One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 58:

At the end of the battle, Bai walked to Sasuke, and smiled sweetly at him. He took Sasuke’s body and looked like a bird. The kind of courage and coldness just disappeared.

The handsome Sasuke and the temperament of the white stand together, like a golden boy and a girl, people have to admit that they are indeed a match.

The rest of the crowd saw the end of the battle and they came over. Sakura and Ikuo got together and said to her intimately: "White sister, you are amazing."

White modest smiled and said: "You are also very powerful. Maybe I am not your opponent in the future."

"White sister, you are too modest." Sakura stood on the side of the white body, looking at the white envious, she also wants to have the strength of white, but also wants to fight alongside Sasuke.

"Where is it, Bai Jie is very powerful, not only is the person beautiful, but the Ninjutsu is so strong, it is no wonder that Sasuke likes White Sister very much." Ino said in a sour tone.

I have to say that the woman's heart is very strong, although she is willing to share Sasuke with Bai, but every time she sees Sasuke and White or Sakura intimacy, she will feel sour in her heart, she really wants With exclusive help, Sasuke is the only one around her.

However, this is also to think about it. She knows that Sasuke is very good. It is difficult for girls to withstand this temptation. They can't help but feel good about Sasuke and even fall in love with him. Ino knows that she can't monopolize Sasuke. What she can do is to ask for help and help Sasuke to love her more. This is what Iye is eager for.

Life is not good. Sakura, why don't you be jealous in the white heart, why don't they want to monopolize Sasuke?

But everyone is smart. They know that what they can do is stay with Sasuke, accompany him, and their sisters and life. Whether it is dull or magnificent, as long as it is with Sasuke, it is the happiest. Things.

Looking at the sympathy of the three women's faces, Sasuke sighed in the heart. He knows the thoughts of the three women, and they have no tolerance for their tolerance and kindness. What they can do is to make them happy every day.

Later, Lumaru and Naruto found the book of Ninja in Tos, which is the book of the land they need.

Naruto handed the book of the land to Sasuke. Now that the collection of their Ninja book has been completed, the next thing to do is to go to the trial tower as soon as possible.

The bodies of Toss and Sack were buried, and Sasuke and his entourage began to hurry. Their goal was a trial tower 100 kilometers away. If there were no accidents, they would be able to reach the Trial Tower this afternoon.

Today is the third day of the dead forest. They still have two days. Because of the abundant time, Sasuke is not in a hurry and the speed is not very fast.

Time is passing, I don’t know it is noon, I went to an open area, and Sasuke helped them find a small lake. The clear lake is sparkling in the sun. There is a waterfall far away from the lake. There was a roar on the rocks.

Seeing the long-lost water source, the group was ecstatic, especially Naruto, yelling and saying that they are resting here for a while.

Seeing the color of expectation on the faces of everyone, Sasuke ordered that he would not move on today, and he would take a day here.

Sakura looked at the cool lake and went to Sasuke to say to him: "Sasuke, I and White Sister, they want to go there to clean it, you help us to wind."

Sasuke knows that they are naturally clean and have not cleaned their bodies for three days. They are also very uncomfortable. The promised vows will definitely give them a good wind, so that their spring will not be seen by anyone.

Ino looked at a serious Sasuke and sneaked into his ear and said: "Sasuke, if you want to wash with us, it doesn't matter."

After a smirk, pull white and Sakura to the waterfall to prepare for cleaning.

It’s tempting. Say Sasuke hasn’t appreciated the body of Bai and Ino. He has had a relationship with Sakura, and he knows the body of Sakura.

Do you want to see it?

Sasuke’s heart is very tangled. However, after seeing a few people in Naruto here, Sasuke immediately dismissed this kind of thinking. He still looks at Naruto here. If the spring of Sakura is seen by them, it will be bad.

Sasuke helped a few people raise a bonfire on the lakeside, preparing for today's food materials. As they were at the lake, Sasuke and Naruto fished a lot of fish from the lake and placed the fish next to the campfire to prepare for the barbecue.

About an hour later, Sakura came back and saw the already fragrant grilled fish. Sakura and Ino immediately turned into food, picked up the already grilled squid, and ate it without image.

White saw Sakura and Ino's movements giggling, these two sisters are so cute.

Sasuke is used to the performance of Ino and Sakura. He knows the terrible food.

However, a few people in Lumao saw the starving of Sakura and Ino, and their faces were strangely colored. It’s really unappealing. They are beautiful and cute, they hide such a terrible attribute, and Lumaru secretly rejoices that he has no Find a girlfriend.

Sasuke greeted a few people of Baihe Luwan and gave them the grilled fish. This is their lunch.

At this time, there was a commotion in the woods, and Sasuke looked back. A familiar figure appeared in Sasuke’s eyes.

When I saw the Sasuke and his party who were eating, I immediately greeted them and said, "Sasuke, let's meet again."

Sasuke is not surprised by the appearance of the pocket. He knows that he has been tracking them in secret. It is not surprising to find them at this time. Sasuke got up and looked at him and said: "It’s a fate to meet you, we are eating, you are coming with us."

Sasuke’s invitation pocket did not refuse, smiled and greeted others, and sat down beside him.

Naruto and others are very fond of After all, there is always a gentle smile on the face, it is difficult for people to hate him.

I took the grilled fish that Sasuke handed over, and said thank you, I ate it. After eating a grilled fish, I thanked Sasuke again and said, "Sasuke, you are safe on this road."

"Yeah, okay. But how are you alone, your other teammates?" asked Sasuke.

Naruto also came over to join in the fun and said: "Yeah, why are you alone?"

Suddenly there was a trace of desolateness in the eye, and said: "My teammates have gone away and lost their way in the forest, but fortunately I found you. The book of Ninja has been collected and brought to me. I believe that my teammates are trying it out. The tower waits for me."

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