One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 196: Navy new general

Now they have given Tianlei the new force of the emerging navy, and they have calculated their strength. Zefa’s 50,000, Smog and Dina led the 30,000, and pulled out 20,000 from the Navy’s headquarters. G5 itself’s 20,000, Navy’s G-9 commander, General Dalmecia and Navy G -2 Commander-in-chief Lieutenant General Gumir led each of them to 20,000, and there were 140,000 troops in total. This is the elite of the Navy!

At this time, everyone in the world is silent. This kind of strength is only under the world government and the navy. It is entirely based on this strength.

The four emperors and the seven Wuhai naturally heard the news, but the reactions were different.

Yan Aisi, who received news from Tianlei in the past few days, he still can't let go of Tianlei. After all, the white beard finally died in the hands of Tianlei. Although he now knows that all these things are black beard cloth and the navy cloth, they are the chief culprit in killing white beard. But all of them with a white beard and a group of people can not let go, he and Tianlei must have a battle, the stronger the thunder is to them, the more unfavorable they are.

On one side, the undead Ma Keer, naturally also saw the anxiety of Ace, immediately said: "You don't worry about Ace, you must know that there are more than one enemy in this day, and we have opportunities."

Aunt saw these days a little bit more exciting than a little bit more, she is now happy, although this thunder is strong. There is another powerful force in the world, but the strongest navy has greatly reduced his strength, which is so happy to see.

What is most interesting to him is that he and her are the four emperors of Kaiduo and this day, and there is also a hatred. It is very likely that there will be a big fight. When will she have no chance to benefit?

However, Kaiduo Zou raised his eyebrows. He was originally planning to kill this Tianlei. He dared to kill Dolan Fleming, his biggest trading partner.

But now he is not in a hurry, because he wants to see more now, the old opponents in the warring countries, how to deal with this emerging power.

The easiest thing is the red-haired guy. He is completely, and he doesn’t care about himself. It’s all about me. A group of people is just listening to the fun, the banquet of the Lord.

Contrary to the current seven Wuhai, one by one, the **** of thunder, but this is known as the seven Wuhai killer. Moreover, Krokdal and Moonlight Moglia were settled, and now even Fleminger is planted in his hands.

Among them, apart from the eagle eye, dare not say fear, who else dare not say fear?

However, the biggest reaction is the world government, and the strength of the navy is greatly damaged. Their influence is very large. The five old stars immediately broadcasted the phone bug of the red dog: "Red dog, how is your naval head marshal?"

The red dog listened to sneer, and said faintly: "Five old, you still know that I am the marshal of the naval headquarters! How can I deal with the people under my hand, I can't do it, what are you doing here?" Isn't this all caused by you?"

Five old: "You ~~~~~!" The five plugs can't speak, and then they can't say a word. I paused for a while and didn't speak.

The red dog looked at the meaning of the five people without speaking, and immediately said unceremoniously: "There is nothing else, nothing I hang."

At this time, the five old people said: "We can give you power. When you have to get things done, you should calm down as soon as possible. The strength and strength of the navy should be quickly restored."

This is what the red dog and so on. He and the Warring States have already had it. The first step is to wait for the five old powers. If you were not waiting for this moment, he had already left the previous two days.

The next day, the first step of the Navy’s headquarters for this incident finally began. However, they are still the same, the world's major conscription, but this time, it is the first to do, so the effect is not very good.

However, this is the case, there are still a large number of powerful people joining the naval headquarters, but only a few shots can be taken. However, there is no such thing as a major player in the past anime.

Because the big-level characters are already here in Tianlei, on this day, Tianlei here ushered in his long-awaited people, and one is four, one is that he has already decided, a Zefa sent The last big gift, one is unexpected, but it is also expected, one is to surprise him!

I immediately invited others to come in, and the three were directly appointed as generals, and one was appointed as chief of staff, but it was not announced.

The Navy saw that this time the big conscription, although it had a good effect, but a lot worse than expected.

There is no way to take the second step. On the third day, they announced: "Lieutenant tea dolphins, peach rabbits, promoted to generals. The number is brown porpoise and pink rabbit."

Tianlei heard this news, brown porpoise? The porpoise is a pig! Plus Huang Qi (monkey), red dog (dog), green pheasant (chicken) and green cow, rattan tiger, whoever said that this is not taken by the 12 Zodiac, the ghost will not believe it!

However, this brown porpoise is really giving the thunder to the thunder, who will use this number! Pig ~~~ Oh! But it is also time to brighten up the muscles of the So there are two more shocking spreads soon, one is the female emperor Hankuk of one of the seven Wuhai, announced to leave the country It is also expected that I joined the emerging navy of Tianlei. After all, she is the wife of Tianlei. However, her identity still shocked everyone. After all, she is the master of a country! This is a rhythm that wants men to not want the country!

Everyone is stupid by the thunder and charm of Tianlei, this is the first beauty! The Lord of a country!

The second one is for everyone, once again, because he is called Kuzan, and the nickname is the young man. With these four words, you can shock everyone who hears these four words.

On this day, the red dog of the navy headquarters always learned that he was a good man. He and the Warring States, when they heard the two, he knew that Tianlei was absolutely deliberate. Qing Yan has already stood on his side for a long time, he is waiting for his own move!

Unfortunately, the thunder of Tian Lei has not ended yet!

After the reputation of Qinglan and Hancock, it didn't take long. Tianlei also immediately released his military appointment.

Drake, Chennai, Yalita, Dezaia, Mr.5, Gardino, Yuxiduo, Faced Rattan, Miss Golden Week, Baby-5, Black Sister, Gun God Kelly, Shadow Swordsman Weishuang is a lieutenant general of the emerging navy.

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