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"Uchiha Uchiha, I have long wanted to fight with you." Sanada looked at Uchiha.

"Oh, is it? I am honored." Uchiha is faint.

The referee looked at the two people on the field who were full of gunpowder and said indifferently: "Begin."

When he heard the referee, Sanada immediately jumped back.

"The secret technique of the mountain home is the heart-turning technique." Uchiha looked at Yamada.

"Do you know?" Sanada looked surprised and said that there are not many people who know this in Konoha.

Even the people watching the battle were confused.

"Heart-turning technique means that the surgeon uses a special ninjutsu to invade the other person's body to gain control of the other's body. The best way to use this is to ask for a teammate to be around. The operator must Cooperate with teammates to ensure that they are in a move, or they will lose their ability to resist." Uchiha said from the self.

"How, I was told?" Uchiha looked at the surprised face of Shinda.

"I know a lot." The referee looked at Uchiha, who was slowly moving towards Sanada, and secretly said.

"After, Sanada was confused." Zhen Yu frowned at the side, his heart secretly.

"It’s not awkward, Uchiha, this is to completely destroy the opponent’s mind.” The night is next to the big snake pill and the 朔茂道.

"My own secrets are in the hands of the opponents, and the individual will be lost for a while."

Uchiha 瞳 slowly walked into Sanada, and when Uchiha took out his sword, Zhentian reacted and took pain from the back.

Uchiha 瞳 投 瞳 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真 真

The shuri is divided into double in the air, and it is in all directions, and Sanada jumps to the rear to escape the shuri in front and then hits the shuriken in the back.

"It's not over yet." Uchiha took out a bitterness.

The real danger of the real estate escaped, but in the end it was still suffering from a wound in the face.

Sanada jumped to the rear and stayed away from the place where Uchiha waved, and stared at Uchiha, and thought about countermeasures.

"I didn't expect you to react like this. It seems that I have looked down on you." Uchiha said.

"I also looked down on you. I didn't expect that I almost counted it." Sanada wiped the wound on his face.

"The next step is not so simple." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 印 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

"Is this?" Sanada is doubtful.

"If you can't figure out the true body, the heart-turning technique will be useless." Uchiha said: "Of course, you can also try to gamble, it depends on your luck." Uchiha took a hard time and went slowly to Sanada.

"I didn't expect to have this trick." The night in the waiting area opened.

"This move is indeed a way to deal with the heart-turning technique."

Zhen Yu is also frowning and watching the battle between Uchiha and Sanada.

"Shadows are divided into the body." Sanada frowned and looked at the same Uchiha wave around him, completely unable to see the true and false.

"Everything is over." Uchiha rushed to Sanada.

"Oh." Sanada escaped the first attack, and used the bitterness to stop the second bitterness. Then he grabbed Uchiha's hand and crossed it from the head of Uchiha.

"Good opportunity." Uchiha looked at the secret of the real field in the sky.

Then Uchiha slammed on the other leg and rushed toward Sanada. Uchiha was sorrowless and thornless in the left hand of Sanada. I know that Ida cares about my wounds, and the first hand grabs Uchiha, and there is no thorn in Uchiha. Chest.

A scream of Uchiha smog into a smog, "it is really fake." Just when Sanada was about to fall on the ground, he saw a leg kicking over. Manda immediately covered his head with his hands crossed, and Sanada was directly kicked by Uchiha. Fly out.

"Hey." Sanada is lying on the ground.

To say so much, in fact, it is a momentary thing. In the eyes of other people, the real field is flying directly into the air and then falling down and being kicked by Uchiha.

"You still give up." Uchiha went to the front of Sanada.

"Cough." Zhentian slowly climbed up from the ground. "噗" Santian spit out a blood, then slowly stood up and looked at Uchiha. "I still have a trick. It is a win. It is here." It seems that this time I really have to use luck."

"Oh, you still have to use that trick?" Uchiha whispered slowly.

"He is ready to fight together." Yan Mao opened the way, everyone in the waiting area is also concentrated on the scene of the gods.

"There is no way." Sanada looked at the three Uchiha waves in front of him, and finally took a breath, made up his mind, and said to one of them: "The heart turns to the heart." Sanada slowly closes his eyes. , bowed his head and slowly fell to the ground.

For a time, the atmosphere on the field slowly dipped down, even in the referee's old ghosts, group possessions and referees are also watching the situation on the field.

"Is he successful?" asked the night nervously as he looked at the situation on the field.

"I don't know." The big snake pill should be clear.

Just when everyone was paying attention to the situation on the court, "You lost." Uchiha said.

They breathed a sigh of relief in the night, and the real feathers closed their eyes.

"Hey, hey." Uchiha took back the shadow and looked at the referee.

"I declare" when the referee wants to announce the result. A voice came over, "Wait a minute." Sanada, who had fallen to the ground, slowly raised his head.

Uchiha eyes wide open and looks at the true land that is printed. "The heart turns to the heart."

"It's a good way." The referee looked at the situation on the court and said in his heart.

"Haha, I succeeded, Uchiha Uchihabo, even if you understand my weaknesses, it is not to lose." Uchiha opened his eyes and laughed How is this possible? "Looking at the real field that fell again, the night opened."

"Uchiha has a big deal." Yan Mao faintly analyzed.

The real feather that originally closed his eyes opened his eyes and smiled.

Just as everyone was paying attention to the field, the moon shadow on the side looked worriedly at Uchiha. At this time everyone understands that the current Uchiha has been controlled by Sanada.

"Ha ha ha." Uchiha sneered for a while, looking to the side of the referee slowly raised his right hand, opening: "referee, I recognize"

"Uchiha has to lose." The night shook his head.

"That's not necessarily." Yan Mao faintly replied, and then shouted on the field in the eyes of everyone's surprise: "Uchiha Uchiha, you are this strength? I misread you."

"Uchiha wave" looked at Yan Maodao: "Hey, you can say that it is useless now." Mobile users please read and read, a better reading experience.

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