One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 189: Festival

In the gaze of Fengyun princess, Naruto descended from the sky, and there was a lot of heroes to save the taste of beauty.

I noticed that Feng Yun Princess was watching him, Naruto had a heart to show off, and immediately hand-printed, multiple shadows!

Dozens of Naruto instantly surrounded the armored warrior, and with the screaming attack, a group of armored warriors were beaten to the ground by a man.

Princess Fengyun took this opportunity to raise the whip. He slammed the horse's ass, and the horse was suffering. He turned and fled under the control of Fengyun Princess.

Later, the armored warrior did not pay attention to Naruto, and the horse was chased in the direction of the escape of Fengyun Princess. They must bring the Fengyun Princess back!

When the armored warrior was stunned, Naruto immediately chased him up. In order to protect the idol of his heart, he used the fastest degree to catch up with the former armored warrior.

At a corner, the princess with a look of panic was chased by the armored warrior. Seeing that she was going to catch up with Fengyun Princess, the armored warrior pulled out a few bottles filled with butter.

Hey, the bottle just shattered under the horseshoe of Fengyun Princess. The large amount of butter leaked, the foot fell and the horse's hoof was unstable. After all, it fell to the ground. Under the inertia, the Fengyun princess flew out and saw that he would fall. Ground.

At this time, a huge ice mirror was formed, and the Princess Fengyun fell safely on the mirror without any damage.

"Thank you, white."

Along with the voice of Fengyun Princess, a black white woman appeared on the field, it was white!

In the face of the momentum of the crowd, white is not panic, the hands are sealed, ice mirror lotus!

In an instant, dozens of ice mirrors are formed in rotation, forming a Wanhua mirror-like shape that traps a group of warriors, Wanhua mirror rotation, strong sunlight reflection, and great light! All the people are dizzy and lose their fighting power. At this time, with a bang, the original Fengyun princess became the appearance of Sakura. Obviously, Sakura used a transformation technique to deceive a group of warriors.

Sasuke has been trailing behind Sakura and Shiroki. Seeing that they are easily trapping a group of warriors, they are very happy. It seems that their strength is quite good. In this case, they will be relieved later...

Did not continue to hide the body shape, the moment will come out, ready to help the two women to pack a number of warriors.

"What are you doing?"

An abrupt male voice came, and Kakashi, wearing a wooden leaf ninja suit, appeared on the field.

"Play time only." Sasuke turned around and looked at Kakashi, who was late, and said lightly.

Looking at the warriors who have been tied up, Kakashi said: "They are the principals of this mission..."


Sakura and white eyes flashed in a strange color, then, they chase the Fengyun Princess is...

Next to the river, I finally got rid of the chariots of the warriors chasing the horses and the horses on the trees. I was alone at the river, and my look was a little confused.

Really want to go back?

No, never face it again, you have already had enough, so scared, can’t go back with them, just evade it...

Suddenly, a male voice came, and there was a slight worry in the tone. "It's okay, Princess Royal Highness."

Who? Feng Yun Princess's heart is very strange, turned her head, but she saw the yellow boy who helped her, it is Naruto.

"How? My lines are good, haha." Naruto is a little excited, so close to his idol, his heart is very happy.

"My sister is His Royal Highness, I like your movie very much." Naruto then said, with a look of inquiries and excitement.

However, Fengyun Princess did not seem to have to take care of him. He stood up and, in the eyes of Naruto’s astonished, driving the horse, he would come to him.

In a hurry, Naruto hurriedly evaded, and when he was swaying, he fell into the river.

With a bang, a white smoke in the water, the Naruto is a avatar!

Fengyun Princess thought that she had got rid of Naruto, and the degree of driving the horse slowed down. At this time, a familiar voice came from her ear. "I saw my sister's movie, and I was full of energy."

Turning around, I saw the Naruto who pursued her. This guy! Princess Fengyun emerged with an annoying look, and quickly swayed, and Naruto was far behind.


The backward Naruto did not give up the thoughts of the slightest, rushing at the foot, using the strength of eating milk, turned out to be with the horse!

Looking at the Fengyun Princess in front of me, Naruto, the Princess of Fengyun, was not prepared, and immediately jumped on the horse.

Pulling the Fengyun Princess behind the clothes, he said: "My sister's riding is really first-class, it is the first actress of Muye, haha, I am a whirlpool Naruto, and I want to be a man of Naruto in the future, please advise!"

Did not take care of Naruto, Feng Yun Princess is still driving the horse forward, and the degree is getting faster and faster, the impact of the air flow makes Feng Xiu princess's show constantly afraid of playing in front of Naruto, a burst of incense will be surrounded by Naruto.

Is this the taste of my sister? Naruto is actually a little intoxicated in the incense, although knowing that this is very wrong, but the heart is still willing to continue this way.

Suddenly, there were a lot of passers-by in front of them. The horses were flying fast, and they were about to hit them. The Fengyun princess panicked and immediately stopped the horses. The horses screamed and the two fell to the ground.

Hey! Naruto's **** fell to the ground, there was no pain, and a heavy figure fell on him.

"Oh." Naruto screamed, but now Princess Fengyun is sitting on his body, feeling soft in his hand, he actually took the hip of Fengyun Princess.

Perceived by the strangeness underneath, the Fengyun princess instantly smashed, and the unnatural red clouds appeared on the face, gently leaving the Naruto.

At this time, the passers-by recognized the Fengyun princess, and the heart was excited, and they came over and asked for the signature of Princess Fengyun.

Among the passers-by, there are many children, and the child is under the nature, surrounded by the Fengyun Princess, said: "Princess Fengyun, give us a name." Said, all took out the signature file, long hands, Ask for a signature.

Seeing passers-by entangled, Feng Yun princess was impatient, immediately said: "I will not give you a signature, what is the significance? The most bundled up. Also, I am not called Fengyun Princess, my name, wind and snow! ”

Finished wind and snow and go to the sleeves.

Naruto looked at the wind and snow, the green figure was getting farther and farther, and he said: "Is it a good snow? It's a good name..."

Inside the crew, Kakashi took a few Sasukes and followed the director who filmed the film.

Sakura doubts: "A escort?"

"It’s not so much escort, it’s not to be sent." Kakashi said with a sinking look.

"Well, there is no way. The next shot is taken in a foreign country. However, the wind is the same, it can only be like this." The deputy director was somewhat hurt.

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