One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 93: Festival

The rolling yellow sand covered my whole body, and soon my loved ones were assimilated by the yellow sand, and a strange tail suddenly appeared, condensing into a human-shaped monster image covered by yellow sand.

"What is this?"

"Monster, right?"

The audience on the field saw that the changes in my love were somewhat unknown, but the evil spirits and suffocating effects that I loved from Luo’s body made them burst into horror.

The three generations of Huo Ying watched me love Luo, and there was a storm in my heart. This is the human strength!

Realizing that things were a bit wrong, the three generations immediately stood up and prepared to stop the game.

At this time, the big snake pill behind the three generations was suddenly difficult, and a shining bitterness disappeared from the sleeves, and the thunder could not be overwhelmed by the three generations.

Things happened for a moment, and everyone still didn't realize what was going on. The big snake pill has been successfully held for three generations.

Seeing the three generations of Huo Ying was hijacked, the guards of the three generations immediately rushed to rescue the three generations.

Unexpectedly, the original wind and shadow guard became four men and a woman dressed in sound and tolerance. The four-tone ninja is the Ghost Boy Pill, Zuo Jin, Duo You, and Ji Lang Fang.

Ghost children's pills are printed in the hands, and the spiders are tied!

A huge white spider web flew out, carrying white mucus, bound a dry wood leaf ninja, and easily solved the guards of the three generations.

The four men tightly guarded the body of the big snake pill, protecting the big snake pill and hijacking the three generations onto the dome. The hand is fast-printing, four purple bursts!

Four purple light curtains shrouded the dome, and they will come to rescue the dark parts of the three generations.

The three generations are calmly watching everything that is born on the field, and they are not surprised by the sudden changes!

"Four generations of wind and shadow, what are you doing?! Provoking the war?!" The three generations are calm and self-sufficient, and the tone is dignified and said to the big snake pill.

Dashen Wan smiled. "Teacher, you are as confused as before."

When I heard the original sound of the big snake pill, the three generations of eyes twitched. "You are a big snake pill! Four generations of shadows?"

"I was killed by me." The big snake pill seems to be saying something that is irrelevant.

Three generations of eyes are slightly condensed and killed! Is the strength of Dashen Pill so strong? !

"Do you want to destroy the wood leaves this time?" The three generations showed a worried color. If the big snake pill really wants to destroy the wood leaves, then he will kill the big snake pill even if he fights his life. Let the leaves be destroyed!

The big snake pill licked his tongue and said: "Destroy the leaves? No, no, I never thought about it. I just feel that the recent tolerance is too calm, I want to make this pool of water a little more active."

Said, the big snake pill overlooks Sasuke on the field and I love Luo, who has already become a monster. The narrow face has an inexplicable smile. "Teacher, before we finish watching this game, I am against Uchiha. The child at home is very happy."

The three generations did not make a sound. He did not understand what the big snake pill really meant. Why did he care so much about Sasuke? Is there any conspiracy?

On the playing field, Sasuke calmly looked at the changes of my love Luo, sneer at the corner of his mouth, keeping the crane, I don't know how much power you can bring me...

On the playing field, three generations were hijacked, and the plan to destroy the wood leaves in Yin Ren Village and Sha Niu Village started.

Wearing dark costumes, hidden in the audience. See the big snake pill has been moving, a sneer in the corner of his mouth, finally started? Quickly print, use the illusion to hypnotize the ordinary audience present.

For a moment, white snowflakes fluttered in the audience, as if they were in the snow and ice.

"this is?!"

Sakura’s three women immediately realized that things were wrong and they were printed in their hands.


Suddenly, the mirror flower was shattered, and all the illusions disappeared. Bai and Jingye also woke up at this time and saw the audience on the field fainting. They knew that the leaves had changed a lot!

In the audience, a lot of sound ninjas suddenly appeared, fully armed. At this moment, they showed cruel fangs and continued to kill the Konoha ninja and the audience who had already passed out.

The bright red blood flowed through the audience, and Sakura and Ino looked at the scene like hell, and the face was pale. This scene was the first time they saw it, and the shock between the hearts could not be held up!

The white on the side is a rebellious career that has gone through many years. Her reaction is much calmer. Make a big sister's style, remind Sakura and Ino to be careful, hand condense into an ice shuriken, rush to one side of the slaughterhouse, and fight the sound of the ninja.

At this point, Kakashi and Akai appeared on the field, seeing the **** killing field brow wrinkles, this group of sound ninja!

Akai stunned, and the anger in his heart surged and roared! The figure is flashing, kicking under the feet, and the constant voiced ninja is killed at his feet!

Kakashi did not hesitate to protect Sakura and Ino, killing the ninjas who came one by one.


Seeing the people who fought, the fears in Sakura and Ino's heart were quickly suppressed. Without hesitation, they joined the group battle. Although they were weak, they were a member of the wood leaf and wanted to be a wooden leaf. Make a contribution to safety.

Outside the village of Muye, the joint forces of the two villages were quickly assembled. Hundreds of black figures flashed out of the hidden woods.

"Be prepared to fight! Never leave alive!"

With the command of the lead ninja, several sand ninjas use the technique of psychic, hehe! The white smoke dissipated, and a huge three snakes appeared on the field!

expensive! The serpent screamed, the **** serpent found out, and the body brought out a strong wind, attacking the periphery of the wooden leaf wall not far away.

Hey! Hey! It was a few bursts of sound, and several big snakes appeared again on the field. They joined the battle under the drive of the sound of the ninja, constantly ravaging the periphery of the leaves.

A group of ninja troops immediately followed the serpent and destroyed the fortifications outside the leaves.

Due to the reason for the test, the majority of Ninja's ninjas are doing security work at the competition venue. Therefore, the defense around the village is very weak. There are only a few ninjas doing defensive work here.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the serpent, they were completely shocked. The tranquility of many years has paralyzed their consciousness, and the awareness of war has gradually disappeared. The sudden situation is somewhat overwhelmed.

The big snake has a long tail sweeping The huge force is all on the wall, hehe! The walls vibrated and the cracks began to appear.

All kinds of detonators are constantly thrown into the thick wall, bang! boom! boom! The ground trembles and the diffuse smoke covers the field of view.

At this time, the Muye Ninja Guard, who guarded the wall, reacted.

"Quick attack! Can't let them rush in!"

I hurriedly assembled the team and blocked the action of the big snake with a big fireball.

The flames flew, sparkling sparks in the air, and the burning waves rushed to the three snakes.

Hey! The flame burst and the skin of the snake is blackened.

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