One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 198: Festival

Suddenly, the assistant is in the seal, the fire is burning.

The huge fireball chased away, the flame hit the hard train armor, the roar, the train trembled, the black wagon burned red, turned into a hot metal.


Nu Tao saw the people attacking, and now ordered to unload the trailer. Several people turned to the moving car, and the speed increased, and they evaded Kakashi's attack.

The train is getting farther and farther. For safety reasons, Kakashi orders not to chase, but what is ambushed in the event of a ambush.

Above the snow, the blushing blood sprinkled, and the red and white were mixed, which was even more bleak.

A group of fans had been following the hillside on the other side until the end of the battle. They showed their heads and looked at the cruel slaughterhouse. Everyone turned pale. A few minutes ago, they were still alive and kicking, but now they became incomplete. The body, cold, dead, **** eyes make people vomit.

Kakashi took the seventh class to check if there were any survivors. As long as they still had breathing, they all treated them. At this time, the role of Sakura was revealed, and the medical ninjutsu was learned. Superb, but still can often cure the dying wounded.

The crew of the crew also came down to help Kakashi to rescue the wounded. After all, they all contributed to saving a life.

Aside, Naruto supported the right hand of the fracture. Although it was very painful, she did not ask Sakura to take the lead in treating him. He knew that it was light and heavy. Moreover, Naruto’s self-healing ability is terrible, he can’t trust for an hour, and his right hand will definitely return to his original position.

Fenghua looked at the blood on the field, although the heart was very tormented, but there was no abnormal performance in her face. The pain that she experienced in childhood has made her forget the joys and sorrows, whether it is happy or sad, she will not be revealed on her face. Even a tear will not flow out.

"This is the result of not giving up. If you don't defy the anger, you won't have such a result..."

The sound of Fenghua can't hear the slightest feelings. Just like boiled water, what happens in front of me seems to have nothing to do with myself.

At this time, in the distance, the three seriously injured San Taifu, on the stretcher, the three Taifu breathing weak, intermittent, almost exhausted.

The crew of the crew put the stretcher of San Taifu on the side of Fenghua. San Taifu tried to open his eyes and looked at the expressionless expression. He said weakly: "His Royal Highness... I am sorry... let you get involved In the war, cough."

The three Taihufu, who is covered in blood, are reflected in the eyes of the wind. Looking at the dying San Taifu, there is finally a feeling of emotional volatility on the face of the wind, and he looks at San Tingfu more closely. He seems to want to hear more clearly. His inaudible voice.

"I...and everyone here...all because of the Royal Highness of the Princess, everyone insisted on it until now... Whether it is the past or the present...His Royal Highness is our Princess, my princess... the princess that my three husbands believe Your Highness, please believe... Believe in yourself... Everyone will regard you as hope..."

The sound became weaker, and the breath of San Taifu was red, like a return to the light, and he took a breath. The face of the three Taifu's blood was a smile, very kind, like a father to his daughter.

"His Royal Highness Princess... please... must not... cry..."

Struggling to finish, the three Taifu look dark, the light in the eyes gradually disappeared, the knife in the handshake was slamming, the breath was cut off, and finally, leaving the world...

Seeing that the three Taifu died, there was a trace of sadness in the eyes of the wind. "Really, the eye drops have not been held by you..."

Receive the eye drops that are still in the hands of the three Taifu, the wind is tight, San Taifu, feel free to go, although you can not cry, but at least can rely on this memory...

Sighing, the wind rose, looked around the crowd, said with a blank expression: "Is this satisfied? Continue to stay in this country, you will not be safe, let's go, go back."

Said, the wind turned and went to the snowmobile.

Seeing the wind to go, Naruto, who has been silent for Naruto, stood up and said loudly: "Go? Where are you going? Don't forget, here is your hometown, where you have to go before you defeat the anger go with?!"

When I heard the anger in Naruto’s words, the wind stopped, and I didn’t look back, my heart, haven’t given up yet? My mood, do you understand? !

"What do you know, this country has no spring, this is a country where even tears will freeze and the mind will be frozen!"

The sound is still plain and tasteless. It seems that everything has nothing to do with her. This sentence is like saying to Naruto, and it is like saying to myself, "Since then, my mood has already frozen, such me, you How to understand!"

Do not understand?

Naruto looked at the back of the wind, and there was a hint of pain in his eyes. Sure enough, the distance between me and her was far away. I really wanted to touch her heart. When will she reach her other shore?

At this point, Sakura couldn’t stand anymore, and San Taifu thought that she was dying, but she didn’t have any embarrassment or grief. She immediately said, “But, you can still go back at least? Is Mr. San Taifu always Stick to this, he died for you, don't you have any thoughts?"

Three Taifu...

Fenghua did not dare to look back. She was afraid to see the body of San Taifu and saw this kind of courtier courtier. Hesitated for a moment, and finally continued to rush to the side of the car.


Naruto shouted at the back.

At the foot of the wind, I still rushed to the other side.

"Wind flowers!"

Naruto catches up and grabs the windy hand and wants to pick her up.

"let me go!"

The wind and flowers are vigorously smashed, and they are free from the Naruto.

Wind flower! Seeing such a wind, Naruto’s heart suddenly showed a sense of disgust, and has been timid and Even if he cares about his death, there is no expression, no feelings, no enterprising heart. Is she really a person like this? !

Suddenly, the sound of the airflow from the cliffs in the distance was very abrupt, and the next moment I saw a huge dark motorboat flying up.

That is!

Naruto was too late to breathe, and looked at the motorboat in front of him. Naruto clearly saw a few ninjas wearing Chakra armor standing on top of it, the ninja of the country of snow. A strong sense of crisis emerges, dangerous!

The next moment, I saw a flying claw attacking, and in an instant, I took the wind and grabbed it. Under the force, it was dragged onto the motorboat!

It all happened in an instant, and everyone couldn’t react at all.

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