One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 191: Absolute justice of the red dog

The Tianlong people who also got the news, the world government and the naval headquarters, have now turned over.

The Tianlong people are now violent, and they are screaming at the phone worm. "You, what are you doing? There were two Tianlong people killed before, and now there is another former Tianlong person who was arrested. Or your people did it, I still don’t want to put our Tianlong people in my eyes, but I still want to do it."

The opposite phase of the spurt was the five-star star of the world’s top government leader, who was madly sprayed them and was speechless for a while. During this period of time, there have been too many things happening, which are unfavorable to their world government. It is bigger than one.

First, Huang Wei’s younger brother killed two Tianlong people. After that, it was the battle of the top. The world’s government, the strongest combat department navy, greatly reduced its strength. After that, Ace, who is the blood of the One Piece, sat on the position of the Four Emperors. Although Ace had already escaped from their hands, they did not announce the identity of Ace, but they did not mean that they did not know!

They still almost want Ace's life, but also killed a white beard. It can be said that the enemy is like the sea. After that, there will definitely be a big move to the world government. They haven't sorted out the coping method for this matter, and Tianlei has also passed on the bigger troubles for them.

Their anger could no longer be stunned, and they were immediately connected. They are now the Navy Marshal Red Dog. After that, it started the mad squirting: "What are you doing? What are you doing? Your good voice, Blue Dragon has made such a big thing, don't tell us that you will not know if you are an uncle." You must give us now, give the world government, and give the Tianlong people a confession."

In the red dog here, Karp and the Warring States came to him early, they also came to give pressure to the red dog, and they also gave the red dog to support. They know that Tian Lei, a new general, is not a general general. His space ability can only be suppressed and must not be an enemy. But they also know that the world government, no matter what, this is why they came here to support the red dog.

They don't want to, there will be one more in the future, and they can appear in any of their bases and launch the attacking superpower. It is a nightmare!

When the red dog heard the words of the five old stars, it was still like a cold-faced god. It faintly said: "What do you want me to do? Directly through him? Directly announce him and defect the navy?"

Five old star roads were silent for a while: "It’s not good to take him directly."

"Do you think he will be handy? Hey, let us send it to the Tianlong people? Are you naive? Or am I stupid?"

The red dog’s counter-inquiry left the five old stars in a moment, and paused for a while and said: “If this is the case, we will not care, I will just explain to you, the attitude of the Tianlong people. At least this day will not be Maybe staying in the navy again, and, more, Fleminger must live to send the dragons to go there." After that, he hangs up, even, even the Warring States and Karp, who have specially sent to support the Red Dog, even talked. There are no opportunities.

When the five old stars hang up, the red dog is angry. "These people in the world's government have cramped their brains. Isn't this the launch of the Navy's pillar of the sky? It has become our navy, the most troublesome." Enemy?"

"Ha ha ha! Fun, fun, and finally not the husband's family! Hahaha!" To say this, needless to say, is Kapp this heartless guy. Of course, it was his family before. The revolutionary Lao Dalong was his son. Then there was Ais, one of the four emperors, and the straw hat that has now become famous. It is a guy who has a headache for the Navy.

The red dog listened, and the red dog that couldn't be black again could have become more exciting.

When the Warring States saw that Karp was in this situation, he still had the mood to be there, and he immediately became angry. Shouted: "Capp, you old bastard, you still eat your donuts, then give me a shut up."

After looking at the three people, they dialed the Tianlei phone bug: "Blubru! Blubru!" Soon the phone bug was connected, and between the phone bugs, there was a light cloud Light voice: "Do you have an anecdote?"

The red dog is cold and cold: "Isn't you going to be stationed at G5? Nothing is going to the Kingdom of Dres Rosa."

Thunder said with a strange look: "But a justice navy knows what the Flemish brother is doing to the kingdom of Dres Rosa. Can I ignore it?"

At this time, the Warring States forced to ask: "Why don't you report to the Navy headquarters? Just start?"

The thunder is still bleak and said: "I am a navy general, a sea thief, and a power of seven Wuhai? That naval general, what do you mean?"

"You~~~~~." The Warring States was speechless by Tian Leiding.

"You will confess the matter on the other side of the G5. I will return to the navy headquarters before the day after tomorrow, and make this statement clear. Otherwise, this time it is not good to confess to the world government and the Tianlong people. The red dog is very flat. Said.

After the talk, the red dog hung up the phone, silenced for a long time, and there was a murder in his eyes. Then he said coldly: "It seems that this enemy, we have to stand. Now we only have one chance, that is趁 This opportunity, the three people slammed him and killed him here. If this time is not successful, I don’t think I will say it!” Sure enough, absolute justice is absolute justice, even to relatives. Do not let go.

To know that as a naval hero, Karp, but also experienced such a thing, and still three times, but he can not get it at once. In the past life, when he saw Ace dead, he also specifically told the Warring States to let him stop himself, otherwise he would kill the red dog. It is conceivable that he is Karp, the superhero of the navy, and he can't do it like a red dog. For his so-called justice, he can do it.

When Karp heard the words of the red dog, his eyes came out. He really didn't want to understand, but someone can actually kill the hand of someone who is close to him. The doughnut that had been held in his hand fell to the ground and he did not find it.

It was just as shocking as the war. Although he had estimated various situations, he really did not dare to think about the idea of ​​killing Tianlei. After all, he is the nephew of the current Navy Marshal, and he is also a naval general.

Therefore, the Warring States asked the red dog very cautiously: "Red dog, are you sure what to do?"

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