One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 114: Festival

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For a long time, Sasuke let go of the white in his arms, turned the white body, and looked at the beautiful woman in front of him.

"White, how are you doing recently?"

Bai did not understand why Sasuke asked this question, but still said: "Well, after I came to Konoha, I found out that my previous life was just hell. Thank you, Sasuke..."

"Thank you?" Sasuke leaned on the fence and looked at him sideways.

"Yeah, thank you." White curled up, fell on the fence, looked at the calm pool, and said: "When I was young, because of the blood limit, the people around me were very scared and even me. Father, they think that I am a monster, they hate me, beat me, want to erase me from the world..."

The white face showed a faint sorrow. "If it weren't for my mother, I might have been killed by them."

Turned around, Bai cast into Sasuke's arms, holding Sasuke's neck, sticking it to Sasuke's chest, his body trembled and choked his voice. "Sasuke, but I, I actually killed my father." Because of this ability, such blood continues to limit, I killed my parents..."


Feeling the sorrow in the white heart, Sasuke sighed. As for the experience of the white child, he knew that the white father had killed his wife and had no moon purple. Because of fear, Bai killed his father. The tragic waterless people have never been recognized by the world. What they bear and bear is endless hatred and oppression.

This is also the reason why Sasuke wants to change the white fate. From small to large, Bai has been spent in pain. Such a destiny, such a god, is unfair to Bai.

Sasuke caressed the white hair, stood up straight, and held the white squat in his arms, saying: "All passed, everything has passed, and by my side, those painful memories of the past will disappear. After all, uncles and aunts I don't want to see your pain."

"Sasuke, do you say that parents will forgive me? I am already bloody, my parents, will my parents dislike me?" White looked up, and some looked at Sasuke without confidence.

Seeing the tears in the white eyes, Sasuke’s heart trembled. Over the years, has she been so self-satisfied with her?

I can't stand the condemnation of conscience, because my hands are covered with blood, my parents are both dead, and I am self-satisfied. I have been willing to use it as a tool for more than a decade. Struggling in the vortex of pain, hehe. Just seeking spiritual relief, but it is easy to sink and easily lost on the road of life.

Sasuke’s eyes showed a distressed look and whispered: "White, maybe you were wrong from the beginning..."


White puzzled, the cheeks scattered with a little bit of tears reveal a doubtful color.

Sasuke leaned in his arms and seemed to want to comfort her. He said: "Uncles and aunts have never resented you. After all, they are your parents. Even if you make a mistake, they will forgive you."

After a meal, Sasuke’s voice became a bit low. “I don’t know the things between my uncle and my aunt. But I know that the deceased is a big reason. No matter what, it should be gone after death. What happened to hatred during his lifetime, no matter how much mistakes he made during his life, he should be forgiven after death. I don’t want you to be immersed in the sorrow of the past forever."

"Is that true?"

"Well, the dead are long. I believe in you, these things, whether it is the party, you or me, have responsibilities, we must persist for tomorrow, your sorrow is my sorrow. So, the future road I will go with you, no matter what will happen in the future, this is my promise."


Bai understands the painstaking efforts of Sasuke. He certainly does not want to see me who is sad and sad all day. Even for Sasuke, I have to overcome the sadness in my heart and always be happy in front of Sasuke.

"Thank you, Sasuke, I am much better."

White gently pushed away from Sasuke’s body and smiled at him. For a moment, like a blooming flower, grace disappeared...

The moonlight is like water, the endless silver brilliance sprinkles the earth, and under the quiet moonlight night, Sasuke and the white body are tightly embraced. They enjoy this quiet moment, the faint warmth and sweetness, let the soul cleanse.

At this time, footsteps came from afar. I didn’t wait for Sasuke and White to turn back. I heard the squeaky laughter from Ino. "No wonder you can’t find a white sister. It’s really dating here. It’s really envious. It..."

Today, Iwai did not return to the family, but actively stayed at the Uchiha House and spent the night here.

When I heard the voice of Ino, the white complexion immediately became blushing. As a sister, I was ashamed of being looked at. The white-legged foot said with a sigh: "Jing Ye sister, why don't you come over and say..."

Ino has already arrived in front of them, and a funny look looks white. "White sister, not a sister is not moral, disturbing your rendezvous, because there is something to come over to find you."

Sasuke asked out, "What's the matter?"

At this moment, Bai still looks red and red, and he looks at Iye in doubt.

"Well, this is the case, Sakura also wants to learn flower arrangements with you, so let me find you and let you teach her." Ino said with a smile.

"Flower arranging, I am not very proficient in this, but since it is Sakura's sister, I am reverent and I am desperate." Bai left from Sasuke and took hold of the arms of Ino.

"Well, Sakura will be very happy to learn from her sister." Ino is very close to the Seeing the appearance of Ino and White, Sasuke has a peace of mind, they can get along with each other. This is the greatest relief of Sasuke.

Ino pulled up his white arm and went inside. He turned around and said to Sasuke: "Sasuke, come on, let us see."

Sasuke didn't stay here, and walked up.

Inside, in the hall, Sakura is sitting at the table, and there are many flowers with branches on the red sandalwood table. The flowers of various colors are dazzling, and the air is filled with a touch of flowers, which is like walking in. In the garden.

Ino took a white walk and came in and greeted Sakura, who was busy at the table. "Sakura, my sister, I brought you."

Sakura put down the flowers in her hand and stood up. She asked me to sit in the position and said, "White sister, this flower arrangement is really troublesome. My sister is so stupid, I have no way to ask for it. Can you teach me?"

Bairousheng said: "Sakura sister is not arrogant, my sister is also a newbie, I can only give you some advice." Mobile users please browse to read, a better reading experience.

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