One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 162: Festival

Sasuke's impoliteness did not make the big snake pill resent, but it even aroused the desire to get help. For the first time in the junior years, some people talked to him like this. Perhaps it is a guilty conscience, and the interest of Sasuke in Sasuke is getting stronger and stronger.

"Well, I promise you." The big snake pill turned around. When he left, he left this sentence. Although simple, it was full of promise to Sasuke.

Looking at the figure of the big snake pill disappeared into the eye, Sasuke suddenly inexplicably smiled, big snake pill, next time it will not be easy to let go of you, when you find the magic, it is the day of your death!

After the snakes were completely gone, Sasuke went to the outline and smiled at the master. He said, "Sorry, my aunt, let the big snake pill run..."

Seeing that Sasuke is fine, he has a sigh of relief and touched Sasuke’s head. It’s like being kind to his brother. He said, “Well, you’re fine.”

At this time, I came over and snorted and said: "Sasuke, I don't know what you mean, but I hope you can do it yourself."

Leaving this sentence, I have left straight away.

Sasuke looked at the back of his own, and he was already aware of what was already in his mind? It’s true that it’s self-sufficient, and the observation is really strong.

In fact, the heart of the hand also understands the intention of Sasuke, but she does not say it. Although there are some practices against Sasuke, the trust in Sasuke still prevails. She knows that Sasuke’s reason for letting go of the snake must have his own. purpose.

When he came away, he sighed and said: "Sasuke, my aunt will stand on your side whenever you want."

"Aunt?" Sasuke does not know what the outline is.

In the eyes of the director, a touch of light is revealed, saying: "Sasuke, I know that you are responsible for the revival of Uchiha. This life is impossible to stay in the small world of Muye Village forever. But I hope that you can Remember that Konoha is good for you, remember your companions, and your aunt."

In the end, the hand of the hand was tight, and there seemed to be something to say, but it was still held back.

"Yes, my aunt, I will always remember that I am a member of Muye, and I will remember your words wherever I am." Sasuke nodded and looked solemn.

"Right, Sasuke I want to give you a present." The master suddenly grabbed Sasuke's hand and put a cold thing in his hand.

Release your hand and see a light blue necklace.

"Aunt, are you?"

The outline hand smiled and said: "I haven't worn this thing for a long time, just give it to you. Just do it and think about it." Looking at Sasuke, he stunned and said, "I will bring it to you." Let's go."

"Uh-huh." Sasuke nodded, no action against the hand, let her stay in her neck.

The cold touch of the necklace came, and Sasuke’s heart was inexplicably quiet. The world seemed to be cleaned at this moment.

"Well, it's quite right for you." The nodded his head and smiled. It was very beautiful. "Sasuke, no matter where you are, you must remember your aunt, never forget."

Sasuke touched the necklace on his chest and said softly: "Of course, my aunt, I will, always remember..."

The faint warmth is between the two. For a time, the heavens and the earth are fixed here. Perhaps, as Sasuke said, it will always be remembered...

The hand gives a necklace, and Sasuke knows the preciousness. This string of necklaces was originally preserved by Naruto. It has changed many times. The meaning of it is not only physical value, but also deeper. It is a kind of sustenance.

"Thank you."

Although the words are simple, this is what Sasuke can only express. The hand gives him the expectation. What he can do is to keep the necklace and accept her sustenance and expectations.

Sending a Sasuke necklace, speaking, this is also the beginning of the hand, this necklace is not around her, it will only increase the thoughts and sadness of the past.

The departure of the people around him, the defeat of the family, and the road to life of the master are also confused. Over the years, the master has been thinking about what is a ninja, what is the true meaning of the ninja. Many times of doubts and embarrassment, now, she finally returned to the original point, regain her own tolerance and protect the people she loves.

Let go of the burdens of the past and work hard to meet the new future. This is what the masters think. Therefore, the gift of the Sasuke necklace is to let him take on his own sadness, collect his own secrets, and guard his own grief. This is the key to the support of Sasuke.

The master made the appearance of the elders and touched the head of Sasuke. He said, "The little guy, the aunt will become a fire shadow. However, it is really annoying for those things. Hey, time is not early, go back soon."

Being touched by the master, Sasuke is depressed and feels like a devil. Even so, there is an impulse in my heart that I hope to continue this way. For the movement of the master, Sasuke is not disgusted.

Getting along with the master, there is a unique kind of peace of mind, and it is very similar to when you get along with Meiqin. It is the kind of feeling that you can attach and feel arrogant in front of her. Having said that, Sasuke will never make a spoiled action in front of anyone. It is a terrible thing to think about it.

Nodded, Sasuke and the master both flashed and disappeared into the depression. Only the chakra fluctuations in the air complained that someone had stayed here.

Back to the hotel, mute the familiar figure appeared in front of the hand, "Outline Master, you are back!" Silently ran over, grabbed the clothes of the hands, the look was very excited.

Seeing that there is nothing to mute, the heart of the hand is relieved, and he said: "I am You are fine."

"Outline Master..."

Mute knows that the big snake pill caught her in order to grasp the hand. From the mouth, she learned that the emperor had to fight with the enemy in order to save her. This kind of kindness was not rewarded. In order to save her, the hands of the family want to die, do not know how much danger she faced, saw a large piece of blood on the clothes of the hands, mute the heart, and actually cried.

Seeing the silence to make a childish performance, the outline of the hand is funny, touching the silent hair, comforting said: "Well, I am not coming back."

"But, for my sake, the master of the hand has been injured, so I can't forgive myself!"

Silently wiped the tears in my eyes and complained about myself.

"Oh, who made me your master?" The voice of the director is very calm, and it seems to be taken for granted.


Silently stunned, remembering that over the years, I have been with her in the hands of the hands, and my mind has floated thousands of thoughts.

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