One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Festival

Seeing the performance of the young field, the Japanese football team is more interested in the young field. He knows that this is very sorry for the young field. I watched my daughter have a lot of words to say, but I don’t know how to speak.

After hesitating, the Japanese foot went up and hugged the young field. He said, "I am sorry, I am not a qualified father..."

The sound of the Japanese foot is a little hoarse, and the hands that surround the young field are tight, and it seems that they will burst into the wilderness for many years.

The body of Hiroshi, who was hugged by the Japanese foot, stiffened. How long did she feel that she had not experienced it, and when was the last time she held her? She doesn't remember. Hearing the Japanese foot to apologize to her, the softness of the heart of the young field was touched for a moment, the father was an adult...

The younger eyes were stunned, and once again felt the warm embrace of her father. She even had the feeling of wanting to cry. This long-lost fatherly love made her very moved.

"Father big man...nothing...the daughter is used to it..." The younger child softened in the arms of the Japanese and Japanese, and the tears gradually wet the chest clothes of the Japanese foot.

Are you used to it? The answer from the younger school made the Japanese father feel overwhelmed, let go of the young field in his arms, and looked at the pretty face of the younger child who had a seven-point look at his wife. The eyes of the sun were wet, and he remembered his wife’s words before his death.

Obviously promised his wife to take care of the young field, but over the years he has caused so many grievances. Really, the Japanese football suddenly hates himself, why he did not cherish his daughter.

The Japanese swears to the young field and swears: "The younger brother, the father has been neglecting you over the years. I am really sorry, but it will never be in the future. You will always be the father's favorite daughter!"

The Japanese swearing vows to make the young field move, finally, finally heard the father's words, he said that he loves me... tears have blurred the eyes of the young field, surrounded by strong fatherly love, the child thinks she is The happiest person in the world.

Subsequently, the father and the daughter were emotionally stable, and they wanted to give up the idea of ​​letting the young girl marry Sasuke.

However, Chen Tian did not agree, after all, the Japanese has already promised Sasuke. As a family leader, casual rebellion hurts the face of a family. For the sake of the Japanese family, the younger family resolutely abides by the agreement.

The Japanese foot did not violate the meaning of the young field. Since the young field is willing to marry Sasuke, it is not good for him to be a father.

Hsiao is still very fond of Sasuke. Perhaps, from the moment Sasuke saved her from Ning, Hu Tian had a faint friendship with Sasuke.

Although it is not very like, but Hsiao knows that as long as this good feeling is maintained, the relationship between her and Sasuke will become deeper and deeper, and she will eventually marry him without regrets.

The next day, the sun was shining, and the blue sky was exceptionally high.

Naruto came out of his hut, and the ninja guards for the forehead went straight to Kakashi's home, ready to find Kakashi to teach him ninjutsu.

After the Naruto test, Naruto deeply felt the lack of strength, especially after seeing the power shown by Sasuke and I love Luo, the sentiment of Naruto wants to become stronger.

At the home of Kakashi, Naruto knocked on the door, but no one opened the door, and Kakashi did not seem to be at home.

Looking at the closed door, Naruto frowned, and muttered to himself: "Isn't it already said that I am teaching me today? How can I not find him now? Really irresponsible..."

Naruto suddenly thought of where Kakashi might go, the heroic cemetery. Yes, Kakashi must be there, thinking of it, Naruto's frowning brow quickly stretches, flies under his feet, and rushes to the heroic cemetery.

The cemetery of the hero, the place where the ninja that contributes to the village of Muye is buried. The cemetery is quiet and surrounded by trees, surrounded by cemeteries, and is filled with flowers such as white orchids.

In the center of the cemetery is a huge statue of a bearer, called a heroic tombstone, engraved with the names of all the ninjas who died in the Third Endurance World War. The dark statue stands solemn and solemn.

At this time, a man with a mask stood in front of the hero's tombstone, which was Kakashi.


Kakashi looked at the tombstone and said nothing, the lonely figure was so devastating that it seemed to be missing, and it seemed to be self-satisfied.

"With soil..." Kakashi slang, his eyes flashed a painful look, and the scene with the dead body was vivid, and the **** memory surrounded Kakashi, flooding his body and mind.

In the face of painful memories, Kakashi body trembled involuntarily. With the smile of the body when he died, with the words of the body when he died, deeply engraved in Kakashi’s mind, Kakashi, this only writes the wheel to you... live to protect Lin... ...

Kakashi grabbed his left eye, and the tingling and burning from the left eye, with soil, are you still tormenting me?

For many years, every time I think of bringing soil, Kakashi’s left eye will have a strong discomfort.

This discomfort quickly eroded Kakashi's body and mind, as the shackles tightened Kakashi more and more tightly, and unconsciously, the soil in memory has become the devil of Kakashi.

"Kakashi teacher..."

The familiar voice saved Kakashi from the painful memories. Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief, tried to calm down the mood, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, turned his head and saw the figure of Naruto.

Naruto came over and looked at Kakashi, who had a different performance than usual. He said, "What happened to Kakashi teacher? Is it okay?"

"No, it's okay." Kakashi disguised himself. "What's the matter, are you looking for me?"

Naruto didn't think deeply about Kakashi's weird performance. He said, "Mr. Kakashi, you are not acknowledging that I have to find a teacher for me, teach me how to do it?"

Kakashi’s heart is in awe, it’s such a thing, Kakashi remembers it now. At the beginning, he promised Naruto, but he has not yet found it for Naruto. Looking at the look of Naruto's face, Kakashiton felt that his teacher was too unqualified.

"That Naruto, I haven't found it yet, you can wait a few more days." Kakashi perfunctory.

When he heard Kakashi, Naruto immediately did not calm down. He came over and looked at Kakashi and said loudly: "You lied! You didn't even find it!!"

The blue pupil was staring at Kakashi's cheek, and the Naruto stared at some hair. Kakashi immediately said, "Okay, Naruto, you go with me, I will go to you to find a teacher."

Naruto looked suspiciously at Kakashi and seemed to be unconvinced about his assurances. It's no wonder that Kakashi has already released Naruto pigeons several times, so Naruto is very suspicious of Kakashi's character.

"Okay, don't look at it, let me go." Kakashi knew that his image was not so good in Naruto's mind, and he no longer talked with Naruto. He took Naruto and left, and personally went to Naruto. Look for a tutor.

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