One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Festival

Kakashi smiled, his white teeth knife was powerful, but it was still insufficient compared to Akai's fierce attack. He also admitted that Akai won the game.

In the game field, the number of sound tolerance and sand tolerance was rapidly reduced, and the ninjas of Muye used their greatest strength to attack the live sound.

The worms in the body of Chi Nai turned into a black cloud surrounded by several sounds. Under the action of the worms, Chakra in the body of the sound was quickly sucked out, and almost no screams were heard, and the body fell to the ground. Not moving, fainted.

In the hands of the white seal, the devil's ice mirror traps a few sands. In the ice circle of the devil, white releases 3,600 pieces of ice, and the screams of sand and forbearance sounded one after another, and the blood of the blush is from the ice mirror. Flowing out.

Sakura cooperated with Ino to find an enemy, and the hands of Ino were sealed, and the heart turned to the heart! !

The tone is controlled by the body and mind and is easily knocked down by Sakura.

Naruto continued to use multiple shadows to separate the body. Under the advantage of the number of people, Naruto’s battle here was very easy, and Sharon was killed in Naruto’s hands.

Compared with other places in the village of Muye, the battle situation in the competition venue quickly changed to the Konoha ninja, and the joint forces of Sha Ren and Yin Ren were defeated!

As a family leader, Nisshin Nissan personally led the clan's children to clean up the Ninja troops attacking Konoha. Under the two powerful tools of white-eyed and soft-boxing, the Japanese family is like a sharp knife in the heart of the ninja unit. Almost very smooth, the Ninja troops blocking the front of the Japanese foot were swept away.

For the wooden leaves, the ninjas of all clan are dispatched, the oil females, the mountain people, the canines, the autumn roads... quickly rushed to the battlefield. For the peace of the wood leaves, they fought with the ninja troops, and they were very close to each other. Easy, the ninja unit's advantage is broken.

The Wood Leaf Sanctuary, some old and young women are hiding here. In the face of the fierce and ninja ninja, they have no resistance. What they can do is to protect their lives and wait for the news of victory.

Among the crowds, a child wearing a goggles was restless, and the color of worry on the small face was overwhelming. The little hand licked his clothes from time to time, and his mouth groaned from time to time. "Grandpa must not have anything..."

"Wood leaf pills, you don't have to worry about it, your grandfather is a fire shadow, no problem." A little girl with a braid screamed to comfort the wood leaf pill.

"Yeah, Muyewan, Udon said yes, you have to believe in Huo Ying adults." A child with a runny nose said.

Muyewan feels the concern of his companions, and the frowning brows gradually stretch. "Thank you, Udon, Meng Huang, I believe in the strength of my grandfather, this war will end soon."

Having said that, but the fear of the three generations of Muye Pill can not be erased, he has a bad hunch.

I really hope that Grandpa will never have anything. Muye Wan has tightened the toys that he gave him in his three generations.

Muye Village, where the Huo Ying Building seems to have experienced a fierce battle, there are many dead bodies lying on the ground, there are wood leaves, there is sand and sound, and the blood stains that have begun to turn black show that the battle has ended for some time. .

In the shadows, dozens of masked wood leaves secretly guard the Huo Ying Building, they are members of the "root" section of the leaves, and the orders of the group are guarded here.

On the second floor of the Huo Ying Building, an old man with a bandage on his body watched the direction of the venue in the game. The brows tightened and his face showed a tangled look.

This person is a group of people. When the joint forces of Sha Ren and Yin Ren attacked Muye, he took people here. Under his leadership, he repelled the attack once and again, and protected the Huo Ying Building.

A member of the dark department came in and notified the news of the game field in the report.

"How? Is the three generations still being held by the Big Snake?"

The group turned around and asked.

The dark part with a mask, can not see any of her expression, humbly replied: "Yes, the group of adults, Huo Ying adults were also coerced by the big snake pill, the situation is very critical."

"Would we like to rescue the Naruto?"

The dark part said by himself.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the group. "No, we just need to guard this place. Never let the Ninja Alliance attack!"

"The three generations of Huo Ying are really dangerous..."

"Hey! Do you want to defy my orders?!"

The group was a bit cold and said.

"It’s a group of adults, let’s go and tell.”

The dark part retired and did not say anything.

Turning around, the group said to himself: "Hey, don't blame me..."

After the dark part quit, he walked straight to a partial hall where two people were waiting for her.

"Xi Yan, what do you say in the group?" asked the senior consultant of the wood leaf named Xiaochun.

Xi Yan took off the mask, revealing a beautiful cheek, purple hair, white jade-like face, it is particularly charming ~ ~ slightly covered, said to Xiaochun: "Spring adults, the group of adults are not allowed to rescue Huo Ying adults."

"What is the group thinking about?!" Another high-level consultant, Men Yan, took a picture of the table, full of dissatisfaction and anger.

Xiaochun thought about it for a moment and said: "Xi Yan, you can go ahead first. These things can't be said to anyone."

"Yes, Chun Daren." Yan Yue Xi Yan answered and then left the place.

Xiaochun went to the window and looked at the war-torn Muye Village. He sighed and said to himself: "It seems that the group still wants to figure out the position of Huo Ying..."

"Xiaochun, we really don't want to rescue the flying?" Men Yan helped the eye, and said with a serious expression.

Xiaochun sighed and said: "There is no way to do this. After all, the power of the dark part is in the hands of the group. It is useless to go. I hope that the Feiji people have their own heaven..."

The door inflammation was silent, and for a time, the atmosphere inside the house fell into silence.

In the game venue, the battle has been tilted to the side of the wood leaf. Under the attack of the Konoha ninja, the villages of Yin Ren and Sha Niu will be defeated.

It is not only the Muye Village with deep foundation, but also the joint attack of Sha Niu Village and Yin Ren Village. After a brief defeat, it quickly reversed the situation and successfully broke through the encirclement of Sha Ren and Yin Ren.

The big snake pill of the dome looked at the rage of the Ninja coalition and was silent. The previous madness and self-confidence disappeared. "Yu Fei teacher, Muye is really strong. I didn't expect to knock back my men so quickly."

Fei Fei was calm and replied: "The wood leafhopper is so easy to be defeated by Xiao Xiao!"

"Haha." The big snake pill laughed and said: "Three generations, you really have confidence in Muye. I admit that this war I lost, but the battle between us has just begun."

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