One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 56: Festival

Sack raised his hands and pointed his hand at Sasuke. The next moment, the endless squally wind mixed with the dust and the Sasuke trio swept away. It was a trick of Sark, a hollow wave!

Sasuke’s three men were prepared for the attack on Sack, and they escaped before the slamming wave hit.

The dust dissipated and the ground was left with deep marks of destruction.

"White, you deal with the female ninja, Naruto, you deal with the guy just now, I am dealing with another one!" Avoiding the Sack attack, Sasuke and Naruto ordered.

No, Bai and Naruto each found their own enemy.

Sasuke's body shape is slightly moving, appearing opposite Tos.

Looking at the **** of the Mole-like costume, Sasuke smiled and said: "Now is the battle between us. Tos, try your best to defeat me. Don't let me down."

When he heard Sasuke, Tos was slightly surprised and how he knew his name.

The momentum on Sasuke was dramatically increased, and the invisible Chakra gas field enveloped the entire space.

Toss faced an unfathomable Sasuke, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead. The fear quickly shrouded the whole body. Sasuke was terrible! Tos felt that Sasuke in front of him was like a mountain. His strength was not worth mentioning in front of Sasuke.

"Since you don't do it, then I'm welcome!" Sasuke's mouth showed a smirk, his body was slightly moving, and the next second appeared behind Tos.

Toss didn't respond, and when he looked back, a little blue-eyed fist screamed at him.

With a bang, Sasuke only felt that he had smashed something. Then, Toss’ body fell like a broken sack and made a dull crash.

Sasuke did not continue to attack, standing quietly in the same place, staring at Tos, who was struggling with a nose and a few meters away.

Struggling for a while, Tuss slowly stood up.

The face is already sunken, and the dripping blood will rednish the face. Because of the pain, the facial features of his face are twisted together, just like the evil spirits who climbed out of hell.

"Tos, I didn't expect you to stand up." Sasuke sneered.

In the eyes of Sasuke, Tos was nothing more than a small reptile. He had just used Thunder or Thousand Birds to tie Tos, and he used his fist to attack him in order to play for a while.

To Sassy's ridicule, Toth did not refute, he knew that he was simply vulnerable to Sasuke. Sasuke is now playing with him like a cat and a mouse. Now he is the fish on the cutting board, he has no choice for his fate.

Toth remembered the big snake pill and remembered what he said to himself. "Tos, Sasuke will give it to you. If you can't kill him, you won't have to come back."

Tos knew that he was now a discard of the big snake pill, and his life and death big snake pill would not care.

In the eyes of Toss, there is a glimmer of decisiveness in the eyes, even if you abandon your son, you must live a dignity!

The man quickly printed, and with a bang, Tos's body immediately disappeared into the land, and a black shadow slammed from the land to Sasuke.

"Do you have bandits?" Seeing Tos's move, Sasuke gave a cold smile and started writing round eyes.

"Even if I hide in the ground, I will pick you up!"

Sasuke quickly printed, endless thunder flashed from the left hand, shouted, and the thunder in his hand slammed to the ground, and instantly, the ground was thunder and lightning, and the thunder was like a dragon on the surface. Like an earthquake, the ground within a radius of a dozen meters quickly cracked and collapsed, exposing the figure of Tos.

Grab you! Sasuke’s mouth sneered, his body flashed, and the thunder in his hand lit up again. The thunder screamed and attacked Tos.

The body of Toss, hidden in the ground, could not move with a numbness, and there was a flash of lightning like a snake. The next moment, like an earthquake, the land on the top of the head quickly split. He looked up and saw the endless thunder light infinitely magnified in front of his eyes. Then, Tos felt that his body was light and blood splashed from his chest. Out.

Under Sasuke's Lecce, Tos's internal organs were completely smashed, and the blood mixed with dirty debris spewed out from the mouth of Tos. The body of Tos was trembled, as if it were subjected to high-voltage electric shock, the body quickly changed. Got black.

What Tos saw in the spirit of his death was Sasuke’s blood-red eyes and the ruthless sneer.

Sasuke pulled out the left hand that killed Tos, and the thunder gradually disappeared. He took a cold look at Tos and immediately rushed to White.

At this moment, Bai Zheng and Jin are fighting together, and Bai is fighting the gold shuriken and gold.

Kim suddenly flew away from the white attack range, and pulled a scorpion from the bundled hair. The top of the scorpion was two bells. Seeing the action of Kim, Sasuke immediately went to the side of White and grabbed the white ears.

In the next moment, only the ringing sound was heard, and the sound wave swept away to Sasuke. Sasuke only felt a pain in the eardrum, as if it were to burst. Since Sasuke will protect the white, there is no feeling of white.

It was noticed that Sasuke was being attacked by sound waves, and the heart was anxious, and the hands were immediately printed, and the dense ice made thousands of copies of the gold.

Thousands of sharp winds interrupted the attacking rhythm of Kim, and suffered thousands of attacks. Kim stopped the action of the bell in his hand and hurriedly avoided.

When the sound wave paused, Sasuke took a breath and let go of the white. He said: "When fighting this guy, be sure to hold your ear. Her sonic attack is very powerful. You let it go. I will deal with her. You can help. Naruto."

White did not say anything, and the arrangement of Sasuke was judged, and the figure jumped to Naruto.

Sasuke blocked the two ear holes with the cotton swabs, and quickly moved under his feet, quickly attacking the gold that had just landed.

The bell in the hands of Kim shook again, and the invisible sound wave shrouded Sasuke. This time, because the ear hole was blocked, Sasuke was not affected by the sonic attack.

Sasuke chills and smiles, and his hands are quickly printed, and the fire is burning.

Nine red flames covered the gold, and the place where gold was evaded was sealed. The gold that can't escape is quickly surrounded by The fire is smoky, the pungent smoke keeps entering the ear and nose of gold, and gold is constantly struggling in the fire ring formed by Fengxian fire.

Suddenly, Kim slammed the scorpion in his hand to Sasuke, and the scorpion fell on the ground and made a loud noise.

Sasuke only felt that his body was slow, and in the next second, he saw that he was stabbing in the hands of Kim.

Sasuke's writing wheel contracted into a needle-like shape, and the subconscious waist flashed, and he escaped the golden one.

so close! Sasuke’s heart was watching Kim, and she still had this trick. Relying on ringtones to slow down your opponent's vision and hearing?

It was a bang, Sasuke felt a sigh of relief in front of him, and several shurikens were infinitely magnified in front of him, and Sasuke’s body shape flashed, and he escaped the attack.

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