One Piece Bounty System

Chapter 659: Festival

I also went to Uchiha, and I looked at Uchihabo and said: "You are really a wolverine. Eight? One? W ≤ W ≥ W ≥. ≈ 8 ≈ 1 ≤ Z = W ≈. ≈ C ≥ OM ”

"Okay, OK, come and you are less coming. I told you to come and count me down, help me first." Uchiha took the hand and stood up.

"I didn't expect that the one of the four forbearances and the golden glitter of the leaves will also appear here. It seems that you are ready, Uchiha Uchiha." Ohno is staring at the opposite and the self. Uchiha, who spoke, said to himself: "If one of them is still able to cope, but the two people's words are a bit difficult, it seems that today is not able to kill Uchiha Uchiha."

"It turned out to be like this. I really didn't think that the four Shadow Guards would have six secrets of the immortals. It seems that you are playing very hard." Surprisingly.

"It doesn't need to be said about this, but the thing in front of me is how to deal with Ohno." Uchiha looked at a wild wood road that was silent and turned around.

"It is also said that the strength of Ohno as a shadow is still good." The self is also looking at Ohno.

"But now that you and the water gate are coming, it seems that it should be shocking to live in Ohno." Uchiha smirked.

"It is also said that the name of this uncle is not a fake." The self is also proud of authenticity.

Seeing the self-satisfied look, Uchiha laughed and said nothing, then said: "Let's see me."

Uchiha went out and looked at Ohnogi. "The natives of the land, do you still need to fight now?"

Although Ohnomu really wants to kill Uchiha, now he is a smart person, knowing the situation in front of him, knowing that if he does it now, who is dead is not necessarily.

"What? You killed us, and the Shadow Guards of Yan Ren wanted me to let you go so easily?" Ohnogi said.

"I know that Iwamura is also very eager to end this war, but what is lacking is just an excuse and opportunity for you and your villagers to be satisfied. Maybe I have a good idea to give you such a step." Waves open the way.

When I heard Uchiha’s words, Ohno was silent. Seeing this situation, Uchiha continued to say: “You should also know that if you fight again today, it’s not necessarily a win or lose. We don’t care if we lose, but you Ever thought about the consequences of losing yourself?"

At the end of the day, Uchiha’s eyes suddenly became fierce. Looking at the wilderness of the wilderness, he said: “You should know the opponents who fell under my hands, and I don’t think I will lose. Try it?"

After Ohnomu looked at Uchiha for a long time, he sighed and said: "Let's say, I see if it is appropriate."

On the way back, Uchiha took a look at the camp where they and the self came back to Muye, and looked at the uncomfortable self behind him and said: "Do you not understand, why should I come up with this idea? ”

"I just don't understand what you mean by this?" The self is also faint.

Next to them, they are also puzzled. Only the watergate has a thoughtful expression. Uchiha faintly smiled: "This is a strategy. Do you think that my idea is really just for Ohno? My The idea can really end this battle, and it is really possible to give a walk to Iwamura and Ohno, but the meaning behind it is more than that."

"Oh, what else do you mean?" asked a farther curiously.

"On the surface, I proposed to Ohnomu that Muye and Iwamura together put pressure on the sand, pushed the fault of this war to the missing three generations of wind and shadow, and pressed the sand to force them to fight for this war. The loss of paying the bill, who called the sand forbearing adjacent to the wood leaves and rock tolerance, so that Ohnomu can also explain to the villagers, so that the war can be ended as soon as possible." Uchiha waved.

"On the surface? Why is it on the surface?" It is also doubtful.

"Uchiha, the adult should have a deeper meaning." The water gate next to it opened.

“Oh.” Uchiha said, laughing at Watergate, and then explained: “These aspects are all beneficial to Yan Ren and Ohno.

"Isn't it, in fact, we didn't have to use cheap rock, and maybe it would be better to ask for the trophy at the same time." Is it better to ask for it?" The trophy is still too much, but these years, the trophy is not much, but After all, the spoils will still be used up, and there is no help for the war. But if the cheap Yan Ren Village can really help the leaves," Uchiha said: "The surface may be cheaper, Iwamura, but if the rock is forbearance It’s really with us to push the fault to Sha Ren’s body. Although Yan Ren may make a temporary profit, in the long run, these benefits are totally worth mentioning.”

"It is very important to know the reputation of the village. If Yan Ren has done this kind of thing, no one will cooperate with them in the future, so there will be no such three villages in the situation of the three wars. The situation of siege of the wood leaves, and can also isolate the village of Yan Ren, weakening the strength of Yan Ren Village." Uchiha shouted.

"I didn't expect it, there is such a deep meaning." He sighed.

"More than that, there is Sha Niu Village." Uchiha said.

“Sharon Village?” everyone was surprised.

"Good ~ is the sand-bearing village, there is no need for a strong village next to the wooden leaves, so we can use this to ask for a huge amount of compensation to the sand-bearing village, thereby weakening the strength of the sand-manure village, and Through this incident, the relationship between Sha Ren and Yan Ren will be broken, so that the wood leaves can fight for the ally of this ally, and it is not a strong ally, so that this time, the World War will not be so easy. "Uchiha said with confidence."

When I heard the explanation of Uchiha, I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. His plan is to decide the situation in the next few decades, not only to remove the great help of Yan Ren, but also to bear the sand. Strive for your own side, so the status of the five major villages of Muye is unbreakable.

"Oh, I finally know where I am not as good as you. It is no wonder that I have never won you since I was a child. It’s too embarrassing."

And next to them, the four faces looked at Uchiha, and the water gate on the side was also admired.

"Well, you don't have to look at me with such a sacred look. It's just a trivial matter." Uchiha waved his hand.

"I still have a problem. Uchiha is an adult. Are you not afraid of the shadows to understand your intentions?" Watergate asked.

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