One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 241: Festival

Xiang Pho knew what had happened, changed the peace of the past, and said with a serious look: "Come, go to the control room!"

Through the long corridor, gold and fragrant phosphorus reached the control room. At this time, there were several sounds in the control room. They were all administrators and were responsible for controlling the workbench here.

"How is the situation?"

Xiang Pho was immediately monitored and asked about the administrator.

"Adult, this time the situation is really critical."

The administrator was very nervous, and the sweat on his forehead dripped the monitor video from the phosphorous.

On the large LCD screen, there is a scene everywhere, divided into 13 parts. You can see that there is a surge of people under the monitoring of each place. A large number of monsters break open the door and head to the ramp. .

With the ability to perceive, Xiang Pho clearly saw a large blue torrent coming from all over, with a number of about one or two hundred people.

"There are so many people, is this all out?"

Xiang Pho bite his lip and immediately said: "Notify the headquarters here! Close the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th gates, all the garrison personnel are on call, never let this group of monsters escape from here Go out!"

Next, the phosphorous phosphorus was released in an orderly and orderly manner through the megaphone. All the sounds of the south base were taken from the command of the fragrant phosphorus, and they were ready to resist the riots of the monsters.

After releasing a series of orders, Xiang Pho was slightly tired and sat in the chair of the console. She looked worried. She naturally knew that the incident was serious. The monsters came out of the nest. With these people, they could not resist it. What she can do now is to delay the waiting for the rescue of the big snake pill.

At this point, a slightly gentle palm stretched over, holding the hand of the fragrant phosphorus, subconsciously looking, but seeing the gold of concern.

"Phosphorus, I will always protect you. If I am here, I will never let you suffer a little damage."

Phosphorus smiles slightly, although Kim is a person who is sent here to protect her, but for gold, Xiang Pho has a sister-like feeling.

"Well, the strength of Kim is very powerful, I believe you..."

Looking at the smile of Xiang Pho, Jin Zhi felt a warm flow across the heart. When I think of that person, my heart secretly swears, rest assured, I will protect her, this is the agreement between us...

"Brothers, rush, the world outside is welcoming us!"

The monster leader stood on the high platform and shouted, mobilizing for their once charge. The eyes of the leader contained a bloodthirsty color, which almost could not restrain the excitement. This riot was successful. As long as they broke through this door, they could leave here and leave this terrible hell.

"Is it visible? There is a gate in front. If you pass this place, no matter who can't stop us, we will be here. The world outside is ours. The countless money is for us to squander, glamorous and beautiful. The woman opened her thighs and waited for us. When I got out of here, everything outside was ours. Remember the days of being slain by others. If you are out here, you must let them double back!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The rest of the monsters responded with their voices, condensing the residual power in the body, preparing to charge again, using their Warcraft-like savage body to collide with this sturdy iron gate, biting with their teeth, rubbing their hands, pedaling, and doing everything. The front door is opened like this, although it costs a lot of power, and even is disabled, but as long as you can go out, what are these?

Inside the control room, the images on the display played the scenes where the monsters constantly hit the iron gate. The scent of the scented phosphorus was dignified. She completely underestimated the strength of the monsters and their determination. I did not expect to have broken the four in just four hours. Road lock line. You know, these blocked iron gates are cast with black iron, and can withstand at least a thousand tons of impact. However, they are still broken by this group of monsters. This power is really terrible.

This is the last defense. If it is broken, the consequences are really unimaginable.

The fragrant phosphorus is ordered immediately, and all the remaining sounds are mobilized, and the monsters are fully resisted, and they must be blocked here!

On the 10th gate, the remaining sounds constitute a wall that blocks the monsters' footsteps. Facing the imposing monsters, watching their bloodthirsty facial features, many people show cold sweat on their foreheads, hands and feet shaking, and the color of tension is self-evident. .

The monsters sneered, and these sounds were hard to bear in their eyes. They have the ability to endure, and it is natural to face only a group of guys whose strength is only tolerant.

"Brothers rushed, killing this bunch of chop!"

The monster leader screamed, and the monster group began to riot, like a wolf-like tiger rushing to the sound.

free! In order to be free, these monsters are twisted into a rope, broken through the flesh and blood, and the final resistance with a group of voices.

Like harvesting, a group of voices were killed under the monster's hand, limbs were broken, and the blood was broken, red blood, green bile, black mucus, blasting like a blast, and for a time, it became a **** on earth. Killing, slaughtering, tearing, swallowing, like evil spirits, like beasts, snoring, screams, one after another, one after another...

On the display, the screen has been stained with blood, and the visceral limbs are spread all over the place. The general scene of the slaughterhouse makes the fragrant phosphorus look white, and the fragrant phosphorus grabs the gold hand. It is anxious: "Gold, you can escape, here. It will soon be broken, and it will be late if you don’t leave."

Kim naturally knows that the situation is critical at this time, and he holds the phosphorus, and asks: "What about you? You can also go with me."

"No, I can't go. I am the manager here. I should be responsible for this riot. I can't just leave it before I suppress this rebellion."

Looking at the eyes of Xiang Pho Jin saw firmness and obsession from there, and sighed. She knew the scent of fragrant phosphorus. As long as it is decided, it will not change.

"I will accompany you, Xiang Pho, your life is protected by me. As your shield, I will never leave you."

Feeling the determination of gold, Xiang Pho’s heart trembled and said: “Why, this year, every time I am in front of me, is it just the order of the big snake pill?”

This sentence has been accumulated for a long time in the heart of Xiang Pho. Since the last riot, Jin She saved her life. Xiang Pho has always wanted to ask this question. According to common sense, even if it is the order of the big snake pill, gold can never be so. Dedicated to protect her, there must be embarrassment.

Xiang Xiang asked, Jin first stunned, and the young boy appeared in front of her eyes. In the forest, she swore to me, "I will use my life to protect her." 12971

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