One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 287: Festival

"Hey adults, your strength, I accept it with impoliteness, hey, you didn't expect me to do this."

The storm is still going on, and the sound of the sound is a bit harsh. "Yellow! You, the despicable villain, dare to swallow my strength!"

"Hey, adults, I waited that day ten years ago, but there was no chance. Now, haha, I finally got everything ready. For this day, I have been forbearing for too long."

Huang Quan relied on mystery to suppress the sly consciousness, and wilfully swallowed the power of the surging soul. This power of the soul contains a combination of the other half of strength, strong suffocation and resentment. Huang Quan intends to devour the power of the soul of the scorpion, and then use this force to once again seize the power of the scorpion body deposited in his body, and finally devour the entire cockroach.

Huang Quan’s idea is very good. This is his long-planned plan. Ten years ago, Huang Quan and some people liberated him from the seal. At that time, he also thought about the power of devour. However, at that time, he was not prepared enough. When he wanted to devour the power of cockroaches, he discovered that he could not suppress the powerful suffocation at that time. If he was swallowed, he might explode and die.

Finally, ten years later, Huang Quan practiced a mysterious technique, and he was stunned. With the help of this mystery, he finally succeeded in suppressing the ambiguous consciousness, and with this power he successfully resisted the powerful Unbelievable suffocation.

"Hey, let's rest assured, after your power is captured by me, I will fulfill your wish and build a powerful empire that will never fade. Now, you can rest assured that you are waiting for you in heaven. , haha..."

Huang Quan made a scream of laughter. He had already foreseen his own scene of sweeping the entire area with the power of terracotta warriors and horses. By then, he will be the king of all, the only **** in the world!

I have to say that Huang Quan is really ambitious at this time. He wants to be a god. After the Six Immortals, he becomes the most powerful **** in the world of tolerance!

Above the altar, Sasuke looked at the changes on the field with amazement. He did not think that Huang Quan had such ambitions.

"Is Huangquan and the armpits reversed?"

"The power of devouring cockroaches?" Sasuke's mouth twitched in a curve. "A clown like you wants to plunder the power of cockroaches? It's too naive!"


"Yellow, do you really think that this will succeed?"

The sound of the hustle and bustle came, and there was a sarcasm in the tone.

"Haha, I am not successful? You are a big man, your strength is pouring into my body, and I have suppressed your consciousness. Why do you fight with me now?!"

Huang Quan is very arrogant and thinks he has mastered everything.

"Oh, it’s too naive. Do you think that with the power of ninja, you can suppress my consciousness?"

With a smile, the whole body is running, and in a flash, the powerful suffocation hits the smashing seal of his own consciousness.


Like a paper paste, the seal formed by the smashing of the spirit is easily broken by the suffocating air. Immediately, a devastating force erupts from the body of Huang Quan, constantly destroying the organization of his body.

"What! Impossible!"

Huang Quan issued an incredible exclamation. "I have not sealed your consciousness? How could this be!"

"Huang Quan, human beings, how can the current ninjutsu suppress my power, just relying on the power system that does not flow in, but also want to suppress me as an ancient evil?" This is the common problem of your human beings, arrogance Self-righteous, you will pay a terrible price for your betrayal!"

The screaming laughter, the more intense suffocation broke out, and in a flash, Huang Quan was swallowed up by the purple-black air.

In the purple-black storm, Huang Quan was terrified. He felt that his power of life was continually lost, and it was almost necessary to cut off all vitality.

The more fearful in his heart, Huang Quan issued a cry for help.

"Hey adults, don't... don't do this to me... ah..."

"Hey adults... I know it's wrong..."

The vitality was taken, Huang Quan did not want to give birth, and issued a voice that almost prayed for generality. "I beg you... let me go this time... ah..."

"Hey, human, I have given you many opportunities. Don't think that the thoughts in your heart don't know. You have been plotting my power ten years ago..."

"Not like this... ah..."

Huang Quan still wants to argue, but he was interrupted by the beggar. "Human, you don't want to play tricks in front of me. I know everything about your mind. I didn't know what I pretended, and gave you so many opportunities. However, you are so greedy, you want to devour me, hey, this time, I will never let you go."

As he said, he increased the power of the outbreak, and the purple-black airflow that was raised on his body became more intense, and the near-substantial suffocation drowned him.


Huang Quan was even more painful. Finally, in a scream, he was completely eroded by the suffocating body. The original rapid decay, purple and black brilliance, but Huang Chun was instantly aging. Finally, in the powerful purple-black storm, the whole person became gravel. Falling to the ground.

Solved Huang Quan, the purple-black storm gradually stopped, and a tall, dark-haired man appeared there.

The man dressed in clothing that is inconsistent with the times is a bit like the unique costume worn by the rogues during the Warring States Period. When he saw it, he saw his black hair and waist. He was casually scattered behind his back. The pale face was very handsome and very evil. Among them, the body is full of purple and black suffocating, powerful and evil, like a peerless evil spirit from a foreign country.

"Is this what you are? It's really different."

Sasuke watched the changes on the field, faintly ran his own chakra, and began to guard against the embarrassment of the figure in front of him.

At this time魍魉 also looked at Sasuke and felt the unusual strength of Sasuke. He was a little surprised. He immediately said, "The kid, how is the power in your body, how can it break? The power of the magic power!"

When it comes to "the power of breaking the devil", the tone of the embarrassment is a bit cloudy, and it is self-evident that the power of the devil is very disgusting.

After all, the other party is a peerless demon, even if the strength is sharply reduced, Sasuke still dare not care, and is vigilant, saying: "Oh? Destroy the power of the devil? I have absorbed some of the power of the devil."

Sasuke did not hide it, as he said.

It has absorbed the power of the devil! ”

When I heard Sasuke’s words, my face changed. He naturally knew the metamorphosis of the power of the devil. Is it so easy to absorb the power of the devil?

We must know that the power of breaking the magic is the power of the witch's inheritance. It can be said that it is the most powerful force of the witch, even in the spiritual system is the top strength system. If you don't get the inheritance, you can't absorb it! Forcibly absorbed, it is bound to be eroded by the power of the devil, under the powerful force of the devil's power, even the gods will die because of physical exhaustion!

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