One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 225: Festival

However, it is not much to think about it, but after all, their companions are unclear. The most important thing now is to get to the companion as soon as possible, to help them, to solve the Konoha ninja, the last four, and a lot of return. Yin Ren Village!

In the forest, I don’t know when the wind started, and the sound of rustling formed the main melody echoing in the forest. After all, Zuo Jin and Duo are also on the Naruto.

After all, it was hostile, and the two sides just met and smashed.

Looking at the Naruto in front of him, his face was slightly condensed. He clearly remembered that there were five people in Naruto and his team. Now, there are only three people left. It is obvious that the two Konoha ninjas who played against Ghost Tongmao also Didn't come back, so that the battle between them is not over yet? Thinking of this, the left is slightly relieved, but there is still a uneasiness in my heart, I don’t know why, he always feels something is happening.

Many people also watched the Naruto and the other side, secretly running Chakra. She knew that there would be a deadly battle in the future. Maybe, she would really die. But she couldn’t manage that much, in order to complete the task, to rescue If you are a companion, what if you are dead?

Zuo Jin is also so thought, although it is very likely to die, but it is always hard work, even if they encounter Ghost Children under Huang Quan, they will not be worried.

Finally, the determination to die must be made. The left and the more are also moved. As if they are in the same spirit, they attacked Lumaru at the same time.

There is also a reason for choosing deer pills. They perceive that Chaka is not very strong, and he seems to be the leader in the team. If you kill the deer in advance, everything will be much easier.

The left and the more have not left, and the spelling mode is turned on. In order to solve the deer pill as soon as possible, they did not use the ninja, but adopted the most simple and effective physical attack.

The sudden anguishment of Zuo Jin and Duo You also made Naruto not reflect them. The deer pill, who has always been calm, lost his squareness at this time. He clearly felt the murderousness of Zuo Jin and Duo You, and forgot to resist it for a time!

"More than a fist!"

The left side whispered, and only a punch was made, but it seemed to be like four or five fists. The fists fell to the deer pill, and the huge force made the deer pill fly out.

At this time, it is the shuriken that is waiting for the deer pill.

Without any hesitation, the shroud of the sword was flowing, and the white light flashed. He saw Lumao rubbing his chest, and the red blood stained his clothes. His face was pale, his face was painful, and his body was crumbling.

Many people also want to give Lumaru a blow, and thoroughly knotted him. However, the rescue of Naruto and the teeth is rushed, especially Naruto. The hand of the spiral pill is extraordinary, and the powerful force makes the multi-core Surprised, did not dare to sloppy, then quickly left, and finally escaped.

"Lumao! You're fine!" Naruto didn't chase after him. He hurriedly helped Lulu to check his condition, but he saw a deep crack in the chest of the deer pill, spread over half of the left lung, and the blood was black and red.

Lumao was pale and somewhat asthmatic. It was obviously hurting the lungs. He only listened to him: "This injury is nothing, it will not kill you. You and the teeth will deal with them. I will hold it from the side, cough... ..." There was some urgency between the breaths, and the deer pill could not help but cough up.

"Lumaru, don't talk, they will hand it over to me and Naruto. You just stay here and watch it." The teeth tightened their fists and looked at them with a hateful look.

Putting the deer pill on the side, the Naruto and the teeth are constantly improving, and the companions are hurt by their own eyes, and their hearts are full of anger.

"Tooth, the woman gave it to you, and the other one gave it to me and solved them as soon as possible!"

Naruto screamed at the gums, and immediately rushed forward, and the hands were printed, and the multiple shadows were separated! In an instant, a dozen or so enthusiasm surrounded the left, and then, the storm-like fist attack shrouded the left, completely sealed off all his retreat.


Naruto whispered, and a straight punch hit the left and right chest. Next, it was a few punches, grabbing the belt near the left, and wrestling like a wrestling, falling to the ground, all the hustle and bustle, with the temporary suppression of the number Lived near.

At the same time, the side of the tooth is also merciless. When it comes up, it uses a tooth-toothed tooth, and the black giant whirlpool, with the sharp strength, let the multi-purpose and only dodge, continuous, will be more than the foot The trampled trees are destroyed.

This guy!

She is also very passive and she is not very good at melee attacks. It can be said that melee attacks are her weaknesses. She can’t use her own sound waves to attack her teeth. Defensive.

On the left side, facing the Naruto with multiple shadows, it is helpless. Zuo Jin wants to borrow the technique of parasitic right-handedness, but because he has too many avatars, he does not know that it is the ontology. There is only one chance. Once he has not chosen the correct target, he will be completely passive. The Naruto’s avatar completely restrains his ability to be close. It can be said now that he is completely beaten by the Naruto.

In the forest, both battlefields have dominated the wood leaf side, and the situation of Zuo Jin and Duo You is not optimistic. On several occasions, they have been caught weak and almost killed.

Looking at the left-handedness of being beaten by himself, Naruto snorted, no longer hesitating, and several condensed spiral pills at the same time. In an instant, a powerful whirlwind swept the audience, Naruto whispered, locked close The body, all the spiral pills swarmed up!

The powerful whirlwind airflow covers the space around the left body to form a gravitational field. It seems that there is a pulling force. It is actually that the body near the left is hit by a spiral pill.

Hey! Like a bomb burst, a loud bang, a powerful wind attribute Chakra forms a blue storm, sharp breath like countless swords left a scar on the left body.

Finally, the Chakra storm dissipated, but saw that the left side was lying on the ground, and the body was full of gas.

Just when Naruto was preparing to help the teeth in the past, he saw something that surprised him. The original airy chakra was dark and red, the first two eyes, the huge evil. Breathing breath!

Suddenly, the left and the broken body gradually cracked, like a single-cell biological division, and finally turned into two, it is close to the left and right!

The muscles of their bodies are smashed, and the skin becomes a hard, **** substance with a nail shape. It looks like a ghost.

"His change..."

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