One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 134: Festival

Although it is September, the weather is still very hot, probably because it is located in the equator zone. The climate here is very hot and humid. It can be said that there are only two solar terms in spring and summer.

On the road, Sasuke was quietly walking behind, not following the self and Naruto, it seemed a little cold.

For Sasuke, he is used to being alone, not as familiar as Naruto, and almost able to get along with anyone. And he is not too familiar with the self, and he is not used to being close to himself.

Naruto knew Sasuke's temper and didn't talk to Sasuke. He knew that Sasuke would not easily ignore him. Besides, Naruto has a more important thing. He has to ask for the practice of spiral pills.

In the course of the way, Naruto practiced the spiral pill according to the method that he had handed over to him.

According to the statement of the self, there are three stages in the practice of spiral pills.

First: condense Chakra to the palm of your hand.

Second: Let Chakra form a spiral.

Third: Maintain the spiral and keep it in balance.

In the first stage, Naruto was quickly trained and successfully convened Chakra.

Looking at the wind attribute blue chakra condensed in the right hand, Naruto was greatly encouraged and immediately proceeded to the next stage of practice.

However, the second phase is not so smooth.

The wind attribute Chakra is condensed. It is not very easy to control the spiral rotation to form a spiral. It is not easy for Naruto to try it nearly a hundred times until the blue chakra in his body is exhausted. He also failed to control the spiral pill to form a spiral.

He also guided Naruto's practice and saw Naruto's failures again and again. He really wanted to swear by the Naruto idiot. This simple step Naruto tried not to practice hundreds of times. I really don't know Naruto is Not without any ninja talent.

Spiral pill is a very easy way to get started. The ordinary ninja can reach the second stage in about one hour as long as it practices. As for the hardest third stage, it really needs a certain talent.

Although Naruto's practice is very rough, but fortunately he does not give up, still insist on cultivation, which makes the home very happy.

Perhaps, diligence can make up, although Naruto is awkward, but I also believe that Naruto will be able to succeed in the end, and now the difference is time.

The sun quickly hits the earth, and it is noon that it is noon.

The three people have a very fast footing and have left the wood leaves very far. At this time, they are in a small country close to the country of fire.

Here, I am prepared to take a break, and finally, they stopped. I found a shack, and I also let everyone take a break and start again in the afternoon.

Finally stopped the tired footsteps, Naruto shouted, very imageless lying on the big bed, the body was put into a big character, feeling the soft and comfortable bed, there is a sense of tiredness.

After all, practicing the spiral pill along the way consumes most of Naruto's physical strength. He has been exhausted after such a long road.

The consciousness is getting heavier and heavier. Finally, in front of him, Naruto has slept.

Just as Naruto dreamed, when he dreamed that he became a fire shadow, a voice woke him up.

"Naruto, wake up, hurry, set off."

Open your eyes and see the self-sufficiency and Sasuke who have packed up the bag.

"It’s going to go so soon, let me sleep a little longer, very tired..."

Naruto muttered his mouth and said that he would close his eyes and fall asleep again.

I also saw the performance of Naruto, and I was very vocal in my heart. I immediately remembered Naruto’s face and shouted: “If you don’t get up, you will be thrown here, and I will go to Sasuke to find the hand, spiral pill. Don't even want to learn!"

Naruto woke up and jumped out of bed, hurriedly said: "Don't leave me alone, I must learn to screw pills!"

Seeing the performance of Naruto, the heart is also secretly in the heart, it seems that you have to give Naruto a little pressure, otherwise, with Naruto's root bone, there may not be much achievement in the ninjutsu!

The three men on the road, they also throw a slap in the water ball to Naruto, the water polo is like a balloon in the weekdays, Naruto looked at the puzzled and said: "Lose the fairy, give me this thing?" ”

He also said to Naruto: "This is to guide you to the practice of spiral pill. You first charge Chakra into the water polo, control it, and let the water flow in the water ball rotate. As long as you can do this, your spiral pill practice. It’s almost the same."

Really so simple? !

Naruto did not doubt that he was also self-study. He practiced according to the method that he had said in his own way. He carefully controlled Chakra to the inside of the water polo. The blue Chakra was filled with water polo quickly. The original transparent water polo became blue. As crystal lamps are crystal clear.


The water pistol in Naruto’s hand burst, splashing the scattered water, and letting Naruto’s clothes wet.

"Haha, you stupid, ask you to be careful to control, remember, be sure to maintain balance, so that the water polo is not broken." Come and laugh, and then pointed out Naruto's negligence Although it was wet by the water, Naruto had no complaints in his heart, and he had to go to another water polo and continue to cultivate.

This time, Naruto’s control of Chakra’s actions was a lot more careful. He succeeded in making Chakra full of water polo. When he was happy, he controlled Chakra to make it spin. Who knows, just as soon as it spins, the water polo can’t bear the sudden The Chakra airflow was broken.

Naruto was once again wet by the water, and now he became a chicken.

Sasuke looked at Naruto's performance in the back, and sighed in the heart. It was awkward. I don't know how he became so powerful in the original book, because the protagonist's aura is too strong?

Since I have also taught the skills of Naruto's spiral pill, Sasuke has been watching it from the back, and I have learned the control methods and construction principles of the spiral pill.

Curious under the heart, Sasuke tried the spiral pills.

After all, there is no need to seal the ninjutsu, the difficulty is almost small. Sasuke controls the fire property of the body. Chakra condenses the hand and rotates it in a spiral manner. In an instant, the red flame forms a vortex, a fiery Chakra gas mass condenses in the hand, and the silk flame surrounds the fireball. It doesn't matter.

I also saw the action of Sasuke, and I was shocked. Originally, he thought that Sasuke could not easily learn the spiral pill, so there was no suspicion and Sasuke was around.

I didn't expect Sasuke to just listen to it, I mastered the control technique of the spiral pill, and used the fire attribute Chakra to condense a different kind of spiral pill.

When did Sasuke learn the spiral pill? ! Naruto looked at the red spiral in the assistant, and my heart was not a taste. Is Sasuke really so genius?

Is this the gap between genius and the tail of the crane?

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