One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 16:

Sasuke, who was staying with Sakura Ino, immediately noticed the name, Umaki Naruto, and he finally played.

Sasuke is very curious about how the whirlpool Naruto performed at this time, and took the hands of Sakura and Ino, and went to the venue where Naruto was.

In the call of the invigilator, I saw a boy wearing an orange costume entering the playing field. The golden short hair was full of vitality and vitality. A pair of pale blue eyes were full of deep, most memorable. It was the six beards on his face.

He is the whirlpool Naruto, a legendary hero in the original Huo Ying.

Naruto, who just came on, was full of confidence and looked at everyone present. He was very confident in his exam. Before this exam, he had worked hard and did not shoot.

Seeing the wooden stake ten meters away, Naruto’s eyes flashed with confidence, and he squinted at the people present and seemed to celebrate his success in advance.

Naruto found a different person in the crowd, Uchiha Sasuke. Handsome and handsome, he is a group of people standing in the crowd, the most conspicuous is the two beautiful girls he is with him, Ino and Sakura.

Seeing Sasuke who was holding his arm by Sakura, Naruto seemed to have seen a great enemy, and his child’s angry anger appeared in his eyes.

Uchiha Sasuke, I must defeat you.

Naruto seems to be afraid to see Sakura, who is a bird like Sasuke. For Naruto, Sakura is his goddess. Every time I saw Sakura who stayed with Sasuke, Naruto felt that something was broken, why is it like this? Why does Sakura choose Sasuke? Just because Sasuke is handsomer than him?

He is very sad and very inferior. He had no friends in his childhood, and he had all kinds of cold eyes in the village. Every time he saw children who were happy to play various games together, he was very envious. How much he wanted to join in, he also had friends. Have the happiness of everyone else.

However, it is such a simple wish that he can't get it, because he has nine tails sealed in his body, sealing the monsters that everyone is afraid of.

Once, Naruto also resentful. Why do you want to seal the nine tails in his body? Why do you want to take away the happiness he should have at his fingertips? Is God so unfair to him? !

However, the good-natured Naruto quickly put this hatred in the bottom of his heart, he knows that blind hatred will only bring him more pain.

He always makes a big sly look, always making a silly expression, because he thinks this can bring happiness to others, can let others ignore the fact that he seals the nine tails, he wants others to admit his existence .

But for Sasuke, Naruto is really unable to let go, perhaps because of the child's heart and mind, Naruto is very helpless, licking his talent, and licking his looks. Therefore, Naruto wants to defeat Sasuke. He wants to get approval from others like Sasuke, get the envious eyes of others, and get the girl's welcome, especially the recognition and heart of Sakura.

Naruto looked deeply at Sasuke, who was watching him. He said, Sasuke, I will beat you!

I saw that Naruto quickly extracted the pain from the pocket of the ninja, and shot and shot, and the action was decisive.

The white light flashed, slammed three times, and all the bitter hits the stakes, and each bitterness was tied with a few leaves.

Seeing his own performance, Naruto's face showed a smile, his hard work was not in vain, he knows that the results are enough to score excellent.

On the side of Sasuke saw the performance of Naruto. There was a faint smile on Jun’s face. Naruto Naruto, you are not the tail of the crane this time. It seems that you really worked hard...

Immediately after the Naruto assessment, the invigilator called out the name of Sasuke. "The next step is Uchiha Sasuke."

It’s finally my turn, it’s a boring assessment. Sasuke’s pretending to think about it, obviously has been exempted from the test, but why should I take the exam?

On the field, Sasuke's blue figure moved in the crowd, and the students gave way to Sasuke. Soon, Sasuke arrived on the field.

At this time, like some scenes in the dog blood drama, some flower idiots began to cheer for Sasuke.

"Sasuke cheers! I love you!"

"Ah! So handsome! Sasuke is the best in the world!"

"Sasuke, come save me!"


The amount, but also to pull hatred, Sasuke heard their shouts, suddenly sweating.

Sure enough, after hearing the girls cheering for Sasuke, almost all the boys showed the light of hatred Sasuke, especially Naruto.

It seems that I want to keep a low profile, and Sasuke is still thinking about it at this time.

Sasuke put his hand into the bag and took out a black silk scarf. This silk scarf was from Ino, and Sasuke was always on his body. I saw Sasuke stunned his eyes with silk scarves.

What does he want to do? Is he trying to blindly shoot his eyes? ! Everyone present was very surprised and curious about Sasuke's blindfolded Sasuke made another thing that made all the audience in the audience fall, and he turned his body back. , back to the wooden stake ten meters away.

Since you want to force it, then you can install it all at once. Sasuke's mouth bends a little in a curve, let you see what it is, what is the real force!

Sasuke put his hand into the pocket of the handicapped bag. The people did not see Sasuke’s action to take out the bitterness. He heard three sounds, three bitters hit the stakes in an instant, and the three bitterness was not neatly tied to the wood. The center of the pile is lined up in a word, and each bitter bite has the same number of fallen leaves.

fast! So fast!

Someone at the site was stunned by Sasuke’s hand.

Just when the audience was surprised by Sasuke’s performance, he only heard a bang, and the bitter and unsuccessful wooden stake that was shot by Sasuke was instantly split, and the three bitter and quickly shot backwards.

With a bang, three pieces of bitterness did not enter the cement wall behind the stake at the same time, and the bitterness did not sink deep into the cement wall. The leaves that had been tied to the body had become powder.

This time, the expressions on the faces of all the audiences on the scene have become sluggish, yes, they are sluggish, they never thought that someone could do this.


"too strong!"

Everyone present was shocked, so wonderful to see them, they saw them for the first time.

"how is this possible!"

Naruto saw the performance of Sasuke and was shocked. "How did he do it?!"

At this time, Naruto’s jealousy was replaced by deep shock.

Seeing the performance of Sasuke, the invigilator can't help but wipe the cold sweat from his face. The child's ability is really terrible. It is even stronger than the tolerance. No, even some of them can't reach the level of this child. .

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