus, led by Princess Violette to the thunder.

Liku and Cyrus Road, immediately grateful to the heavenly thunder: "We represent, all the people of the Kingdom of Dres Rosa, come to the Navy and thank you!"

"No! No! The navy is the navy, I am me! They don't have that leisure, and there is no such thing as the courage to control your kingdom of Dres Rosa." Thunder said faintly.

When I heard that Thunder said this, Violette immediately asked with a look of confusion: "Blue Dragon General, what do you mean?"

Tianlei did not reply, but said again faintly: "After that, you will understand what I mean." To know that the Kingdom of Dres Rosa is not live broadcast, they do not know DoFramming. Brother's identity!

However, Tianlei does not intend to say now, because he does not want to be known too early by the Navy headquarters, his plan is at a critical time, he does not want to lose because of small.

Therefore, the people of Tianlei and the Kingdom of Dres Rosa, who had a cold experience, returned to the G5 with a group of companions. G5 is also a live broadcast of this battle, such a good opportunity to stand up, how can Tianlei be let go?

Now staying in Baby-5, Ai Yin and Black Sister, and Wilgo have already heard the battle on the screen. And know that Tianlei will come back immediately, so they all waited, G5's gate, quietly waiting for Tianlei to return.

Although a few are all here, their mood is very far. Baby-5, Ain and Black Sister are all very happy.

The black sister also knew that what more Fleminger had done to the kingdom of Dresden, and even more about the identity of Dolfranming, which really surprised her.

However, Thunder did not keep a hand because of the identity of Dolfrango, but also supported the fairness of the Kingdom of Dres Rosa. This shows that what Tian Lei said to them is true. She did not deceive her at all, so the black sister’s heart was fixed. And her two sisters are the same.

Among them, the most complicated thing is the Virgo. In his heart, more than Fleming, the sky is the earth, but now his heaven, his land collapsed. His life became a target, and he got up at a time.

After Thunder returned to G5, he arranged everything, then returned to his room and took out the phone bug: "Bloobri! Blubru!"

After a while, the phone bug passed, and began to answer: "Boss?"

Thunder: "Yes, it's me, what's the matter?"

The phone yin smiles said: "Boss, I am doing things, you are not at ease? Rest assured! I have already moved MR5, Yalita out, has come to G5, estimated two days Can arrive."

Thunder: "What about other people?"

The phone bug paused: "Boss, I have already done this, I have made some means, and those who are willing to follow us, I have arranged it."

"Of course, I also mean the old man, leaving some hidden people in the headquarters. After this big event broke out, the boss’s prestige will definitely rise again, and the naval headquarters will be disappointed. Then they will go out for activities again. When I think of it, there will be a lot of people who are willing to follow the boss."

When Tian Lei heard the phone bug, the person’s report and the heart of his hand were put down. As long as the navy succeeded in pulling it, then this plan of his own was a step further.

In the next few days, Tianlei had a very leisurely time. Although he knew that it would take a few days, the war would start again, but he was not worried at all because he already had a plan to deal with everything.

In the past few days, Tianlei and Dolfranming had a big fight, and all the high-ranking cadres of the group of Franmingo had been eliminated. Even the limbs of Dolfranming’s limbs were abolished. .

This news shocked everyone who heard it.

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