One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 38:

No matter how fast the seal is in the hand, the fog on the bridge will soon become thicker and thicker, that is, it has the ability to write the wheel eye, and Sasuke can only observe one foot within one foot.

Worse, Sasuke's strength is greatly reduced in the thick fog, he must always guard against attacks from all over the place. Suddenly, Sasuke remembers the white and Nazda that are not protected there. What should I do? In this way, they will definitely be in danger.

Anxiously, Sasuke immediately searched for the unrelenting figure in the fog. When Sasuke was eager to search for the figure, he suddenly heard the white scream.

What happened to the white? ! !

With the screams of white, the fog quickly dissipated.

Sasuke was in a hurry and immediately ran in the direction of the sound. When I got there, I saw that the white quilt was no longer coerced with the dagger knife. The silver-colored blade gradually penetrated into the white, white neck, and the blood dripped out.

"Let her go, no more!" Sasuke looked at his face and flashed an angry look, a pair of writing eyes more and more crystal clear.

I don’t want to watch Sasuke’s crazy laughter and say: “Sasuke is best not to move. Your little beauty is in my hands. If you dare to move, my dagger will cut the beautiful neck!”

In the white eyes that were no longer coerced, there was a hint of relief. She did not expect that she would treat her like this again. Her heart was also disintegrated in her heart. Now she does not owe it any more. Seeing Sasuke in white, his eyes are full of expression to him: "Sasuke, don't worry about me, kill him."

"Give me shut up." No longer say, look at the light of hatred in Sasuke's eyes. "You guys, men and women, I have never been so insulted, now I am going to kill you."

Saying, no matter how big the knife in his hand, he will forcefully smear the white neck.

Suddenly, I don’t feel like I’m stinging in my mind for a while. The feeling of blur and dizziness is all over the body. What happened? this is? Illusion! ! Uchiha's little devil! !

The reaction did not bite the tip of the tongue again. When he was awake, he only felt that the blue light was shining, and the harsh buzzing sound was transmitted to the ear. In the next second, he only felt a chill in his chest. When he saw what was going on, he saw Sasuke holding the white, and the left hand flashing the thunder was deeply inserted into his chest.

Sasuke quietly used the writing wheel to start the illusion when he no longer hijacked the white. Then he used the 趁 趁 趁 幻 幻 的 发 发 发 发 发 发 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷 雷From the time of launching the illusion to saving the white, it only happens within a short period of time. It is already too late to react again.

No more tingling in front of his chest, then he felt something was dug out of his heart. He looked down and saw that Sasuke’s left hand with lightning flashed from his gripping heart, blood red. Write the wheel and look at him cruelly, with a sardonic smile on his lips.

"You..." No more blood in the mouth.

"Death." Sasuke's left hand forced, the thunder of lightning flashed into the heart, and in a flash, the thunder was flourishing, and the heart that was constantly beating turned into a powder.

From the beginning to the end, Bai is holding the body of Sasuke tightly, squatting in his arms, not looking at it again.

Hearing the screams of no more embarrassment, Bai Jiao body trembled, she knew that Sasuke will not kill again, although it violated her agreement, but Bai does not blame Sasuke. When she had not taken her to threaten Sasuke again, she completely lost hope in the end, and she became a passerby. Say Sasuke is doing this to save her, and killing is no longer reasonable.

As the heart breaks, I don’t think I’m getting lighter and thinner. Am I going to die?

Really unwilling, with the gaze of grievances, the tall body slowly fell, and the eyes widened, seemingly hating everything in this world.

With the fall of the unrelenting, the thunder of the assistant was gradually disappearing.

Sasuke surrounded the white body, gently stroked the white hair with his hand, and kissed a white forehead and said softly: "It's okay, white, everything is over."

The white squatting on Sasuke’s chest slowly raised his head, and Sasuke’s **** red writing wheel was full of concern, with a faint smile on his face. Seeing such Sasuke, she only felt very safe, as if she could be in Sasuke's arms, she would have no fear even if she encountered difficulties.

"It’s over, Sasuke." White stretched out his hand and gently stroked Sasuke’s side face.

"Yeah, this is over, you and my life have just begun." Sasuke said with a smile.

White happy Volt on Sasuke's chest, listening to Sasuke's heartbeat that seemed to be beating for her, with a heartfelt smile on his face, "Well, I love you, Sasuke."

Hearing the white answer, Sasuke showed his mind with practical actions. He held up the white dagger and kissed the white lips. Seeing Sasuke's movements, a white smudge appeared on the white face, but soon closed his eyes and enjoyed the communication with Sasuke's lips.

Time seems to be still here, and the two figures are more closely overlapping.

Above the bridge, Sasuke and Bai made a lip-and-mouth exchange, and the two gradually became addicted to the deep kiss, and forgot the time.

At this time, a coughing sound came from not far from the two people, and Kakashi, whose body had not recovered, appeared on the bridge.

When he heard the coughing sound, he immediately pushed Sasuke and glanced at Sasuke. The red face was on the cheeks. She didn't expect it to be so unbearable in front of Sasuke. She was easily addicted to Sasuke's kiss.

Pushed away by the white, Sasuke subconsciously looked over there, only to see Kakashi standing not far from them, Nazda was standing by his side.

Kakashi came at this time. Sasuke was speechless, pulled up his white hand, and walked over to Kakashi. He said, "Mr. Kakashi, how come you?"

Seeing the white that was taken up by Sasuke, Kakashi’s face had a strange expression. Who is this girl? How have you not seen her before?

"I heard that the news of the attack will come No more? Are you okay?" Kakashi said, his eyes looking around, looking for a shadowless figure.

"I will not be solved by me any more." Sasuke said faintly, saying, pointing to the dead body in the distance.

Don't you be killed by Sasuke? ! ! Seeing the corpse that is no longer there, Kakashi’s heart is full of turbulence, how can it be, no longer, but the country of water is rebellious, and the strength cannot be underestimated. I didn't expect Sasuke to kill it anymore, he is already so strong!

Now he can easily beat me. Kakashi looked at Sasuke and his eyes looked surprised.

Kakashi noticed that Sasuke was unusually intimate, when he remembered asking who the girl was.

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