One Piece Bounty System

: Seven hundred and seven

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"Is this the planning of the big snake pill?" Uchiha looked thoughtfully at the big snake pill.

Sure enough, the big snake pill reveals a sly smile.

"But you are still too small to see Sasuke." Uchiha waved a cold smile.

Sure enough, as with the original plot, Sasuke did not use the power of the spell like the big snake pill imagined. Instead, he relied on his own body skills learned from Xiao Li and then created a "lion bomb" to defeat the sword triangle. A victory.

"Teacher, I need to take Sasuke to deal with it." Kakashi shouted to Uchiha.

"Well, let's go." Uchiha nodded.

So Kakashi took Sasuke to help. Uchiha, of course, knew what Kakashi was going to do, and he knew what he would encounter. Uchiha looked at the big snake pill and the snake was gone.

Uchiha squinted and looked at the small moon that was watching the game seriously, and then left.

Lei Ren, the rough man who started to cause Uchiha’s idea at the beginning, looked at Uchiha’s departure with a thoughtful look. He faintly felt that this person is not simple, but unfortunately Uchiha is not the original face. So he does not know the identity of Uchiha.

At this time in a secret room, Kakashi was shouting at Sasuke: "Five lines of seal." The curses slowly retracted into Sasuke's neck.

"Call, this should be temporarily controllable, but it seems that this is not a long-term plan. It seems that I will ask the teacher later." Kakashi looked at Sasuke Road who was lying on the ground.

"Oh, it's really good, it's not the wooden leaf technician Kaki Kakashi." A yīn cold voice came from behind Kakashi.

Hearing the sound, Kakashi's goosebumps were erected, and turned quickly, and saw the big snake pill slowly coming out.

"Big Snake Pills?" Kakashi was surprised, then a face jǐng said: "Why are you here?"

"Oh, what do you say?" The big snake pill came home from the ground.

"Stand up." Kakashi suddenly had a thunderball on his right hand.

"Is this a thousand birds created by Uchiha? You can't kill me with this thing." The big snake pill was a pity.

It’s just a bit of a playful taste in Kakashi.

"Even if I use my life, I have to fight with you for both." Kakashi threatened with cold sweat.

"Just by you?" The big snake pill disdain, and then slowly approached Kakashi, when Kakashi looked nervous, and when the big snake pill looked proud, suddenly the big snake pill felt a pressure in the darkness.

The big snake pill could not help but change his face and stopped. He shouted at the darkness: "Uchibo Uchiha, I know you, don't pretend to be a ghost, give it to me."

Seeing the reaction of the big snake pill, Kakashi first tightened his heart, then sighed with relief. Since the teacher came, it seems that he should not be in danger.

"Oh, the big snake pill has not seen for many years, and has a long history. How can I bully my disciples now?" Uchiha went slowly and came out.

"What do you want to do?" The big snake pill looked at Yu Zhibo and said that although he had been away from the wood leaves for many years, he was still a little afraid of Uchiha.

"I don't want to do anything. If you don't bully my disciple, I may not show up." Uchiha looked like a big snake at the road.

When I heard the words of Uchiha, I felt that I was being teased. The face of the snake was not allowed to sink. I only had to tease others and have not been teased.

"Well, anyway, you have seen Sasuke, and now you can leave." Uchiha faintly said.

Deeply watching Uchiha squinted, the big snake pill turned and left, but just as the big snake pill was about to step out of the room, there was a voice from Uchiha, "But what you have to do, but I advise you not to move me." People, or don't blame me for turning my face."

Dashen Pill didn't answer, just stopped for a while and left.

After the big snake pill, Kakashi still wants to talk to Uchiha, but he was interrupted just after the opening. "I know what you want to say, but now you still don't know something, wait until the time is ripe. I am telling you that there is still Sasuke’s help. This will be fine."


After dealing with Sasuke, Uchiha took Kakashi back to the room of the game. After Uchiha entered the room, he felt a gaze toward himself.

The source of this gaze is the big snake pill that has already returned, but at this time he has resumed the appearance of pretending, Uchiha 瞳 smiled at the big snake pill, and then ignored the big snake pill to walk back to his position.

At this time, the oil **** the field just defeated the tone that was arranged by the big snake pill. After scrolling for a while on the screen, it revealed "handcuffs vs a wild."

At this time, as the referee's moonlight blast cough, and said: "The next one, the sand handcuffs to the thunder and a wild."

"Oh, it seems that it has changed with the previous life." Uchiha 瞳 瞳 瞳 , , , , , , , , 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据 据I don't know who the opponent of Xiaoyue will be.

At this time, both the handcuffs and the ones have stood on the field.

Compared to the arrogance of the handcuffs, the opposite side of the field is much calmer, and one field opens: "Please advise."

The hand licked his mouth and took out the fan behind him. "Hey, this girl is a little sharp." The thunder on the side looked at the field and smiled.

When he heard the thunder, Shana smiled and said: "According to intelligence, this girl should be a wind, and it is not easy to win in a field."

The field under the field did not hear the dialogue between Lei Xing and but pulled out two pains from behind, shè to handcuffs, and then the whole person rushed directly to the handcuffs.

"Yeah." The handcuffs lifted the eyelids, apparently not on the heart. The big fan in the hand flew directly forward, and a small hurricane blew from the fan, directly blowing the bitterness, and by the way, rushed to himself. The wild blew out and slammed into the wall behind him.

However, the handcuffs don’t want to give up the advantage, they rushed to the wilderness that hadn’t reacted yet, jumped up, picked up the fan and slashed the fan directly into the wilderness as a big knife, “砰” a wild before the handcuffed fan fell. I escaped the fan of the handcuffs.

A wild jumped away from the handcuffs and placed on the hands, and after sliding a distance on the ground, set down to look at the handcuffs.

"This girl is really violent." Lei Xing looked at the situation on the field and exclaimed.

"How come heartbeat?" Shana certainly understands the thundering of Lei Xing, and smiles.

"How is it possible, I am loyal to my family's little month, you don't want to filthy me." Lei Xing sneaked into the small moon standing opposite, saw her thoughts on the battlefield, only shouted Breath, complain.

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