One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 70:

The next moment, Xiao Li moved, only to see countless dust and smoke. Then, with a bang, the I love Luo was kicked into the air, and the sand around him could not keep up with Xiao Li’s movement.

Xiao Li, like a rocket, flies through the air.

Sasuke opened the writing wheel and wanted to capture the action of Xiao Li, but he could only see the afterimage of Xiao Li’s body.

"Fast! This degree is simply not achieved by humans."

Xiao Li constantly hits me in the air, and I love the Luo's armor.

Under the constant attack of Xiao Li, the armor of the sand that I loved Luo has fallen off. Even at this time, Xiao Li’s attack made me feel a little pain.


Seeing the situation of my love Luo, Sharon’s team led the team to bear the frown, so that I would really be seriously injured and their plans could not go smoothly.

On the one hand, when I saw my love, I was in danger, and I couldn’t help but yell: "I love Luo carefully..."

On the court, Xiao Li's figure was infinitely magnified in front of my love Luo, looking at the cracks on my face, I love Luo, Xiao Li mouth sneer.

"Is this the sand armor?! How about this?! Dumen! Open!"

With a roar, Xiao Li’s momentum rose again, and the light blue brilliance shrouded the whole body. The right fist was like a tiger and screamed at me.

I love Luo to be shot again. Xiao Li keeps up with me, I love Luo, and grabs his belt. In the hands of Xiao Li, I love Luo and hit a small kick.


I love Luo to be on the ground by Xiao Li.


The whole site slammed a bit, and the huge shock wave completely destroyed the site, and the dust and smoke filled the air. The airflow from the shock wave caused the clothes of everyone in the stands to fly.

Because of the eight armor, the muscles of Xiao Li have been broken, and the Thunder strike has cost all the strength of his body. Xiao Li in the air could not maintain his body shape and fell to the ground from the sky.

Xiao Li struggled to get up and looked at me, I love Luo, but I saw the sand that was made by the gourd after I loved Luo. The last blow of Xiao Li did not hurt my love Luo.

I love Luo lying in the ruins, and the body's sand armor is cracked. If it weren't for the last time, I love Luo's gourd and turn it into sand to protect my love. In the last blow of Xiao Li, he must have died.

I love Luo to look to Xiao Li over there, and his eyes are showing an angry look. No one has hurt him like this.

This guy! I love Luo’s heart and must not let Xiao Li.

The man immediately moved, and the sand around the body of my love Luo snarled toward Xiao Li. The tumbling sand covered the little Li as a tsunami, and surrounded by heavy, Xiao Li felt the breath of death.

"Sand bound!"

Seeing Xiao Li will be swallowed up by the sand, suddenly, endless thunder flashes, piercing screams appear on the field.


boom! The sand bound and the Rachel collided, and the thunder filled all the sand, the Lec sand! Under the destruction of Lei Guang, the sand bound to Xiao Li was turned into sand and dissipated to the ground.

I love Luo's sand bindings and was actually easily cracked by Lei.

Xiao Li’s eyes widened and he saw Sasuke who helped him block the sand.

On the assistant's assistant, the thunder flashed, and the blushing writing circle looked at me and loved Luo, and protected Xiao Li behind him.

"Sasuke, do you want to stop me?!" I love the sound of Luo Yin.

Sasuke’s mouth smiled slightly, and he looked like a sly, but the lightning on his hand was more violent.

"I can't watch you killing in front of me."

"Xiao Li, how are you doing?"

Sasuke rescued Xiao Li, and Kay appeared in the presence of Xiao Li in a timely manner. He was concerned about the physical condition of Xiao Li.

"Nothing, Teacher Akai, thanks to Sasuke." Xiao Li said to Akai after fear.

With Sasuke and Akai protecting Xiao Li, I love Luo and I stopped working. After I got cold, I got up and left the competition venue.

The blast appeared on the field and sentenced the result of the match. "Because I was assisted by Yu Zhibo in the middle of the game, I was judged to win."

Upon hearing the verdict, Xiao Li’s face was stunned. “Mr. Akai, lost this game, I am expecting you. You punish me!”

Xiao Li bowed his head and his voice contained endless sincerity.

"Little Li..."

Seeing Xiao Li’s movements, Akai’s eyes flashed a trace of tears. He knew that Xiao Li’s heart was very difficult to accept. He said that he was allowed to punish him. In fact, Xiao Li could not pass his own.

For this day, Xiao Li did not know how long he worked hard, no matter whether it was windy or rainy, no matter whether it was cloudy or rainy or not, Xiao Li was trying to cultivate as always. He only thought about Ning times, just want to prove himself to others in the test of the endurance test, and prove that even the body skills can become a great ninja.

Now Xiao Li has failed in this game. Although it is a game, the blow to Xiao Li is very huge.

Akai bent down and held Xiao Li into his arms. "Xiao Li, you have worked very hard, and you will cry when you feel uncomfortable."

When I heard Akai’s words, Xiao Li was saddened and burst into tears in Akai’s arms.

"Akai teacher, I have failed your expectations. I have not been able to prove myself to everyone, Teacher Akai..."

Affected by Xiao Li, Akai did not even cry out of the image. "Xiao Li, my lovely apprentice, don't give up, and the next chance, the teacher believes that you are very strong."

"Akai teacher..."

"Little Li..."

Akai and Xiao Li looked at each other and seemed to be engraving the other person forever.

Seeing the actions of Akai and Xiao Li, Sasuke couldn't stand it. He coughed twice and said, "Hey, so many people look at it, you should pay attention to the image."

At this time, Akai noticed that Sasuke had been around. He let go of Xiao Li in his arms and stood up and said: "Sasuke, thank you for saving Xiao Li. If it wasn't for you, Xiao Li would be dead."

After a meal, Akai said again: "What requirements do you have, I will promise you as long as I can do it."

When I heard Akai’s words, Sasuke’s face showed a hint of joy, but he said in a whisper: “Mr. Akai, I have one thing I want to please.”

"What is it?" Akai asked Can you teach me how to practice? Sasuke did not hide what he wanted.

Akai did not hesitate, looked at Xiao Li who was not injured, and said: "Sports? Well, in order to repay your kindness to save Xiao Li, I promised. But I don't know if Kakashi is willing to do it."

Seeing Akai promised, Sasuke’s heart was slightly excited and replied: "I will explain to Kakashi."

"That's good." Akai agreed, then left with Xiao Li.

On the court, Sasuke and Akai discussed the learning of the body, and soon they reached a consensus.

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