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Uchiha continued to slow down, but at this time Uchihabo’s mouth appeared a trace of blood, and Uchiha didn’t care to lift the hand that had just been unable to move.

"There is still illusion is only illusion, I said that as long as I seriously understand my eyes, there is no illusion that can't be broken." Uchiha 瞳 slowly pulled out a bitter chest without inserting into the illusion.

"You really are very powerful." The voice of the next illusion came and Uchiha’s body disappeared long ago.

Looking at the surrounding environment slowly reply, Uchiha faintly said: "Your ninjutsu should be double, no wonder that even my writing eyes can't see it."

"There was a failure in the end, but you should not think that this illusion is as simple as this. The next thing is the drama, and the flowers are blooming."

Suddenly countless flowers slowly appeared on the earth, and Uchiha suddenly saw himself in a hundred flowers, and the petals next to it kept Uchiharu firmly in it.

"Flower?" Uchiha screamed.

"Don't underestimate the time of the flower. This illusion is not only used to trap people. Some of these petals are bitter, but those suffering are not tied to the explosives."

"What?" Uchiha wrinkled his brows and looked at the petals around him, carefully guarding.

"This is no longer an illusion, and it will die if you accidentally." The voice of the illusion is slowly gone, and Uchiha’s eyes are only the beautiful and dangerous petals in front of her eyes.

"There is no way to do this. It seems that I can only use that trick." Uchiha whispered to himself.

"This should be almost the same." Fantasy looked at Uchiha, who was surrounded by petals, and said to himself.

"It's time to go to the shallow government." The illusion turned to the direction of the water curtain.

"Amount." Suddenly, the illusion fell to the ground. "Damn, the damage caused by the monthly reading is too high."

"It seems that your injury is really serious." At this time, Uchiha's voice suddenly came from behind.

Listening to this voice, the illusion of the illusion of the big eyes turned incredulously to look at Uchiha. "Is this this?"

"Do you mean this?" Uchiha looked at the layer of people covered in his own eyes: "So you don't understand my eyes, never look down on these eyes."

"This is also the ability of these eyes?" Mirage looked at the blurred figure.

"This is my absolute defense, I must be a man." Uchiha faintly looked at the illusion.

"It turned out to be like this. I lost. I have nothing to say." The illusionist's low road, then closed his eyes and said slowly: "Do it."

Uchiha looked at the illusionist lying on the ground, silently, and waited for a while before the illusion of Jixiang: "There should be a victory over there." Uchiha turned his head and looked at the direction of the water curtain.

When I heard Uchiha's words, the illusionist immediately opened his eyes and looked in that direction, only to see that the original huge water curtain was slowly disappearing.

"Shallow administration?" The illusionist used the eyes to search for the figure of the person. He wanted to look at him again before he died, but he could not see him.

"If you want to find him, let me go with me." Uchiha 瞳 looks at the illusion.

"What?" asked the illusionist and couldn't believe it.

"I don't want to say the second time." Uchiha 瞳 dropped this sentence and went to the middle of the water curtain to search for the figure of Fei Fei. It didn't take long for the illusion to come to the side of Uchiha, and look I am tired of watching the scene here.

I saw that the still neat roof was full of water and stones.

"They are there." Uchiha shouted and pointed at him.

The illusionist turned his head and saw that two people were standing there. One ape was holding the neck of the shallow government, and Fei Fei was standing in front of the shallow government, holding the bitterness in his hand, and the muscles of the shallow government fell. on the other side.

"Stop." When the illusionist saw that the bitterness of Feifei was about to be inserted into the shallow government, he immediately rushed over.

What is faster than the illusion is the suffering of Uchiha, and it is already in front of the flying.

"When." Just want to kill the shallow government of the 猿 fly jǐng惕 looked at the people, 猿飞's psychic beast 猿 也 also returned to the side of the 猿 猿 fly, suddenly found in front of himself is Uchiha 瞳.

"Uchiha wave, what are you?" asked Fei Zhi, looking puzzled.

"Teacher, this woman once saved me, this time is my retribution." Uchiha said to Yu Fei.

Yan Fei looked at the illusionist who hugged the shallow government, and nodded and said: "It turns out."

"It seems that you are winning."

"It’s just a fluke." Uchiha is modest.

"I will know that your kid will be like this." Fei Fei laughed and touched the head of Uchiha.

Looking at the movements of Fei Fei, Yu Zhibo grinned and said: "The teacher should not touch it. It is not high when he touches it." However, Uchiha’s heart is warm, and the feeling of being cared for is really good. .

"This is what the teacher has to do with the disciples' expectations?" Fei Fei still smiled, but still put his hand down and asked: "These two, what are you going to do?"

Yu Zhibo looked at it, and the illusionist glanced: "They are not threatening now, just go with them." Fei Fei nodded and did not speak, looking at the shallow government.

"Magic Ji? How are you here, is it won, just we can join hands to beat them." Shallow waking up to see the illusion happy.

When I heard the shallow government, the illusion was just self-deprecating: "I lost, we can't win, don't fight, let's go home."

"Going home?" Shallow government looked at the illusion, and then screamed and shouted: "Just kidding, I can't fight, my muscles?" Shouting struggled to stand up from the ground, Unfortunately, he had exhausted his physical strength in the previous battle. He couldn’t stand up several times. The illusionist on the other side only looked at him with tears.

"Why is this my strength?" Shallow administration fell on the ground.

"Enough, enough, enough." The illusion suddenly slaps on the face of the shallow government, shouting in tears.

"Why?" asked the shallow government.

"You lost, do you understand?" Mirage shouted.

"I lost? I really lost?" Shouti looked at the side of the station and looked at it here. lost, we all lost. "The illusionist cried with the head of the shallow government.

When the shallow government did not respond, he was held by the illusionist, and his mouth muttered "losing."

Seeing this scene, Fei Fei shook his head and yelled at Uchiha: "Let's go." Then turned and left.

"Well." Uchiha replied, then looked at the illusion, then turned and wanted to leave, the sound of the illusion suddenly came.

"Thank you."

"No need. I didn't expect that I would have a soft day." Uchiha sneered at himself, and then said: "Don't be a ninja in the future, be an ordinary person." Then he left without returning.

"Thank you." Mirage looked at the back of Uchiha, and gently looked at it, then looked at the shallow government and smiled: "Let's go home."

Because there was something busy yesterday, I was delayed. I am going to make up here today, please don’t blame! Pride is here to pay for it. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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