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"It's really amazing." Moonshadow walked to Uchihabo's side and watched the black inflammation slowly disappearing.

Behind him, Yu Yu looked at Uchiha with a complicated look. I didn't expect that I thought it was close to him. Now it seems to be a joke.

"Damn." The corners are all looking at Uchiha, but they dare not have any action. Obviously, they are afraid that Uchiha will use the sun again.

Looking at the expression of the horns, Uchiha knows the thoughts of the horns and smiles at him. Unfortunately, this handsome smile is like a devil's smile in the eyes. The corners are very contradictory. I don't know if I want to see it. So deadlocked, no one dares to do it first.

After a long time, the corners are still showing a timid expression.

Seeing the horns with a timid expression, the moon shadow said: "Uchiha wave, burn him with black inflammation."

When he heard the moon shadow, Uchiha began to print slowly and then closed his eyes.

When I saw Uchiha, I started to move, and the corners were immediately scared. A spurt of fire from the Uchiha wave smashed the line of Uchiha, and people immediately ran back.

"Water sputum. Water wall." I know that Uchiha opened his eyes and the eyes of the writing wheel have long returned to normal eyes.

A wall of water protected Uchiha and smashed them, blocking the fire group at the corner.

Then the water wall dispersed to reveal the scene inside, Uchiha stood in the same place, behind them, they stood behind.

"Uchiha wave, why don't you burn him." Moonshadow went to Uchihabo and wondered.

When I saw Uchiha, I didn’t answer my own words. The moon shadow was a little unhappy. I went to Uchiha’s side and shot it on Uchiha’s shoulder. “Day...” The moon shadow just opened, I saw Uchiha slowly. Fall to the ground.

Moon Shadow immediately rushed up to hug Uchiha, "What happened to you?" Moon Shadow asked nervously.

"Don't... ask this... much more, leave this soon, or he will come back again." After Uchiha screamed hard, the first stunned.

"Uchiha wave, Uchiha wave." The moon shadow shook the body of Uchiha.

"He was over-consumed and temporarily fainted. Uchiha said that it is correct. We will leave here soon. Otherwise, the person suddenly wants to understand it. I can’t escape without the current state." Go down to the moon shadow.

"Yeah, we are going back to the village, so that we can treat Uchiha."

"Well, then let's go." The moon shadow reacted, and then quickly picked up Uchiha, and ran back in the direction of the village.

Zhen Yu and Yan Mao also left, here to restore the calm of the past, but the destruction on the ground and around tells the story of the fierce battle.

After a long time, the corners came back here, and my face was twisted. I punched the tree around me and said, "I will definitely come back."

In the Wood Leaf Hospital, the hand was sitting behind the desk, a kind of absent-minded, and the hand touched the necklace on the neck.

"I haven't seen him for two years. I don't know how he is?" The director whispered.

"The hand, the hand is fast, there is a wound that needs you to treat." A medical staff ran.

"Don't worry, you slowly said." The master put down the necklace.

"The situation is urgent." The medical staff gasped.

"Come with me." Gang hands up.

"Well, come with me." Medical Ninja.

Outside the ward, Moon Shadow and Zhen Yu sat outside. "Uchiha wave, there will be nothing." Moon Shadow walked around and said to himself.

"You calm down, Uchiha said that he will not have anything." Zhen Yu comforted.

"But after going in for so long, there is no movement at all."

"Come on, come." Just as Yueying and Zhenyu waited anxiously, the medical staff came with the outline.

The moon shadow greeted me and looked at the outline: "Is she? How is it so young?"

The medical staff heard the tone of the moon shadow and explained: "This is the highest medical doctor in our hospital now."

"Okay, let the doctor go in." Zhen Yu took the moon shadow.

Hearing their conversation, the hand standing on the side smiled and said: "This lady, don't be so anxious, please let me see the injury first." Then the hand went into the ward.

At this point, several doctors stood at the bed to discuss something. The master came to the bed and asked, "Can you tell me about the situation?"

A doctor came out and said: "This is a dark part. I was seriously injured in the execution of the task."

Hearing his words, he looked at the dark part lying on the bed, took the mask, and then asked, "How is the condition?"

"We just discussed it. This is why he is over-consumed and has something to do with his eyes."

"What, what eyes?" The hand suddenly listened to his words and reacted.

"You don't know?" the doctor wondered, then took the medical record to the outline.

The master quickly grabbed the medical record and turned it over. He said to himself: "This... write the eye?"

"Yes, this dark part is the person of the Uchiha family." The doctor heard the words of the master and explained: "It seems to be called Uchiha..."

"Uchiha Uibo wave?"

"Yes, this is the name, how do you know?" the doctor wondered.

The master did not pay attention to the doctor's problem. He came to Yu Zhibo's bed and slowly took off the mask. He saw only a familiar face. "Uchiha wave." The hand has tears.

"What is going on?" The doctor asked the person next to him, and the person next to him hesitated: "It should be known."

"Outline, now is not sad, or treat the injured soon." The doctor walked to the side of the road.

"Right right." The hand wiped the tears and began to carefully check the injuries of Uchiha.

At this time, Uchiha stunned in bed and was unconscious of the outside world. At this time, Uchiha was in a dark world.

"Where is this?" Uchiha looked at the surrounding environment.

Quiet for a long You are here. Suddenly a majestic voice came.

"Who are you?" Uchiha screamed and prepared.

"This question will be known later." The mysterious voice said.

"What do you bring me here?" Uchiha groaned.

"It's not that I brought you here, but that you came here." Mysterious humanity.

The words of the mysterious man let Uchiha sneak a sigh and say: "How is it possible?"

"Oh, don't be too surprised, now I am just a avatar, you should know your dragon scale sword and necklace." The mysterious man explained.

"Yeah, that necklace is still handed to me." Uchiha shouted.

"I guess you should have the power to write the eyes and the raft." Mysterious humanity.

"Yes, how do you know?" Uchiha said differently. Mobile users please browse and read, a better reading experience.

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