One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 32:

Is this Lecce? Sasuke on the side was secretly shocked. When he saw Kakashi in the anime, he didn’t feel so much. Only when he saw it, he realized the extraordinary of Lecce. Sasuke wrote down the procedure of Kakashi with the writing wheel, and at the same time, he secretly simulated the action when the knot was printed.

After the demonstration of Sasuke, Kakashi gradually reduced the delivery of the right hand Chakra, and the powerful Lecce also weakened, eventually turning into a little starlight.

"Sasuke, you can try it again." Kakashi gasped and said to Sasuke.

Zuo assistant quickly changed the Indian style, his right hand held the left hand wrist, and the chakra of the thunder attribute gathered in the palm of his hand. A blue arc book appeared in the assistant heart instantly, the arc became more and more, and Sasuke’s left hand became A sharp blade with a thunder, sharp sharpness seems to pierce everything.

The blue thunder glides on the assistant, and there is a loud noise in the constant friction with the air.

When I saw the performance of Sasuke, Kakashi was shocked, but only once succeeded? ! Kakashi knew that Saskatchewan had Chakra in the body with two attributes of thunder, so he took the opportunity to teach him to Lecce. He did not expect that Sasuke learned this trick just by reading his print. Is this the genius of the Uchiha family? ! Uchiha is really terrible!

Under the gaze of Kakashi, Sasuke rushed to the big tree in front of the two people. The Raytheon blade of his left hand pierced the tree, and the debut of the light, the bang, the big tree was cut off by the waist, the tree fell to the ground. A huge roar, splashing dust on the ground.

"Well, Sasuke, your move is a little different from mine. The power seems to be a little smaller. You give this name a name. It will be your ninja." Kakashi said to Sasuke. .

When Sasuke heard Kakashi’s words, he flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes and said to Kakashi: “Just call a thousand birds.”

"Thousands of birds? Well, it is called a thousand birds." Kakashi is very satisfied with the name of Sasuke.

Kakashi pointed out the nuances and let Sasuke continue to practice here. He went there to supervise Naruto and Sakura's tree climbing training.

After Kakashi left, Sasuke once again set up the print of Ray Chee. Soon, a blue thunder ball filled with ruin is converging in the heart of the assistant, and the thunder that is shining constantly is particularly dazzling in the dark forest.

Is it Lecce? Sasuke’s mouth floated a little in the arc. "So how about this?!"

Sasuke ran to the big tree not far away. The thunder ball in the middle of the tree was in the middle of the tree. The big tree was intercepted by the waist. The assistant’s thunder ball was not lost. The second, third lesson, until the fourth one. The thunder ball in the hand began to annihilate.

If Kakashi is here, he will be astonished by Sasuke’s performance. The destructive power of Sasuke’s attack has already been comparable to that of Rachel, and even the original attack power of Rachel.

Is this Lecce? Power is really extraordinary, it is no wonder that Rachel was rated as s-class ninjutsu, and the thousand birds are only a-level ninjutsu. However, Sasuke knows that the Thousand Birds and the Reiche have their own advantages. The Thousand Birds pierced and the Thunder Lord destroyed. In the pure power, the thousand birds are naturally less than the thunder.

Sasuke released seven more Lecce, and he was half as much as Chakra, which was stored in the sea. Looking at the forest that was almost devastated in front of him, Sasuke showed a smile on his face.

Through calculations, Sasuke knows that his body is full of chakras and can release about 15 times of Rachel, and he now only needs two nights to fill the sea.

Through this cultivation, Sasuke knows that his strength has been greatly improved. At the very least, he has not lost to any one in Ninju, and even reached the shadow level.

Although the ninjutsu has been greatly improved, infinitely close to the shadow level, but the body and illusion have not improved, it is still not enough to see in the actual battle with the shadow level. Now, Sasuke wants to further enhance the strength. Both illusion and bodywork are carried out.

However, the cultivation of illusion is not anxious, he knows that with the unbroken eyes of the writing wheel, his illusion will rise. About the cultivation of the body skills Sasuke prepares to go back to Muye Village and then start practicing, it is best to ask Kay.

It was getting late, and Sasuke did not continue to practice Rachel or Thousand Birds. He went to Sakura and Naruto to see the cultivation results of the two.

When I got there, I didn't see Kakashi's figure. It seems to be going back.

"It’s really an irresponsible teacher." Sasuke licked Kakashi in his heart.

With Sasuke's gaze, I saw Sakura standing on the canopy, and looked at the Naruto who was still struggling in the middle of the big tree with a stunned expression.

"Naruto, I am so embarrassed, I have been with you." Sakura said to the Naruto.

When I heard Sakura, Naruto’s face showed a strong and victorious look, and once again fell to the ground and continued to impact the tree.

"Sakura." Sasuke, standing in one place, shouted.

Sakura saw Sasuke over excitedly waved to Sasuke, "Sasuke, you come up!"

Hearing the call of Sakura, Sasuke understood her intentions. This Sakura was taking the opportunity to attack Naruto.

Sasuke also used Naruto to climb the tree, and quickly climbed to the top of the big tree where Sakura was located, and took Sakura. On the way to Sasuke holding her down the tree, Sakura gave a face to Naruto who climbed the tree.

"Naruto, you can't even catch up with me, giggling..."

Sakura's words are not the slightest ridicule, but it seems like a normal joke with his companions.


Seeing the happy Sakura in Sasuke's arms, Naruto's heart is infinitely lost, Sakura, and Sasuke are very happy together, bless you... Naruto's back is a bit lonely.

After placing Sakura on the ground, Sasuke went straight to Naruto. In the eyes of Naruto's doubts, Sasuke gave Chae to the Naruto when he climbed the tree and then encouraged him to cheer.


Naruto is grateful for the performance of Sasuke. Although there are many words to say, I don't know where to start. He only felt warm in his heart, and he felt that he had been waiting for a long time.

Is this a so-called friend?

Naruto remembered the scene when he and Sasuke met in the sunset five years ago. The intersection of black and white, the sunset connected the two figures together.

Sasuke, from that time on, we are friends...

Naruto had a long time of thoughts, and Sasuke and Sakura had left the place when he returned.

Then, Naruto looked at the big tree in front of him, his face showed a firm look, "must succeed!"

I patted the dirt on my body, and Naruto got up and continued to attack the big tree.

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