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"Do we need to do something?" Mirage asked on the side.

"No." Shallow politics puts the hand: "The bit is just a clown. The ninja of Konoha is a big problem. As long as the people who have cleaned up the leaves, the country of heaven is not what we have to say?"

"Right, I am ready for you to prepare?" Shallow administration asked the illusion.

"Well, I have already finished as you said."

"That's good, the people of Muye, we finally have to meet." 浅 浅 yīn laughed.

"Shallow do you really do not intend to obey the village's orders?" Fantasia asked worriedly.

When I heard the illusion, I was an impatient waver interrupting her words. "Don't care about those high-level people, what do they know? As long as I solve the wood leaves, I will do it." Shallow administration remembered his first failure. I can't help but hate in my heart.

The shallow government did not notice that the illusionist stood by and looked at his eyes and hesitated.

"Come on." The big snake pill is on the crowd behind him.

Looking at the military camp in front of him, the second Taro was out of the crowd and looked at the heavenly road: "The generals of Heaven, then you are relying on you."

Tianfang looked at Taro Taro and said: "Since I promise you, I will do it. But I hope you can remember your commitment."

"Do not worry, I promise that as long as the people of your Kingdom of Heaven don't fall to the enemy, our country of fire will not interfere with your internal affairs."

"That's the best." The Tianfang looked at Taro and resolutely entered the military camp.

"Second Taro, is this okay? You are not worried?" The silent hand has walked to the side of Taro.

"Oh, rest assured, he is a smart person, know how to do it, and then you think this is just for us?" Kotaro smiled.

"Isn't it?" The side of the road is also doubtful.

"Oh." Taro shook his head and said: "He is also for himself."

"What?" The master and the self are also surprised, only the big snake pill nodded thoughtfully.

"As a general who relies on the country of fire, if the country of the fire is lost, and the kingdom of heaven is transferred to another country, can his rì be better?" The big snake pill explained to the master and the self.

"What? It turned out to be the case. I thought that he was faithful to the country and was moved." He also snorted after hearing the explanation of the big snake pill.

"Don't say that, after all, we also take what we need." Taro is calmly on the sidelines.

"However, isn't the adult afraid of his failure?" The big snake pill opened.

"Don't underestimate the country of fire. If the country of fire has such strength, it will not sit on the seat of the first big country." Taro’s mysterious smile.

The big snake pill and the hand, also looked at each other and then looked at the direction of the military camp.

"So, what do you do in Tianfang?" Taro said to himself.

At this time, in the military camp, Tianfang looked at the next group of officers and several others who fell to the ground. They looked silent. "Since you are all ready, let's go." Tianfang bite his teeth.


On the roof of a main hall of the Palace of Heaven, at this time, two people, Uchiha and Yu Fei, were standing on top.

"Yu Fei teacher."

"According to the location that the heavens told us, the king was placed under house arrest." Fei Fei pointed to a large hallway in the distance.

"Mr. Fei Fei, don't you think that this is a bit wrong?" Uchiha shouted.

"Are you also noticed?" Fei Fei smiled. "There is a bit too quiet here. The people who set the traps are a bit not level enough."

"Hey, you are going to die here, do you still set a trap for you?" Shouting came out from the dark, and there was also an illusion.

"I didn't expect to meet you again here." Fei Fei looked at the shallow government.

"This is no coincidence, I am here to wait for you, in order to wash my shame, I must kill you first." Shallow politics.

"Teacher, where did you get him? How is he like a sorrowful woman?" Uchiha whispered quietly in the ear of Fei Fei, but in the eyes of others, it would be better if your voice could be smaller. At least in the shallow administration, this is provoking himself, and even flying is also a look.

"Hey, haha." The illusionist around the shallow government couldn't help but smile. "The description of the little brother is really appropriate."

"Miao Ji." Shouted the government.

"Oh, I don't laugh." Seeing that the shallow government is going to run away, the illusion is quickly restored to the original.

Seeing all the replies, the shallow government turned back and looked at them faintly and said: "There is no more nonsense, since it is an enemy, it can only be opened."

Shallow administration slowly pulled out his muscles against the flying road.

"Uchiha wave, you should be careful." Fei Fei bit his right hand with his mouth.

"Miao Ji, you go to deal with the kid, don't let people affect me."

"Well, then you are careful." Fantasy replied, then looked at Uchiha.

"Teacher, don't worry, I will take care of myself." Uchiha took out his own bitterness.

"Then go on." Qi Fei and Shouti shouted together, then rushed to each other.

"Water Margin. Watertight enchantment."

I saw the water from the foot of the shallow government, surrounded by the flying and the shallow government, forming a huge water prison, trapping two people together.

"Yu Fei teacher?" Uchiha said that this scene escaped from an attack by the illusionist, saying: "Fire. How to fire the ball."

A huge fireball hit the water curtain, and there was nothing to move on the water curtain.

"Is this?" Fei Fei looked inside and looked at the situation and wondered.

"Don't worry, I am just afraid that you will run away again, do the prevention As long as you can beat me, I can go out, I don't want to waste time, it can be done once and for all." Self channel.

Looking at the shallow and confident look, Fei Fei said: "You are so confident to beat me?"

"The last time was just a mistake, your luck can't save you all the time. I must defeat you this time." Shose took the diaphragm and rushed to fly.

"Then I will defeat you once, letting you know that this is not luck." Fei Feidao: "Psychic skills."

Seeing that Fei Fei is temporarily okay, Uchiha also puts down his mind and concentrates on the illusion, and Uchiha looks at the illusion of jǐng惕.

"Little brother, we have met again." Mirage looked sullen to Uchiha.

"Yeah. I want to thank you again. I may have died if I were not you last time. I will not stand here today." Uchiha faintly said, completely ignoring the temptation of the illusion.

"Yeah. If I don't feel soft, I won't die for a long time." I mentioned the last battle of the illusion, and I was sad. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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